“This technique is so good, I don’t know who created it?”

Yang Xuan sighed, but didn’t think too much about it. The thought power of sentient beings will sink into the Jiuding on its own, enhancing his Life Source Qi Luck.

This is also his trump card against the destiny in the future. All you need to do is to fill the Jiuding with Life Source Qi Luck, and then the Jiuding will be united and evolve into Life Source Heavenly Dao in one fell swoop.

“I have the Destiny Stone, and I have mastered the Dao of God, so I might as well use this Dao as my foundation to cultivation my Life Source Heavenly Dao.”

“However, this matter is also No hurry, everything has to wait for Jiuding to unite.”

During thoughts, Yang Xuan took out a piece of Qiyun crystal, one after another thrown it into Jiuding, crystallized these Qiyun, forcefully Refining is Life Source luck.

Sure enough, Jiuding did not reject the crystallization of Qi Luck. In a blink of an eye, Yang Xuan felt that one of the Jiudings suddenly became a lot more filled, and a cloud of white energy was clearly visible inside.

That is Qi Luck, which belongs only to Yang Xuan’s Life Source Qi Luck. When his thoughts move slightly, this kind of energy will be applied to him instantly, making his luck greatly increased and everything goes smoothly, seek luck and avoid calamity.

“Well, this black luck technique and the Jiuding Qi Luck technique complement each other, and they really complement each other.”

Yang Xuan to be wild with joy, I want to go more and more Killing took away luck.

This is a shortcut to the road, making him unable to control his inner emotions.

He was originally a demonic cultivator, and he was destined to kill countless times in his life. In order to become stronger as soon as possible, he would not hesitate to do whatever he wanted in the future.

After all, he doesn’t have much time.

Within ten thousand years, he will have to cultivation Life Source Heavenly Dao anyway. As long as Life Source Heavenly Dao is 10%, what is the fear of destiny?


“Big brother, what’s wrong with Xinyi?”

“I want you to find someone for me.”

“Who does the big brother want to find?”

“Blue Caidie, a Blood Race woman, has a relationship with me. If I don’t know her life or death, I will always feel a little uneasy.”

“Is there this female leftover on my big brother?”

“No, but I have a trace of the Blood Race bloodline left by her within the body. I wonder if it will be useful to you?”

“Of course it’s useful. With this trace of the other party’s bloodline, the little girl can rely on thousands of calculations to accurately figure out where the person is.”

“This will trouble you.”


“The big brother is polite.”

On this evening, Yang Xuan came to Yang Xinyi’s residence, hoping to use Yang Xinyi’s power to find the whereabouts of the blood-sucking queen Blue Butterfly.

Yang Xinyi did not disappoint Yang Xuan. She quickly figured out the position of the blue butterfly. She couldn’t help but cried out in surprise, “I found it. It’s on this continent.”

“oh ?”

Yang Xuan slightly startled, which he did not expect. Since he came out of Eternal Life Palace, he has been searching for blue butterflies in secret, but he has never found anything.

Who would have thought that the blue butterfly never left here.

“Where is it?”

Yang Xuan quickly asked again.


Yang Xinyi was a little bit empty, and an image appeared out of thin air.

It was a continuous ups and downs, a lifeless mountain range, and in the deepest part of this mountain range, a silhouette of a woman was faintly visible, plunged into the bottom of a magic pit.

“This is the image left by this woman a few months ago. As for whether she is alive or dead, the younger sister can’t figure it out.”

Yang Xinyi said with a little guilt, that The magic pit is full of rich Yin Qi, which can interfere with the secret deduction. With her current cultivation base, she has done her best to achieve this step.

“It’s okay, as long as I know her whereabouts, I can find her.”

paused, Yang Xuan said again: “Don’t mention this to others, big brother. Go and go back.”

Chapter 1351 Eternal Demon Pit

“Big brother, let me take me, my little sister can’t do anything else, but in some places, it can also help. Busy.”

“Alright, you can go with me.”

Yang Xuan agreed after thinking about it. Yang Xinyi has a heart-reading mind and is good at deduction. , Can predict the future good and bad in advance.

With her company, let alone whether it is dangerous or not, at least we can find the blue butterfly as soon as possible.

“Thank you big brother Xie.”

Yang Xinyi is very happy. As long as she can be with Yang Xuan, it is the greatest happiness for her.

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