Thick and powerful, like the Eternal Life Palace, at this moment, he was also shaken by the huge power from his two arms, shaking slightly.

But that’s all, brute force alone cannot cause the slightest damage to the Eternal Life Palace.

The Eternal Life Palace is like the Sea Calming Divine Needle, always standing proudly at the center of this universe.

“A reckless man.”

Eternal Life Palace shook his head disdainfully, and let Demon Ox Great Saint do it. This was a waste of energy.

“Shut up, I want to kill you.”

Demon Ox Great Saint blushed with anger and his neck was thick, and a terrifying big foot suddenly lifted, condescendingly towards Eternal Life The Eternal Life Palace above the Palace stepped down fiercely.

However, before his big foot fell on the spiritual head of Eternal Life Palace, a faint light curtain bloomed across the entire Eternal Life Palace, blocking his big foot with a bang. .

The light curtain seemed extremely thin, but it was extremely tough. No matter how hard Demon Ox Great Saint’s big feet exerted force, it would be difficult to crush it.

Chapter 1213 is called Star Domain! Twelve Spirits!

Eternal Life Palace, since ancient times, has a large formation guard.

This array is left by the lord of Eternal Life Palace. The spirit of Eternal Life Palace spent his life’s efforts to build it. It is called Zhoutian Stars Great Array. It has super defensive power and is as strong as the Great Saint level. The powerhouse is also difficult to break.

Of course, no matter how strong the shield is, it is not invulnerable. If there are enough powerhouses at the Great Saint level, the Stars Great Array on Sunday will be impossible to resist for too long.

“It’s worthy of being the First Temple of Eternal Age, this Defensive Great Array is so amazing!”

“What should I do, can’t we attack together?”

“Strike is the next The next move is that this array can absorb the energy of the stars in the universe. As long as we isolate the surrounding Star Domain, it will be difficult to recover.”

There is no shortage of array experts in the Great Saints, and you can see through the week at a glance. The mystery of the Sky Stars Great Array, the formation of any large array cannot be separated from a certain specific energy. As long as the large array is blocked from a certain energy from the outside world, the large array will completely become an empty shell.

No matter how hard this empty shell is, it will eventually have to be destroyed if it cannot be supplemented by external energy.

“Amitabha, why should your Excellency persist in your own wrong doings?”

The sage Qi Tian Buddha put his hands together and recites the Buddha’s name lightly, and his body is full of compassion.

This kind of compassion is immense. Even some of the vicious Demon cultivators present can not help but rise in courage, love, care and other kind thoughts.

Obviously, this is the Great Divine Ability, a kind of Buddhism that pursues sentient beings and makes people good.

In Boundless Starry Sky, there are countless Buddhist cultivators and countless Buddhist dojos. Every day, Buddhists can recite Buddhist scriptures and teach people to do good and accumulate virtue.

Based on this, Buddhism can also be regarded as one of the traditional orthodox religions in the universe, but although the Tao is right, it does not mean that the heart is also right, not to mention that the human heart is still fickle.

Therefore, there are a lot of deep-minded people in Buddhism. On the surface, they pursue self-cultivation, but once they encounter the contending fortune, they will immediately turn the Buddha into a demon and kill them.

The so-called letting go of the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha is just a scene. However, any cultivator, whether it is the right way or the evil way, pursues the supremacy of interests and respect for power.

“No matter how strong the big formation is, it will eventually be breached. Why don’t you just stop here and sit down with me and others. With the background of your palace not bad, this is one drop of eternal water?”

The Qitian Buddha has a kind eyebrows and good eyes, solemn appearance, and continues to open the mouth and said.

“This matter has not been discussed.”

Eternal Life Palace waved his hand, unaffected by it.

The Qitian Buddha brows tightly frowns. He originally wanted to transform the spirit of Eternal Life Palace, but didn’t expect the spirit of Eternal Life Palace to be so great, and simply couldn’t.

Many Demon ghost cultivators were present. Under the influence of Qitian Buddha’s voice and compassion, their hearts have begun to struggle violently.

In this world, no matter how fierce people are, there will be good thoughts in their hearts, but they are covered by Evil Thought.

The words and deeds of the Qitian Buddha can guide the imperceptible benevolence in the hearts of evil people.

“Old Qi Tian, ​​what are you doing?”

Demon Ox Great Saint and many of the Great Saints of Demon’s ghosts found that something was wrong, all of them were angry.

With their cultivation realm, naturally they are not afraid of this kind of compassion and the sound of Buddhism, but the followers under them cannot bear it. The worst result is being transformed. All become Qitian Buddhas.

“Everyone, don’t be impatient!”

The Qitian Buddha saint slightly smiled, and dissipated the compassionate air from his body. This is also the drawback of the Buddha, Taoism and magical powers. Once the magical powers are transported , Invisibly will send out a breath of compassion.

“hmph, you’d better not secretly move your hands or feet.”

Demon Ox Great Saint coldly said, the Buddhist Taoist cultivator is already good at mysterious techniques, and will spend some time all year round. The Demon cultivator of killing people like scything flax makes him the most loyal lackey of Buddhism.

“Great Universal Crossing Dhyana Light, seal!”

The Monkey King did not pay attention to Demon Ox Great Saint. He waved back with one hand and shot out between his fingers. A touch of Buddha’s radiance.

This Buddha’s radiance, the so-called Great Universal Crossing Dhyana Light, not only can be used to transform people’s hearts, but also has an incomparable blocking power.

“Little Buddha’s radiance, I also want to ban my Sunday Stars Great Array, you are too arrogant as a polite pseudo-Buddha.”

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