However, Fire Cloud Sword is different. This sword attribute is consistent with Yang Xuan. Yang Xuan uses this sword to spur the Martial Spirit or Fire Yuan Qi, not only does not constitute the slightest Damage, his battle strength will also be greatly increased.

“Brother Mo, this sword is too expensive, the kid can’t bear it.”

In a pool pavilion, Yang Xuan arched his hand towards the blue robed old man in front of him, and held the Fire in his hand. Cloud Sword handed back.

“What do Young Master say, this time thanks to your righteous action, otherwise our Star Chamber of Commerce will lose a lot.” The blue robed old man waved his hand and squeezed the Fire Cloud Sword into Yang. Xuan’s hands.

The blue robed old man is not someone else, it is Mo Yun.

As the branch leader of the Chamber of Commerce in Yongzhou City, Mo Yun’s cultivation base is not low, reaching Vientiane Realm 8 Heavenly Layer, but facing the enchanting genius young man Yang Xuan, he has nothing to do. Vientiane Realm expert’s shelf.

Not only that, but the words are quite kind to Yang Xuan.

“If that’s the case, then many thanks.” Yang Xuan did not pretend to be anymore, and accepted the Fire Cloud Sword. He knew well that he knew that Mo Yun wanted to make friends with himself, otherwise he would count Ten thousand low grade stones is enough, why give out Fire Cloud Sword.

“haha, is this the right thing? The so-called sword with hero, Young Master will be able to become famous sooner or later with this sword.” Mo Yun said with a smile heartily.

“Brother Mo praised it.” Yang Xuan laughed, and said, “However, I have to apologize to Brother Mo for something.

“Oh, what’s the matter? “

“It’s nothing, the kid’s real name is Yang Xuan, not Fang Yun. “

“Yang Xuan, the young murderer in Fengyun Gorge! Hehe, no wonder, I just said where there are so many talents on Stars Island. Didn’t expect Young Master to be the young hero who shines in Fengyunxia. “

After a short half-day of rectification, Lei Ming recruited some guards and crew from the Star Chamber of Commerce branch in Yongzhou City, and the Star also sailed out of Yongzhou City. Drive all the way to the imperial city Collecting Clouds City in Luo Yunguo, the terminal.

Yang Xuan did not go to Collecting Clouds City. When the Star arrived in Jianglin Town, he and Manba disembarked.


As for Situ Yan, this woman also got off the boat, but both Yang Xuan and the barbarian regarded her as a transparent person, which made Situ Yan feel depressed.

Neither did she After staying in Jianglin Town for a long time and bidding farewell to Yang Xuan and Man, he left Jianglin Town alone and rushed to look at Moon Sect.

The Three Great Sects are all located on the edge of the mountain range of Mang Cang. The distance between Seven Mysteries Sect and Wang Moon Sect is not far away, and the distance between Seven Mysteries Sect and Wang Moon Sect is less than 50 li.

As Situ Yan left, the barbarian also left, ready to enter the mountain range experience. Some days, waiting for the secret realm of the ancient gods to open.

Yes, the secret realm of the ancient gods is located deep in the mountain range of Mang Cang, but there are strong restrictions. Unless the secret realm is opened, no one can enter.

Looking at the bully riding the horse away, Yang Xuan did not delay, and hurried to Seven Mysteries Sect.


“Yang Xuan Senior Brother Good! “

“haha, Senior Brother, you are back. “

As soon as he stepped into the Seven Mysteries Sect gate, Yang Xuan came across many Outer Disciples who patrolled the mountain. After seeing Yang Xuan, these people shouted Senior Brother one by one, respectfully.

Yang Xuan is indeed their Senior Brother. After all, his cultivation base has reached the 5 Heavenly Layer of Ningyuan Realm.

Of course, the reason why they are so respectful is definitely not because Yang Xuan’s cultivation base is because of Yang Xuan’s name.

Young Killer God!

Now that the news has spread, everyone on Stars Island knows Seven Mysteries Sect gave out a terrific young man, one person one sword slaughtered in Fengyun Gorge. I don’t know how many slaughtered Nine Nether taught young experts.

Yang Xuan didn’t say a word, and turned to more than ten patrols. After Shan’s discipline was slightly nodded, he strode away.

He was going to the outer sect main peak Elder Palace to report and ask about promotion to Inner Disciple.

Seven Mysteries Sect, an Outer Disciple wants to become an Inner Disciple, the first condition is to have a breakthrough to the Ning Yuan realm, and then have to complete the promotion task, so that you can officially become an Inner Disciple.

I have to say, teenager The name Killing God is too loud. It didn’t take long for the news of Yang Xuan’s return to the mountain gate to spread like wildfire. One by one Outer Disciple heard the wind and came in groups.

Yang Xuan just started paying. It was a little fluttering, but as the number of people grew and the road was blocked, he felt a little dizzy. Said with a bitter smile: “Junior Brother, I have to go to Elder Palace. Got it. “

“Didn’t you hear what Senior Brother said, spread out, spread out quickly! “Someone immediately said.

hearing this, the crowd dispersed, but they didn’t leave there. They looked at Yang Xuan from such a distance. No one didn’t expect the once sick child, in one fell swoop. Become Seven Mysteries Sect outer sect Number One Person. Not to mention, and then made a big name in Fengyunxia, ​​shaking the entire Stars Island.

Chapter 130 You will pay for him

“This guy is really different! “

Outer Peak, vast crowd, focal point of ten thousands, the crowd looked at Yang Xuan, and soon noticed his difference, not that he has changed in appearance, but his temperament has changed .

Compared with more than a month ago, he exudes a wave of arrogance and unrestrainedness all over his body. A pair of eyes are open and closed, brilliant, like a man who can penetrate.

“Good sharp eyes! “Many Outer Disciples are frightened, Yang Xuan’s eyes seem to be able to shoot out sword light, which makes people afraid.

However, some people are shocked by the changes in Yang Xuan, and there are also many young girls who are secretly moved. It’s beautiful, but they don’t dare to get too close to Yang Xuan, because Yang Xuan’s head is wearing a “young killer god” halo.

“Yang Xuan Senior Brother, I heard you are here A lot of Nine Nether was killed in Fengyunxia to teach young experts. I wonder if it is true? “At the same time, some brave people asked.

As soon as this statement came out, the scene calmed down, and everyone looked towards Yang Xuan, although they all heard about what Yang Xuan did in Fengyunxia , But I heard that after all, they still doubt it.

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