For the Butterfly Emperor, it is not a torture…

“Thank You Master, you are really good to Fluttershy…”

As Shen Yuexin’s fire-breathing gaze was watching, the Butterfly Emperor gradually fell asleep listening to Yang Xuan’s not pleasant but very heart-warming minor, until his body disappeared into Yang Xuan’s arms.

“Go to sleep, have a good dream, at most 3-5 years, you can reappear in front of me.”

Yang Xuan whispered and touched it lightly Touching the devil butterfly tattoo on the neck, forcibly inject a burst of imperial power into it to help him refining the flesh and blood of several shadow emperors, so that the butterfly emperor can also suffer less and wake up early.

“Asshole, tell me honestly, are you interesting to this woman?”

Shen Yuexin endured for a long time, but finally couldn’t help but break out.

“Don’t ask, what is his virtue, is Shen younger sister not clear enough?”

Yi Qingwu said with her lips curled aside.

“You, I must tell Sister Qin Lan when I go back, let Sister Qin Lan fiercely clean up your heartless man.”

Shen Yue was furious.

“Whatever you want, you are happy.”

Yang Xuan drowsily said.

“Well, well, let’s take a look.”

A killing ended with the defeat of the Shadow Clan.

With Yang Xuan, the murderous god, the shadow tribe army has already been scared to death, and the liver and gallbladder are splitting, how can there be any fighting intent?

They just flee blindly and continuously reduce their staff. After Yang Xuan joined again, all the shadow cultivators, or shadow emperors, were either beaten to death by others or Yang Xuan was wiped out in the air, not one left.

With such 5 minutes of effort, the entire sky was completely calm again, but there was still a shadow over everyone’s hearts.

After all, there is still a shadow clan cultivator that has not died. That is the leader of the shadow clan on this trip, a terrifying powerhouse named Anluo’s cultivation base that reached the peak of the sky.

This person, Feng Qingyang and Murongfu have also met before, knowing that each other is courageous, powerful, and capable of connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, otherwise it is impossible to enter the emperor alone. Pagoda, trying to find the source of the Emperor Pagoda and refining the entire pagoda.

“Many thanks to Emperor Yang, if Emperor Yang came in time today, our Sacred Domain mainland must be hard to avoid calamity.”

“Yes, yes!”

all directions, one by one Sacred Domain mainland experts opened their mouths one after another, expressing their gratitude to Yang Xuan.

At least, their Sacred Domain mainland is still safe now, and with the strength shown by Yang Xuan, it may not be impossible to deal with Na An Luo.

Although An Luo is strong, he has only a few shots. Unlike Yang Xuan, he immediately reveals the tyrannical battle strength that sweeps the emperor, like a War God.

“You are welcome, everyone, there is the Great Formation of the Emperor Pagoda. Even if I do not come today, there will be nothing wrong with the Sacred Domain mainland.”

Yang Xuan Waving her hand, bringing Shen Yuexin, the Yi Family sisters came to Feng Qingyang, Murong Fu, Yi Xiaotian, Yi Xiaokun, Hong Jincheng and other acquaintances.

“Father! Father!”

Yi Xiu’er and Yi Qingwu have been away from home for a long time. Seeing their fathers, naturally they have a lot to say.

As for Yang Xuan, I talked with Master Feng Qingyang, Murong Fu and the others. For a while, except for Yang Xuan, who appeared very indifferent, the rest of them had a little grave expression between their eyebrows.

It’s been so long before someone thinks of something, frowns saying: “Formation is only allowed to go out but not in. Where should we settle down now?”

“We They are all experts, where can’t you settle down? The most urgent thing is to discuss how to deal with the Anluo.”

Speaking of Yan Luo, someone looked at Yang Xuan, “The Anluo has a half-step cultivation base. , I don’t know if Emperor Yang can deal with it?”

“I don’t know, you have to see that person knows everything, but you don’t have to worry too much. Anyway, I’m Yang Xuan in the mainland of Sacred Domain. Nothing will happen.”

Yang Xuan paused, and said: “Let’s go, let me go, I seem to be able to control this big formation.”

Chapter 1323 Tower Spirit

“Disciple, are you sure you can control this formation?”

Feng Qingyang’s eyes widened and his face was incredible.

This great formation of Formation, Nide Pagoda releases itself. Although the defensive power is amazing, no one can control it. And Yang Xuan really wants to be able to control this tower. How could he say nothing when he came out of the Pagoda in the past? mention?

Taking him as a person, it is impossible to have reservations about him as a Master.

“It should be possible. I’ll know it later.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“No one has seen the origin of the imperial pagoda, but the owner of this pagoda is a mysterious Immortal Monarch in the pagoda.”

Speaking of which, Murong is deeply involved. Glancing at Yang Xuan, he personally sent Yang Xuan into the imperial pagoda that day, but even so, Murong Fu didn’t expect Yang Xuan to grow so fast.

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