Demon Ox Great Saint’s heart was bleeding, and his anger reached the extreme. Just as he was about to continue his shot, a powerful and majestic force suddenly burst out under the Eternal Life Palace.

As soon as this power came out, Time and Space seemed to stop, and all the Great Saint’s methods Heavenspan trembled.

Under Chapter 1220, under the destiny, Saint also has to bow his head!

“This is…”

The Great Saints are tight, this kind of power is too strong, in the dark, there seems to be a pair of eyes, passing through them The body, wantonly peeping at everything about them.

The thoughts and thoughts in their hearts, and even the memories of the past, are hard to hide, and they are looked at from start to finish by those mysterious eyes.

This kind of feeling is like a woman standing naked in front of the other person, letting the other person look at it casually.

The most annoying thing is that they can’t resist, they can only submit to humiliation, and the more uncomfortable they feel, the more uncomfortable they feel.

“It can’t be wrong, this is the breath of destiny!”

“Damn, destiny has been silent for so many years, why do you wake up at this moment!?”

“It’s over, we shouldn’t have come here, now it’s okay, I’m afraid we can’t go if we want to go.”

All Great Saints are invariable, destiny is destiny, and destiny is controlled by everyone. Unstoppable, the force that cannot compete with it.

“I kill all my life, never respect the gods of heaven and earth, let alone believe in fate.”

Demon Ox Great Saint roared violently, but obviously lacking in spirit, he was also mad. Don’t want to be led by fate.

“Amitabha, mercy, my Buddha established three thousand buddha realms, in order to universalize sentient beings, let sentient beings have their hearts and be dependent on death, this is great merit, great deeds, and destiny. This fact cannot be erased either.”

“The foundation of my Taoist set up Sect is also to uphold the destiny and aim to teach sentient beings.”

The Qitian Buddha and Great Saint also spoke. Now, the two of them have a solemn appearance, a compassionate look, and a strict righteousness, and they chant Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable.

“It’s undeniable that you both Buddhism and Taoism have done a lot of good things for the sentient beings of heaven and earth. However, the establishment of a sect in the universe does not mean that you are adhering to the destiny, but the destiny is ultimately the destiny. It is independent, regardless of being changed by the will of others.”

An indifferent voice sounded, and then an ancient and grand wheel, like a gradually raised sun, slowly appeared in Eternal Above the Life Palace, what is it if it is not Wheel of Fate?

“haha, old white, old white, you are finally here.”

Eternal Life Palace laughed, and when the god of destiny joined in, everything became It’s very simple.

“Even if I don’t come, these guys may not have won you.”

The god of fate is the Wheel of Fate. The two are not separated from each other. They are born as a whole. While the God of Fate spoke, the Wheel of Fate had already begun to spin quickly.

Every time it turns, there are bursts of stormy sea sounds. It is the sound of the river of destiny rushing and flowing. Although naked eye cannot be seen, its sound resonates throughout the universe.

“The destiny has awakened, and I don’t know whether it is a blessing or a curse.”

“Ai, Heavenly Dao is inhumane and regards everything as a dog, we can only take one step and count one step. “

At this moment, in the vast universe, many immortal dao powerhouses felt something, and sighed involuntarily.

Destiny sinking is a good thing, at least many people are happy to see it.

But now that the destiny is awakened, the order of heaven and earth will undergo another change, which will eventually lead to unpredictable results.

Path of cultivation, originally meant to walk the heavens-defying road, is not affected by the destiny all the time. If the destiny wants you to die, no matter how hard you struggle, it will be difficult to survive.

Its representative is Heavenly Tribulation. Every time Heavenly Tribulation descends, it is a punishment imposed by the destiny on the cultivator. The higher the cultivation base, the heavier the punishment. Naturally, the formidable power of Heavenly Tribulation is also The stronger.

See how many sages shouted to defying heaven changing fate, but in the end they could not escape the control of fate, and completely turned into fly ash under Heavenly Tribulation.

“Wheel of Fate, this is the legendary Wheel of Fate!”

“The situation is not good, what should we do?”

“What are we afraid of , Can it still kill me?”

Destiny cannot be violated. At the same time, destiny is like a bystander and will not arbitrarily intervene in the affairs of the world, and the existence of destiny is only a kind of monitoring , Can not kill wantonly.

However, all the Great Saints have expression graves. Even if some people don’t think that the fate will bring down heavenly punishment, they still can’t calm down in their hearts.

The gears of destiny have begun to turn, which means that the destiny has truly awakened, and the existence of destiny is like a shadow over their hearts, and each feels that there is an additional shackle in their bodies.

The shackles are not removed, and the heart is hard to feel at ease. Therefore, whether it is Demon Ox Great Saint, Qitian Buddha Saint, Daomen Great Saint, and many other Great Saints, their faces look extremely ugly.

To make them bow their heads to fate is more uncomfortable than killing them.

Any strong man who can cultivation their realm is someone who can easily be subdued?

Even in the face of destiny, they always have a trace of arrogance in the bones.

“Of course it’s not possible to kill you all. I’m also impossible to do that, but you, yes, it’s you. It seems that the day of your ninth Heavenly Tribulation is not far away.”

On Wheel of Fate, an old face suddenly appeared, and said to the most ferocious Demon Ox Great Saint indifferently.

“What do you want!?”

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