But it’s not over yet. What makes everyone breathe in cold air is that Yang Xuan lifted up his fresh blood dripping at this time, leaving only half a breath of the surrounding area, striding towards the meteor Zhouyi and the others.

“Go, go, he is the devil!” Zhou Yi turned around and fled.


A group of Zhou Family guards are also scared the soul flew away and scattered, one by one flew away and scattered with Zhou Yi, they are really terrified, Yang Xuan’s strength Not only is it strong, but the method is so cruel, it makes them fear to the extreme.

Run, run away quickly, otherwise you will definitely be killed by that kid.

At this moment, everyone used all one’s strength to escape Yang Xuan far away.

“Leave it all to Young Master.”

With a loud shout, Yang Xuan ran into the shadows, fast as lightning catching up.

pa pa pa, bang bang bang!

The two Zhou Family guards who took the lead have cracked bones and spurted blood in their mouths. They were involuntarily smashed by Yang Xuan. Flying out, other people were not spared, and Yang Xuan crashed to the ground without escaping.

The crowd have one’s hair stand on end, a weakly crowned boy with only Ningyuan Realm 5 Heavenly Layer, holding an expert of Real Realm 2 Heavenly Layer in his hand, knocking a group of Zhou Family guards down and flying, This scene is really shocking, and it is difficult for anyone who sees this scene to feel calm.

At this moment, even after seeing the thunder of winds and waves, his face was moved, and he said bluntly: “Who is this child? The strength is so powerful that he can be called an evildoer!”

As an expert of the 10th Layer of True Gang Realm, Lei Ming has seen too many geniuses, but to this day, he has only discovered that the geniuses he has ever met can’t be considered geniuses.


In just a dozen breaths, the one-sided battle is over, and there is a wailing on the dock. A group of originally fierce Zhou Family guards are dead and cruel. , Blood everywhere.

But the worst thing was Zhou Fang. When Yang Xuan threw him to the ground, he was already inhuman and bloody.

As for Zhouyi, this guy is not dead, and is now being stepped on by Yang Xuan, unable to move.

Seeing this situation, many people slid their throats, secretly mentioning Zhou Yi’s cold sweat.

Yang Xuan looked down at the Zhou Yi under his feet, if there was no one beside him: “How are you going to die?”

“Don’t, don’t kill me, I, I know I’m wrong, never again I’ve got revenge on you.” Zhou Yi’s voice trembled, and he was already incontinent with fright.

Smelling the stench coming from the nose, Yang Xuan yelled, “Even the poop and urine are scared, you are really a waste.”

Hearing this, the crowd was speechless. Many people ask themselves, if they change their identities with Zhou Yi at this moment, they may not be scared out of shit.

“Yes, yes, yes, I am a trash, you, please let me be a trash.” Zhou Yimeng nodded, in order to survive, he also sacrificed himself, no dignity .

Even, he swears in his heart that he will never be arrogant again.

At this time, Lei Ming, frowned, also spoke: “Young man, if one can let people off, then spare them, what he said is also Zhou Family Young Master. If you kill him, Zhou Family will definitely I won’t let go.”

“Give me the storage ring.” Yang Xuan ignored the thunder and said to Zhou Yi.

“Okay, okay, I’ll give it to you, what else do you want, you can also tell me, as long as you don’t kill me.” Zhou Yi didn’t dare to refuse, and took right away in a panic Hand the storage ring on the index finger to Yang Xuan.

“Well, performance is good, I will give you a happy one.”

“Ah, you, you want to kill me!?”

“Of course , I didn’t say that I would let you go.”

While speaking, a heart-piercing scream sounded, Zhou Yi died and was trampled to death by Yang Xuan.

At this moment, the audience keep quiet out of fear, deathly quiet.

The crowd’s necks seemed to be tightly strangled by something, it was difficult to make a sound, and they did not dare to make a sound. They were all shocked by Yang Xuan’s very ruthless means. This is a human being. Kill the gods.

Under the awe-inspiring gaze of the crowd, Yang Xuan’s face was indifferent, with vitality running within the body, cleaning the bloodstains of the body, then flew up and landed on the Star.

Seeing him boarding, many passengers all backed away, treating him like a scourge.

There is only one person, thunder, and strode to Yang Xuan’s body: “Young man, you are cruel!”

“No way, I want to be in this cruel The world survives, only if it is more ruthless than the enemy.”

“That’s what I said, but if you kill Zhou Yi, Zhou Family will never let you go. Of course, you can rest assured, as long as you are still in my Star Chamber On the Star of Commerce, Zhou Family dare not touch your half hair.”

“many thanks.”

Yang Xuan hugged the cup one fist in the other thunder. hand, stepped to the side of Manba and Situ Yan,

“Brother, nice job!”

Manba haha ​​smiled, and stretched out his calloused hand heavily patted Yang On Xuan’s shoulder, their clansman was born to be a warrior who was born to fight. They like Yang Xuan’s melee combat.

“Cough cough, let the big brother laugh.” Yang Xuan has some contorts one’s face in agony, this guy is very strong, and he has a strength of 1000 Jin in one hand.

This is still Yang Xuan wearing Steel Muscles Iron Bones. He has strong fighting ability. If he becomes a common martial artist, he can’t bear it. He will be slapped and slapped by the bully on the spot.

“Excessive modesty is hypocrisy, you are indeed very strong!” Situ Yan said indifferently.

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