The unicorn is dark red, and the tip is thin and long enough to penetrate the stone.

A group of Outer Disciples, including Ouyang Feng’s followers, also held their breaths. They did not dare to speak out. There was no way. Ouyang Feng after motivating the animalized Martial Spirit was bloodthirsty and cruel. Once he was stimulated, he was not recognizing one’s family.

Unlike others, Yang Xuan is not only not afraid, but also grinning strangely: “Yes, you are now considered a half human half beast, but I don’t know if you can understand humans? “

hearing this, a group of Inner Disciples are speechless. This guy is still bold. He dares to provoke Ouyang Feng at this moment. Is he not afraid to provoke Ouyang Feng and invite killing disaster?

In the eyes of everyone, the Ouyang Feng extreme danger at this moment, even if Yang Xuan is killed, is nothing strange.

“Boy, your mouth is very stinky. I will not kill you today, but I will fiercely teach you to let you know how to respect and humble when facing Senior Brother.” Ouyang Feng’s eyes changed. It’s red, and the nose spit out rough air.

“You and I are both Inner Disciple, where is the honor and inferiority, you are just a few years older than me, and cultivated a few years that’s all, if I had your age, I would have entered Celestial Realm.”

While speaking, Yang Xuan burst out with a strong light, and then, a flame came out, the flame was scarlet gold, rays of light dazzling, wrapped around Yang Xuan, let him Like a flame Spiritual God.

chi chi chi!

A blazing and domineering high temperature spread, and the vegetation on the ground was full of black smoke. A group of Outer Disciple only felt like they had suddenly come to volcanic Crater, the hair all over his body smelled of burnt.

“This is Martial Spirit, retreat, quickly retreat!” Everyone’s complexion greatly changed, and quickly retreat. For that matter, they also brow beaded with sweat, gasping for breath.

“Yes, no wonder you can slaughter all sides in Fengyunxia. It turned out to be half-step sword intent and Martial Spirit.”

Ouyang Feng sneered, his voice hoarse The thick, trembling crowd was dumbfounded and buzzing, and Ouyang Feng did not retreat under the fire of Yang Xuan’s Martial Spirit of flames, and the high temperature from the flames seemed to cause little harm to him.

This is also normal. He is now in a state of beastization, and his fleshy body defensive power has greatly increased.

“Don’t talk too much nonsense, let’s fight, today is just killing the chicken to warn the monkey, lest anyone come to trouble me.” Yang Xuan waved his hand, full of flames.

“What did you say!?”

“Didn’t you hear clearly, do you want me to repeat it again?”

“No need, I will tear it Your tongue keeps you from speaking for the rest of your life.”

coldly shouted, Ouyang Feng moved, feet stomped on the ground, the sound of crackle kept coming out, the ground cracked and collapsed, and sand and rocks flew. At the same time, Ouyang Feng’s body rushed forward, exuding an incomparable violent imposing manner, and blasted Yang Xuan fiercely with a punch.

Yang Xuan is not afraid, spurring the Martial Spirit of the flame, and hitting it with a fist, a fist strength of scarlet gold bursts out, shaking Ouyang Feng’s fist hard.

hong long!

Like a comet falling, there was a big explosion on the earth, and the space was trembling, one after another Qi Jin turned into a shock wave and swept away with a loud boom. In Zhang, all the forest trees suffered devastating damage, and they all exploded and turned into dust and smoke.

The place outside ten zhang is also raging and raging. Many Inner Disciples that were supposed to stand far enough before they even came back to his senses were swept out like fallen leaves by the wind, one by one. Vomiting blood, screaming screams.

This immediately frightened a few people who stood farther away. They saw the terrifying wind swirling the sky full of sand and rocks and the silhouette flying upside down, all of them retreating with horror on their faces.

They absolutely didn’t expect. The aftermath of Yang Xuan and Ouyang Feng’s bombardment was so terrifying.

very terrifying, if we are at the center of the explosion, we will be absolutely crushed. “Someone patted his chest and said with lingering fears.

“Yes, these two people are too abnormal! “

“Ou Senior Brother Yang is okay. After all, he is the top ten expert in the Heaven Ranking. It is not surprising that he has this strength, but Yang Xuan has only condensed the 5 Heavenly Layer in the Yuan realm. This is the cultivation base. It is simply not a human being to have such strength. “

“Ai, my cultivation base is equivalent to him, but my strength is incomparable to him. The gap is too big. No wonder he can slaughter all sides in Fengyunxia. “

“Damn, you actually caught my punch. “

Suddenly, angry roar came, and the few Inner Disciple who had not been affected by the aftermath of the explosion looked intently, and saw two figures appeared on the devastated ground after the smoke and dust in the distance had dispersed.

“Such a terrifying collision, these two guys are actually fine! ? “The crowd was shocked, and even those Inner Disciple who were injured by the aftermath had their eyes widened.

“The Martial Spirit is really powerful, but if you want to defeat me, it’s still Far from enough. “

Yang Xuan slightly smiled, his face calm and calm, leaning on his powerful fleshy body, he did not get hurt.

However, his heart is still a little awe-inspiring, because through the previous After the collision, he has deeply realized how strong the defensive power of Horned Dragon is.

“boast shamelessly, I don’t believe you can catch my punch, but you can still catch my second punch. . “Ouyang Feng suddenly drank, and his huge body leaped out. At a distance of 50-60 meters, he could reach Yang Xuan in the blink of an eye.

hong long!


Yang Xuan only felt that the air in front of him was forcibly squeezed out, forming a short vacuum, and then a huge fist rapidly magnified in his own eyes, exploding his head.

The pupils shuddered slightly, Yang Xuan knew that Ouyang Feng this fist was more lethal, and was unable to defeat the enemy.

“Shadow escape! “

not even think, he finally showed his extraordinary strength, within the body vitality swiftly revolved, and with a sigh, his real body flashed back, leaving only one in place Afterimages.

The afterimages are very real. It is true that the Inner Disciple in the distance did not see the clues. Everyone thought that Yang Xuan would definitely be punched by Ouyang Feng.

However, with a loud boom, they were all stunned. The afterimage of Yang Xuan was blown by Ouyang Feng with a punch, but there was no splash of flesh and blood.

“Damn it , That’s just the afterimage of the road! “Someone screamed, and finally understood.

One punch failed, Ouyang Feng was also surprised, and the expression grave stared at a place a few meters away. There was a silhouette there. Isn’t it Yang Xuan or who?

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