Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“With the ability of my little friend, I am naturally not afraid of this little True Supreme Yang Water. I am just the wife of the little friend, I am afraid…”

Golden Crow Monster Sovereign However, Celestial Realm Peak’s cultivation base, this kind of cultivation base without the protection of Yang Xuan, let alone enter the Sun God pool, even the Supreme Sun Star will not come.

“It’s okay, I’m here, enough to protect her safety.”

Shen Yuexin is also a Fire Attribute physique, so she has a hot temper, and before Yang Xuan entered the Eternal Life Palace, she was too Transferred to Yang Xuan to give her the great burning of heaven, and now only need to condense the inner core, you can enter the state of return.

It can be said that entering the Sun God pool this time, Yang Xuan wanted her to take her cultivation base one step further and condense the legendary sun Golden Core in one fell swoop.

“Hehe, I’m worried too much.”

Golden Crow Monster Sovereign gave a wry smile, and then asked again, “I wonder if my little friend had been with me in the Eternal Life Palace Have you ever seen Saintess?”

“Monster Sovereign is talking about Wu Lingyan?”

“It is her, that girl has been recognized by my clan’s sacred fire, that’s my clan Saintess, when I die, she will become the new emperor of my Golden Crow Clan.”

“It seems that you, the old monster emperor, have few days to live!”

“Yeah, at most half a year, or even a year, I will have five decays and return to the dust.”

“I have seen that girl, but I don’t know where I am now. But there is chaos fire shelter, and no one can hurt her.”

Speaking of this, Yang Xuan flipped his hand and handed Golden Crow Monster Sovereign a vibrant Longevity Fruit.

“This is Longevity Fruit. I got it from Eternal Life Palace. Monster Sovereign only needs to take this fruit and it should live for thousands of years.”

” I am really ashamed of this kind of gift.”

“Take it, you and my Master are friends, and even if you really want to die, you have to wait for Golden Crow Clan. Saintess is back?”

“Well, I will accept the love of the little friend, and accept this fruit.”

Accepted Longevity Fruit, Golden Crow Monster Sovereign left. Leave, and order clansman not to approach the Sun God pool, and those who violate the order will be treated as traitors.

“hmph, bastard, it turns out that you brought me here, simply did not come to play.”

“Why can’t this Sun God pool be played anymore, I will be with you Going down for a bath together, this is much more comfortable than taking a hot spring, haha……”

No one is around, Yang Xuan has also recovered his nature, grabbing Shen Yuexin, in her exclamation In, both jumped into the Sun God pool.

Naturally, something indescribable is indispensable. Shen Yuexin was somewhat resistant at first, but it didn’t take long for him to completely fall into the domineering offensive of a man, becoming inextricable and confused|fascinated.

For a long time, the clouds disappeared and the rain disappeared.

“Take a break, then prepare to condense the inner core. Your cultivation base has been staying at Celestial Realm Peak for a long time, and it’s time for breakthrough to return to one place.”

“Yang Xuan, Thank you.”

“Why do we have to say thank you, husband and wife? When you are successful, Thunder Tribulation will come down.”

“Thunder Tribulation… “

“Don’t be afraid, you can do it. In short, as a last resort, I won’t take it out. Even if I help out, I am afraid it will only harm you in the end.”

“Why is this?”

“Most of the Thunder Tribulations of cultivator in this world are issued by Heavenly Dao. For some reason, I have been removed from Heavenly Dao. Perceived, it will inevitably lead to great killings.”

“I understand, even if you die, I will never put you in danger.”

Sun The coagulation of Golden Core is not an easy task. If it were not for Yang Xuan’s help, Shen Yuexin was almost impossible to succeed.

However, he can only do this step.

When Thunder Tribulation comes down, Shen Yuexin can only rely on herself.

Neither did Yang Xuan disappoint. Although Dan was almost destroyed in the end, Shen Yuexin didn’t snorted either, she just propped up the sun Golden Core and resisted all the tribulation thunder.

“Good job, worthy of being my Yang Xuan’s woman.”

Yang Xuan smiled and nodded, and immediately used the Star Swallowing technique to heal Shen Yuexin.

“Hehe, I’m very difficult to deal with.”

Shen Yuexin smiled. This is the first time her cultivation has experienced Thunder Tribulation. Although the process is very dangerous, she finally managed He gritted his teeth, and felt happy for a while.

“Of course, Xiaoyueer of my family is gifted and can endure hardships. As long as we continue to work hard and cultivation in the future, she will be able to become a Divine-Martial Continent in the future and be worshipped by thousands of people.”

“Just your mouth is sweet.”

Shen Yuexin corner of the mouth raised, but she feels very helpful in her heart.

Chapter 1328 Comes to the Emperor Tower again

On the Supreme Sun Star, everything gradually returns to calm.

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