Yang Xuan shrugged and said: “Since the injury is healed , let’s continue this unfinished battle. From the previous sentence, only one of you and me can survive today. Get out of this world.”

“You are strong, but I am not weak. Even if you can win this battle, you will have to pay a great price.”

“It seems that you have already wanted to? “

“Haha, if I am not sure to kill you, why would I be stupid enough to fight you? Besides, I want to go, can you stop it?”

The voice is still there, People have reached the sky.

This is Anluo’s style of doing things. Once he meets an invincible person, he will never smash him.

as the saying goes, staying in the green hills without worrying about no firewood, waiting for his Great Accomplishment of killing all living beings, there are opportunities for revenge, and there is no need to rush for a while.

Furthermore, he is really not sure to kill Yang Xuan, and if he entangles with him, a bad person is really buried here.

“Where to go?”

Yang Xuan soared into the sky, no less fast than An Luo.

“Zhu God!”

He took out the Purgatory Sword with lightning, and slashed it out in the air. A half-black and half-gold sword energy pierced the sky instantly, silently. Came behind Anluo.

“Damn it!”

At the moment of crisis, Anluo’s reaction was not unpleasant. He suddenly took out a pitch-black talisman and crushed it. The void condense behind it was dark. The huge shield is used to resist this weird sword energy.


With a loud bang, the shield shattered with one blow, but this also gave Anluo 0.1% of the time.

At this moment, his figure flickered, and he dodged dangerously and dangerously, causing Yang Xuan’s sword to fall into the empty space.

“If you fight to the death, maybe you can live longer.”

Yang Xuan shook his head, and the Purgatory Sword in his hand waved again, slamming the Divine Sword several times. Qi flew out side by side, blocking almost all of Anluo’s evasion routes.

“bully intolerably!”

An Luo was furious, but he didn’t dare to accept these few sword energy. Although he didn’t know what secret technique Yang Xuan used, he But I can feel that this one after another sword energy is very scary.

Once it is hit by sword energy, it is as powerful as him, and I am afraid it will be destroyed.

Under fear, he resolutely bit the tip of his tongue, refining a mouthful of blood essence, and his speed also skyrocketed, like a blood light, and walked away ten thousand li.

This is the ten thousand li blood escape technique. Every time it is used, it will strengthen great injury. It is rarely used if it is not as a last resort.

But now, he has no choice but to escape the Emperor Pagoda as soon as possible and return to the Xuantian Great World.

“I originally wanted to kill you by my own strength, but your strength was a little beyond my expectations. Now it seems that I still have to use that strength.”

Yang Xuan pursued all the way and kept getting close to Anluola, but Anluo felt a bad feeling in his heart when he heard Yang Xuan’s words.

“Impossible, even if you can skip grades to kill, you are also impossible with the extraordinary power to destroy the path!”

He roared, but escaped faster, so After a few breaths of effort, I have to reach the boundary wall of the emperor tower as soon as I see it. As long as it rushes out of the boundary wall of the emperor tower, it is not sky is high enough for a bird to fly through.

In the final analysis, the world inside the Emperor Tower is fundamentally different from the outside world.

This piece of world is isolated from the outside world, the main road is incomplete, and the rules are incomplete. It is simply difficult for him to exert his strongest strength.

“You can’t walk away. In the face of absolute power, all resistance is futile.”

Yang Xuan smiled contemptuously, the source of Nine Realms was added, and an imposing manner Suddenly, it exploded in a geometric multiple, covering the entire world and suppressing Anluo to the point of being immobile.

In the dark, Anluo only felt that there was a strong force oppressing him. Under this terrifying power, his fleshy body and Divine Soul could bear it. Can’t help the trembling feeling about to collapse.

“This is not true, how could an emperor have such a terrifying power!?”

If An Luo had previously been somewhat dreaded Yang Xuan, he did not want to fight to death, So now, he has only endless fear for Yang Xuan.

It can be said that if Yang Xuan wants to kill him, he can’t even resist now.

“If you continue to fight with me, I may not use this power, but in order to keep you, I have to do so.”

Yang Xuan lightly He opened his mouth, stepped to An Luo, raised a finger slightly, and a trace of black mist was clearly visible on it.

“No, you can kill me.”

An Luo’s face pale, his heart and soul trembled.

He never thought that his dignified half-step expert would feel so scared at this brief moment.

The black mist exuded an extremely evil aura, making him feel inexplicably panic.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you, not only will I not kill you, but I will give you a good luck.”

Yang Xuan smiled, there was no killing intent in his voice, But the more he was, the more disturbed Anluo’s heart became.

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