He raised a hand and opened a Samsara Channel in this world.

This is also the Nine Provinces Great World, which happens to be one of his Nine Realms origins. Otherwise, if he possesses great magical power, he will not be able to reincarnate the Nine Provinces Great World.

“Thanks, you are an interesting Little Brat, I hope we will have a goodbye in the future.”

The voice is still there, and the ancestor of Jiuding turns into a beam of light , Entered the Samsara Channel in front of you.

This Samsara Channel is a road to rebirth that Yang Xuan forcibly opened up by virtue of Samsara Power and his own understanding of reincarnation.

As long as Remnant Soul survives, you can reincarnate and live again through this reincarnation road.

Chapter 1332 Goodbye Ye Feiyang

“Oh my God, what’s going on? Where did this man send the owner of the Emperor City!?”

“This thing is really weird, but do you think this child seems to be familiar…”

“I remember, he is Yang Xuan in the deserted state!”

“It turned out to be him. I heard that he came from outside the world. He once crossed the Samsara Bridge alone, crossed the Samsara Lake, and finally reached the Samsara Peak, where he built the Sun God power, and was able to do it in one fell swoop. Yan Luo Demon Sovereign and Ji Family both suppress and kill, and name shakes the whole world from then on.”

“Strange, didn’t he disappear without a trace a long time ago and left our deserted ancient continent? Today again? Why are the reappears here?”

“If I didn’t expect it to be wrong, this child must have hatred with that demon, and he came here just to kill him.”


“The demon possesses great magical power, Heavenspan, is he, okay!?”

“Science don’t know how strong this person is now. At least, no one of us here can see through his cultivation realm.”

In the North City, almost all the people in the city gathered here, making the entire long street crowded, even the roof. The above is full of people.

As everyone talked, someone soon recognized Yang Xuan’s identity, which caused an uproar.

The name Yang Xuan was once famous in the deserted ancient continent. Even if time passed for a long time, not many people could really forget it.

“You, are you really Brother Yang?”

At this moment, someone jumped up from the crowd and came to the city wall, not Ye Feiyang but also Who?

Ye Feiyang and Yang Xuan have a very close friendship. The moment he saw Yang Xuan, he recognized it at a glance.

“It’s me. I have a lot of trouble that day, so I don’t say goodbye. I hope Brother Ye will forgive me.”

“It’s okay, I can understand.”

Familiar people with familiar voices, except for a slightly strange white hair, this is clearly the boy he knew before.

No, Yang Xuan is no longer a boy anymore, and his face has long since faded from its former immature.

Just standing in front of Yang Xuan, Ye Feiyang felt it seemed a great honor.

“Yes, the cultivation base has reached the peak of the divine force. It seems that Mr. Liu will take care of you after I leave.”

Yang Xuan smiled and looked at Ye Feiyang, Ye Feiyang’s cultivation speed is not bad. Then you only need to understand the Supreme Realm to become a Young Supreme.

“Yes, after you left, Old Senior Liu personally summoned me. If it weren’t for the advice of Mr. Liu, I would have been impossible to cultivate so quickly, but Mr. Liu had already left. Brother Yang this time. I’m afraid I won’t see him Senior.”

As he said, Ye Feiyang’s expression suddenly changed, “Oops, the prohibition of this imperial city seems to disappear?”

If not The prohibition disappears, how can he board the city wall?

“The lord of the imperial city samsara reincarnation has gone, and the prohibition of this ancient city is naturally gone.”

Yang Xuan casually said, his dialogue with the ancestor of Jiuding, Outsiders have no way of knowing, so it is not clear that a transaction between the two has been made.

“Without the prohibition, what shall we do if the demon is killed?”

Ye Feiyang expression grave, and the crowd under the city is also pale.

This huge imperial city is their last straw. The disappearance of imperial city restrictions also means that it is no longer safe.

“Damn it, I blame this child. If he hadn’t sent away the lord of the imperial city, how could we fall into such a desperate situation?”

Someone cursed in a low voice, and immediately I felt that as soon as the cold gaze came, I was so scared that I was so scared that I hurriedly said: “Brother Yang calms down my anger, I’m just a mouthful, no other meaning.”

This man is also a young genius, There is a cultivation base in a divine force environment, but under Yang Xuan’s cold eyes, he only feels a panic of fear in his heart.

“Yang Xuan has always had a bad temper, and next time I don’t blame me, I will turn my face ruthlessly.”

Yang Xuan is coldly snorted, but it is rare to care about each other, each minding their own business authentically: “If you want to survive, you have to find a way to save yourself. Besides, do you really think you can survive by hiding in this imperial city?”

He glanced over while speaking. Under the city, there are faces of fright, anxiety, anger, or composure.

There are also many acquaintances.

For example, Qiu Family Young Master Qiu Shaoyang, Wei Jia Young Master Wei Qingshu, merchant Young Master Shang Jie, and Fang Henyun, Shen Hongtao, Shang Taixu and other old Feng generation supreme powerhouses.

However, no matter who, they all lowered their heads slightly and did not dare to look at him.

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