Chapter 134 Qiankun bottle gourd

A group of Inner Disciples can’t help but breathe in cold air. I don’t know if Yang Xuan is a newborn calves do not fear tigers, or is born audacious and dare to be like Nangong God speaks.

“Yang Xuan, you are new to Inner Sect, maybe you don’t know my identity, then I’ll tell you, I’m the Inner Sect First Senior Brother, Heaven Ranking first.” Nangong Tian gloomy face Tao.

“How is this? No matter how high your status is, you can still be higher than Sect Master, and you can control the life and death of our Inner Disciple?” Yang Xuan sneered, a pair of eyes showing off one’s ability .

“You’re right, but I still have an identity. Listen, I’m the Great Elder of the Inner Sect Criminal Law Hall. I’m sitting down on the discipline and in charge of the Inner Sect commandments. Whenever there is a fight in the Inner Disciple, I can handle it with full authority.”

The voice is still there, Yang Xuan complexion changed, only to feel that a terrifying oppression force is coming, making his body feel a little heavy, with his powerful fleshy body All feel heavy, showing how terrifying this oppression force is.

“Really strong imposing manner!”

Yang Xuan heart shivered with cold, but he was born arrogant, and he didn’t stand to die. He took a step forward, exuding all over his body There is an imposing manner to resist this oppression force, and the body also stands straight, like a long spear standing proudly on the ground.

Nangong Tian’s eyes are cold, and there is a faint surging face on his face. While raising the imposing manner, he said: “Yang Xuan, Ouyang Feng, as a top ten expert in the Heaven Ranking, has also accepted the due punishment. And you, a small new discipline, naturally cannot be exempted.”

“haha, how dare you ask Senior Brother how to punish me?” Yang Xuan broke out into laughter caused by anger, in the bones His arrogance was completely inspired, strong and arrogant.

“I don’t see this, this is our Inner Sect main peak’s Heavenly Grade, I will punish you to clean the Heavenly Grade for half a month.”

coldly snorted, Nangongtian pointed his finger not far away.

There, the stone steps of the first-order Chinese white jade are straight up, leading to the place where the clouds and mist are lingering, and you can’t see the edge at a glance.

“gu lu!” A group of Inner Disciple couldn’t help swallowed saliva and said, secretly thought Yang Xuan was a tragedy.

The reason is very simple. Ascending Heavenly Grade to reach the top of the main peak, with a total of 38,000 steps. An ordinary Inner Disciple of the Ningyuan Realm is exhausted and tiring cleaning, and has to work from morning to night. , Even if Yang Xuan is strong, it will take a long time.

For Inner Disciple, time is money. Overwhelming majority Inner Disciple spends all day retreating in their respective residences to retreat Refining Qi, or go out to do missions and strive to improve their strength. This is also the place where the battle did not attract The main reason for how many Inner Disciple onlookers.

“You let me clean this?”

Yang Xuan said funny, but his face was extremely ugly. He absolutely didn’t expect, the first day he was promoted to Inner Disciple was I was found fault by Ouyang Feng and then made things difficult by Nangong Tian.

“Why, is there any problem?” Nangongtian said coldly.

“Of course there is a problem, I refuse.”

Yang Xuan blurted out, he just arrived, although he wanted to choose forbearance, but he awakened the memory of his previous life, in the bones there is a generation Demon Lord’s arrogance, if he chooses to give in today, he might be able to avoid conflict with Nangongtian.

But as the saying goes, it’s good enough to avoid the fifteenth day of the first day. He chose to give in today. In exchange for absolutely endless ridicule, it’s hard to get a foothold in Inner Sect.

“What did you say?” Nangong Tianyue asked.

Suddenly, the Inner Disciple present felt that the air had become much colder, as if it had suddenly come to the twelfth lunar month, and they were all shiver coldly, keep quiet out of fear.

Everyone can feel the anger of Nangongtian, and more and more feel that the strength of Nangongtian in front of them is deep and unmeasurable. Just a word will make the temperature drop, which is terrifying!

At the same time, everyone was a little stunned at Yang Xuan, who didn’t expect Yang Xuan to bump into Nangong Tian face to face.

But this is normal. Yang Xuan is also a famous young murderer. If he really accepts Nangongtian’s punishment and cleans up Heavenly Grade, everyone will think Yang Xuan is not worthy of having a young murderer. This title.

“Senior Brother’s ears are not good, I said I refuse, and will not accept your punishment.” Yang Xuan was strong to the end, urging half-step sword intent coldly said.

As he spoke, the wind screamed between Heaven and Earth, like a sharp knife, and the skin of the person who had been cut was sore.

The face of a group of Inner Disciples changed wildly, and the involuntarily all walked back, and their eyes looked towards Yang Xuan with an astonished expression. What happened to Yang Xuan, so domineering and powerful, should it still be with Nangong? One day fight! ?

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Xuan’s cultivation base is too low, and the battle with Ouyang Feng was only possible by relying on powerful body techniques to defeat him.

However, Nangong Tian is different from Ouyang Feng. He is the well-deserved Number One Person of Inner Sect. He has been occupying the top of the Heaven Ranking since three years ago.

“Half-step sword intent!”

Nangongtian pupil light is cold, and a sneer spit out: “Junior Brother, I have to say that your talent is really strong, so When I was young, I comprehended the half-step sword intent, but you remember, your half-step sword intent is useless to me.”

“We are each other, your imposing manner seems to be useless to me.” Yang Xuan sneered.

“haha, okay, your courage is good, I will give you a chance today, if you can break my Martial Spirit, I will spare your punishment.” Nangongtian suddenly laughed and turned black. hair is flying around.

“Okay, you urge Martial Spirit.” Yang Xuan was nodded lightly.

Nangongtian didn’t answer either, his mind moved slightly, and a Martial Spirit natural phenomenon suddenly appeared behind him, but what was shocking was that his Martial Spirit natural phenomenon had been completely materialized, not an illusory shadow.

This is a bottle gourd, a palm-size bottle gourd full of golden light, which is like a little sun, rays of light ten thousand zhang.

When many Inner Disciples saw this bottle gourd, they were all trembling like a mouse meeting a cat. Many people were shocked and said: “First Senior Brother actually used the bottle gourd, this is going to be killed. Yang Xuan!?”

Don’t blame them for being so frightened, it’s really extraordinary that this universe bottle gourd is extraordinary, this is the Nangongtian Life Source Martial Spirit, what is Life Source Martial Spirit, just keep it simple It is something that is innate. Nangongtian awakened this Martial Spirit when he was born.

It is said that in seven eight years old, Nangong Tian relied on the bottle gourd to slaughter a group of hundreds of bandits. Although the bandits were all bandits and grass bandits from Body Tempering Realm, a seven or eight-year-old child They can be slaughtered clean, and it is not difficult to imagine how terrifying the universe bottle gourd is.

“A golden bottle gourd!?”

Yang Xuan brows slightly wrinkle, he is a man for two lives and he has seen a lot of strange Martial Spirits, but Martial Spirit is a bottle gourd. It was the first time I saw it, but he also saw that this golden bottle gourd very difficult to deal with. Although it doesn’t move, if it does, it must be earth shattering.

“Remember, this is my Martial Spirit. I call it the universe bottle gourd.” At this moment, Nangongtian spoke.

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