Yang Xuan shouted wronged.

“Is it really just that I think too much?”

Shen Yue smiled heartily, pointed at Yang Xuan, and said to the Yi Family sister beside him: “Do you believe him?”



Yi Xiu’er wanted to say something but stopped. She wanted to say that she believed, but she swallowed the words to her lips.

“Sister Qingwu has something to say?”

Shen Yuexin looked towards Yi Qingwu.

Yi Qingwu opened his mouth and said without hesitation: “I have nothing to say, but I have never believed a word of his words.”

“See, no one Believe in you, you guy is a cat who likes to steal fish. Once he meets a beautiful woman, he thinks of taking it for himself.”

Shen Yuexin glared at Yang Xuan, looking like you are a heartless man.

Yang Xuan was speechless and didn’t know how to refute it. Even if he argued with arguments, he might not be able to change Shen Yuexin’s view of him.

“The master is an upright gentleman, and he is also a man who can support both heaven and earth. It’s not like you said.”

Butterfly Snorted, arms gently He hugged Yang Xuan’s tiger waist, and he looked like he was picking it, and he said with a sigh of relief: “The man who is the Master, and the ghost who died is the Master, waiting for the master’s favor at any time.”

“shameless, to have no shame, disgusting to the extreme.”

Shen Yuexin cursed.

“Sorry, I don’t understand what you said. We, the Soul Eater Demon Butterfly family, have always believed in power, and if the master is so powerful, naturally I have the right to dominate everything. Also willingly.”

The Butterfly Emperor didn’t care about being authentic, and the words were full of worship, awe, and deep love for Yang Xuan.

If you like someone and want to be the other’s woman, you have to say it out loud.

Although the Butterfly Emperor is not a real human, he wants to be a woman who dares to love and hate.

“Cheating couple, you guys…”

Shen Yue was so upset that she said too much.

Yang Xuan frowned and shouted: “Enough, you can’t bear it, then you can leave me, there are so many women around me, it’s not bad for you.”

This Of course it was an angry word, but Shen Yuexin trembled all over, heartbroken, “Asshole, you, you are so to me, I, I fight with you.”

Said, baring fangs and brandishing Claws rushed forward, gnawing and biting Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan didn’t cry out for pain, he just hugged her tightly with his hands, until she finished venting, then opened the mouth and said: “Are you tired? Stay in my arms and sleep when you’re tired Come on!”

“You, you let me go.” Shen Yuexin said with shame.

“Don’t let it go, you won’t let it go for the rest of your life.”

Yang Xuan is very overbearing, so he hugged Shen Yuexin, and didn’t mean to let go.

Shen Yuexin’s pretty face is hot, she only feels that the man’s arms are strong and powerful, and the two are close to each other, she can even feel each other’s heartbeat, and she no longer struggles for a while.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the mainland of Sacred Domain.”

Holding Shen Yuexin all the way to the mainland of Sacred Domain, Shen Yuexin became very docile. Like a well-behaved cat.

When Butterfly Emperor and Yi Xiu’er saw this scene, they were somewhat envious in their hearts, but Yi Qingwu still had a cold face and completely ignored Yang Xuan.


Sacred Domain mainland, the main world of Sacred Domain Great World.

Here, since ancient times, there are four Martial Dao schools.

These four Martial Dao colleges are named after Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon, White Tiger Four Sacred Beast. They have a long inheritance and are very famous in All Heavens Myriad Realms. Young talents from all walks of life are also competing. This refresher.

It can be said that the prosperity and brilliance of the Sacred Domain continent are all due to the existence of the four Great Saint Academy.

However, this Martial Dao Holy Land has long lost its former prosperity and excitement.

At this moment, if you look down from a high altitude, the originally colorful star on the Sacred Domain mainland has been surrounded by a dark shadow one after another.

Those dark shadows are needless to say that they are the cultivators of the shadow clan. In addition to plundering the cultivation resources, they also attempted to seize the sacred relic imperial tower of the four houses.

In the emperor tower, the mystery of reincarnation circulates, and the entire emperor tower is another incredible Immortal Grade.

Faced with this Immortal Grade, how can the Shadow Clan not be tempted?

In fact, the situation of the Shadow Clan in the Xuantian Great World is not good. If they can successfully capture the Emperor Pagoda this time, they can use this tower as their base camp.

As long as there is this tower, cultivators of all races will find it hard to get them, and they will also have the conditions to thrive.

“Strange, how did the breath of the four men of Meditation disappear…”

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