“Okay, with accurate directions, things will become much easier.”

Yang Xuan nodded, directly took Yang Xinyi, crossed the void all the way, and quickly found it. Where the abyss is.

“The big brother is so amazing.”

Yang Xinyi was surprised. In less than half a joss stick, they actually crossed the distance of 10,000,000 li, which is almost the same speed as Teleport is the same.

Yang Xuan smiled without talking, and jumped into the abyss with Yang Xinyi, and arrived in front of Yun Lanfeng, which also disturbed Yun Lanfeng who was in a coma.

Chapter 1345 Liu Daolin

“You are…”

Yun Lanfeng opened his eyes with difficulty, always feeling that the white clothed young man in front of him People are vaguely familiar.

“The Lord Yunlan Valley is really forgotten by the nobles. About half a year ago, the kid visited Yunlan Valley with Your sect disciple Ye Feiyang, and he also got the big Void Technique from the valley owner. “

Yang Xuan Road.

“I remember, you are Yang Xuan Young Hero Yang.”

Yun Lanfeng was shocked, and finally remembered something, his face couldn’t help showing a thick surprise look.

In the past half a year, Yang Xuan’s changes are really big enough, not because of how much his appearance and temperament have changed, but the cultivation base.

Yun Lanfeng still remembers that when he first met Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan was no more than the cultivation base of Guiyi Realm.

But now, Yang Xuan’s cultivation base seems to have reached an unpredictable height, making Yun Lanfeng unable to see through.

Although Shibie is waiting for three days with respect, Yang Xuan’s growth rate is too fast.

“It is this Yang.”

Yang Xuan smiled and nodded.

“Well, didn’t Young Hero Yang leave our deserted ancient continent a long time ago? Why does it appear here today?”

“This matter is a long story. Lord Gu, you are healed, your internal organs are broken, and the injury is not light. Fortunately, you met me. Otherwise, Divine Immortal will be difficult to save and will not survive today.”

“Ai, I know I will die. , Young Hero Yang doesn’t have to bother for me, a dying person.”

Yun Lanfeng sighed, he is now holding on to immortality, even if there is really a spirit pill and revival in this world. Marvelous medicine, I’m afraid I can’t save him.

“Big brother, can this man really be saved!?”

Aside, Yang Xinyi blinked.

As her cultivation base has greatly increased, her mind-reading eye has gained a certain level of advancement. At a glance, you can see that Yun Lanfeng’s heart pulse is destroyed, and within the body, the blood is almost exhausted. Almost exhausted.

“Of course it can be saved, your big brother has great ability!”

As he said, he pointed to Yun Lanfeng’s chest.

The injuries here are the heaviest. The first thing Yang Xuan needs to do now is to repair Yun Lanfeng’s severely damaged heart with the Star Swallowing technique.

If the sea of ​​qi is the lifeblood of a martial artist, then the heartbeat is the lifeblood of a person.

A person with a broken heart is also destined to die soon.

However, with Yang Xuan here, as long as Yun Lanfeng breathes, he can save him.

“Then there may be a little pain, the Valley Master can bear it.”

“It’s okay, I can bear it, Young Hero Yang just does it.”

Everything went well, and the Star Swallowing Technique is worthy of being the strongest magical power of Immortal Emperor Tong Tian in the past years.

With this technique, killing the enemy is the next best thing, and it is really wonderful to save people.

In just a few breaths, Yun Lanfeng’s broken heart veins and even viscera have all healed. Even a large and small wound was repaired by Yang Xuan one after another, and it became as good as ever. .

“This…it is Gods Vestige!”

Yun Lanfeng was dumbfounded. He knew how many injuries he had, but Yang Xuan didn’t know what means he used. , He was almost dying, forcibly pulled back from the gates of hell.

This is the second one. What makes him most unbelievable is that his body seems to have received some kind of mysterious power tempering, which is more powerful than before.

“I also have a Divine Void Pill here. Lord Gu will take it.”

Divine Void Pill has the effect of strengthening the soul, although the effect is far less than that of purple glass Molding Soul Pill is also a rare and precious Spiritual Pill in the world, which is of great benefit to the weak Divine Soul of Yun Lanfeng.


Yun Lan Feng wanted to say something but stopped, and he was really ashamed.

“Take it, the owner of the valley and I are also considered to have left each year, so there is no need to resign.”

“Young Hero Yang great kindness and virtue, this Yun will never forget, in the future As long as the Master Fang who holds this Yun usefully speaks, this Yun will definitely die.”

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