“Let’s all go.”

The God of Destiny waved his hand, and immediately added, “Of course, you can go, but you have to leave something behind. Hiding them, each will leave behind the most precious treasures on the body.”

“bully intolerably.”

Many Great Saints are angry, this is simply Chi Guoguo. Robbery, but they could not refuse, even tried to resist.

As strong as Demon Ox Great Saint, they can only abandon a Divine Monster Flower to save their lives. How can they dare to challenge the destiny?

“What should I do?”

Qi Tian Buddha looked at the Great Saint, his face was full of unwillingness.

“What else can I do? Turn it over.”

The Dao Sect Great Saint shook the head helplessly, and then threw the Dao Sword in his hand to the God of Destiny.

This Taoist sword is a powerful Taoist Supreme Treasure. In the 7-Layer space in the sword, there are many Taoist magical techniques.

These magical secret arts are all carved on the sword in the Taoist stele. Even the Great Saint cannot take away the Taoist stele, let alone erase the inheritance on it.

He also has no choice. After all, the God of Destiny has insight into people’s hearts. If he randomly takes out a treasure, it will be difficult for him to really fool him.

“The Seven-Star Dao Sword is the Taoist Sect Protecting Treasure. This old Dao is crazy…”

Qi Tian Buddha’s heart is not calm, he knows that the Seven-Star Dao Sword is opposite to the Dao Gate Great Saint What does it mean with the entire Taoism, and knowing this, he felt that the Taoist Great Saint was crazy.

“It’s your turn, what are you going to leave behind, the old monk?”

The God of Destiny took the Seven-Star Dao Sword and turned his attention to the Qitian Buddha.


The Qi Tian Buddha was tight, and subconsciously touched a string of brilliance and restrained simple rosary beads on his wrist.

“Hand it over, I’ve seen this pearl before. That person is not only a higher cultivation base than you, but also a true Buddhist saint with great wisdom. Unlike you, he is messed up for profit. Buddha nature.”

The god of destiny.

“Your Excellency has seen the Buddha of the West Heaven?”

The Buddha of the West Heaven is the ancestor of the Thousand Buddha Sect of the West Heaven. The rosary in the hands of the Holy Buddha is the Buddha of the West Heaven died during meditation. The moment left by the occasion, the last chance fell into the hands of Qitian Buddha.

Before getting this rosary, Monkey King was just a little novice monk in the temple, and the cultivation base was only True Immortal Realm, but it was this rosary that made his destiny reversed.

From the little novice monk, to the temple host, to the sage of the Buddha, worshipped by countless Buddhists, everything depends on the benefits of this rosary.

It can be said that without this string of beads, there would be no him today, and the beads have become his most cherished thing.

“Not only did he see him, but he also gave his favor at the beginning, but unfortunately he failed to take the last step.”

The god of fate is lightly sighed, and the Buddha of Xitian The great ambition, great wisdom of the Buddhist Dao Saint, who established the three Thousand Buddha Sect in the past, is also upholding the destiny.

But with the passage of time, the three Thousand Buddha Sects are no longer the three Thousand Buddha Sects that were used only for the Purdue of sentient beings.

All these are fickle because of people’s minds. Driven by interests, chaos is unavoidable in the three Thousand Buddha Sects.

For example, the Qitian Buddha is the representative of the middle of the representative. This person seems to cultivated the meditation of pursuing sentient beings, but there is not much Buddha-nature in his heart. Even if he has, he has only once possessed it, at least now he is just A pseudo-Buddha dressed in Buddha’s clothes and polite.

“This bead is my Buddhist sacred relic, can you look at the face of the Buddha of Xitian, let me change something else?”

Sage Buddha asked with a frown.

“You don’t deserve to have this pearl. If you don’t pay it, I will chant the rebirth curse, which will provoke the fire on your body and completely eliminate all the filth in your heart.”

“impossible , How can you use the Buddha’s death curse of the West Heaven!?”

The death curse can save the souls of the dead and eliminate all sins. If the Qitian Buddha has a clear conscience, he will naturally not be afraid of this curse, but he I have a guilty conscience and dare not try easily.

Once sins provoke karmic fires and are as powerful as him, they may also be buried under the raging fires of karmic fires. There is absolutely no possibility of survival.

“In the past, I can forget all the sins and karma. I only hope that you can hold a true kind heart in the future to wash away all the sins from you.”

hearing this, what else can Qitian Buddha say? He had no choice but to hand over the rosary without giving up.

Chapter 1222 Prove Taoism for immortality, understand Taoming Heart Sutra!

Buddha has three sins, namely the three evil karma of body, mouth, and mind. Among them, the bad karma of body and mouth is driven by the mind and evil, so the mind and evil are the most important and the biggest evil karma.

The so-called evil is the evil of the heart.

If you have a guilty conscience, you will be incomprehensible.

A person who has a guilty heart but does not know how to repent, is completely occupied by desires, and eventually goes toward destruction.

For example, the Qitian Buddha, his will and evil is the supremacy of interests, in order to pursue the legendary path of eternal life, in order to be worshipped by innumerable living beings, he can abandon everything, that is, killing all beings, he will not be frowned.

Buddha, also has anger, but he can’t kill indiscriminately. Killing for the sake of killing is even more evil and evil. The Qitian Buddha hasn’t reached this step yet, and he is saved, otherwise the god of destiny is early Just obliterate it.

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