Obviously, he has to fight hand-to-hand to suppress and kill his opponent with a powerful fleshy body.


The horse-faced man roared, displayed his fascinating skills, raised his palm, and the cold broke out in his palm, like a flash flood. He slapped Yang Xuan with a palm to kill Yang Xuan.

“Nine Extremes Collapse!” Yang Xuan was fearless, punching his fist.

With a bang, his power is too great, especially when he used Jiu Ji Beng, which looks like a punch, but is actually a nine punch, like a hot knife through butter. Shake away all the cold air, and kill the opponent.


The horse-faced man is already a little bit shy, afraid to be tough with Yang Xuan, an extremely perverted boy with a fleshy body, moves his feet and retreats back.

“The three chiefs were actually repelled!”

A group of bandits were indifferent. They didn’t see too clearly, they thought that the horse-faced man was knocked back by Yang Xuan.

The face of the horse-faced man is ugly, and he can’t wait to slap a bunch of trash behind him. What is it that he has been repelled? I obviously don’t want to fight with the guy opposite.

At the same time, he has a numb scalp. Yang Xuan’s fleshy body alone can pose a threat to himself. If he uses his vitality, he still has to confess his life here.

Thinking of this, his fighting intent dropped sharply, and the expressions all looked towards Yang Xuan had a touch of fear.

“Are you scared?” Yang Xuan looked at his words, and suddenly smiled.

“Damn it, who is afraid.” The horse-faced man is flustered and exasperated.

“Really, then fight with me.” Yang Xuan yelled wildly and used a shadow to escape, appearing in front of the horse-faced man at an extremely fast speed.

“Sword technique!”

At this moment, as the golden light sword is unsheathed, Yang Xuan’s entire imposing manner has changed, extremely sharp, if one Like a peerless sword, the imposing manner is strong, and it’s inspiring.

The horse-faced man was shocked and avoided him. A cold sword light wiped his throat like a knife, making him startled in a cold sweat.

Just a bit, he just died and was sealed by Yang Xuan a sword seals the throat.


Yang Xuan’s miss was completely expected. After all, the opponent was an expert of 2 Heavenly Layer in the realm of the realm, and he was retreating in the horse face man. At the same time, he moved sideways and swung his golden light sword to launch a fierce attack.

Dang! when! when!

A series of dazzling sparks splashed and the sound was extremely harsh. The horse-faced man drew his sword and fought Yang Xuan close, but the Yang Xuan sword technique was sharp and comprehended the half-step sword intent, how could he stop it? Can survive Yang Xuan’s strong wind and swift rain-like attack.

In an instant of effort, he couldn’t stop him, and he was losing.

“pu chi!”

Suddenly, another fight at close quarters, this time Yang Xuan made a tricky sword, a sword lifted the attacking long sword, fiercely penetrated The horse-faced man’s right shoulder, accompanied by the sound of broken bones, the horse-faced man’s face turned white, enduring the severe pain and backing away.

However, Yang Xuan swiftly followed and continued to attack him irreconcilable.

Chapter 127 No one can beat

“Swordsmen, need to be sharp and fearless, it would rather break but cannot be bend, and you are not worthy to use a sword. “

Yang Xuan imposing manner is like a rainbow, the more fights the more brave is, a set of basic sword techniques, very ruthless, and a half-step sword intent, the lethality is even more amazing, horse The man with the face blocked a few swords, and was stimulated by Yang Xuan’s words, and he was suddenly angry.

“bang!” He slashed the long sword in his hand, and the sword energy screamed, trying to fight Yang Xuan.

“It’s now!”

Yang Xuan’s eyes are light flashed, and he finds a weak spot. A scarlet gold flame breaks through the sword energy, and then people walk with the sword and stab at it. The horse-faced man’s chest is incredibly fast.

The horse-faced man turned pale with fright, subconsciously sideways, avoiding this fierce sword.

However, he could avoid the golden light sword, but he could not avoid the fist of Yang Xuan coming one after another.

this fist, Yang Xuan made the collapse of the nine poles, and spurred the flame Martial Spirit, punched out, the flame on the fist was condensed but not scattered, momentum is big, power is deep, the horse-smashing man With only a bang on his chest, the horse-faced man exploded on the spot and turned into a rain of blood.

“How could it be that the three chiefs died!” A group of bandits were shocked. They were still hesitant to come up and help, but Yang Xuan killed their three chiefs in just a few breaths. Up.

“Quickly retreat, this child is too strong and invincible. Only the second leader and the big leader can deal with him.”

Someone screamed, turned and fled, running fast.

“Go, hurry!” The others returned to their souls and fled.

Yang Xuan expression is indifferent, and did not pursue, just waved, one after another half-inch-long scarlet gold sword energy, and shatter void, like a dazzling rain, looks like rays of light dazzling, but With a fatal danger, the dozen people who escaped the slowest were pierced by sword energy on the spot, violent death.

“Too strong, how did he cultivation!?”

Situ Yan was dumbfounded and completely stupid. Yang Xuan showed strength at this moment than against Zhou Yi and the When others are more than twice as strong, especially those scarlet gold sword energy, they are extremely sharp, killing people is like cutting melons and vegetables.

“This guy can only be good, absolutely not offend!” Situ Yan bit her red lips lightly, and has classified Yang Xuan as an incurable existence.

Yang Xuan didn’t know what Situ Yan thought, one hit instant kill a dozen people, he strode forward, and emitted sword energy as he walked, slaughtering the bandits who fled in embarrassment like cutting wheat.

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