“Su Old Demon, Zhou Old Demon, Old Demon Feng, you don’t want to be bully intolerably, really pressing the old man, even if the old man is fighting for death, he must pull You three are backing up.”

At dawn, on the peak of the blood god in the deepest part of the blood god mountain, the contemporary patriarch of Blood Race, a blood robed old man whose cultivation base has reached Dao Realm is roaring.

His roar also caused many clansman below to resent the same enemy.

This is the Lord Patriarch’s order to make them all retreat into the formation, otherwise they would have charged ahead with the Demon Race cultivator all over the sky.

“Instead of staying here and waiting for death, it is better to kill directly. Patriarch will just give the order. Our Blood Race Jirou is never afraid of death, nor is it a bogus. Even if we die today, we must let Demon Race know about us. Blood Race is not easy to mess with.”

At this moment, as a certain blood patriarch’s voice fell, the three old men standing in the front of the Demon Race army finally spoke.

“Blood Race is no longer the same Blood Race it used to be, Blood Gula, if you want your Blood Race to continue, you’d better open the big formation quickly.”

These three The old man is Su Old Demon, Zhou Old Demon, Old Demon Feng, three people from the three Great Demon Race ancient Aristocratic Family, the highest cultivation base Su Old Demon, the cultivation base has even reached Dao Realm Peak.

As for Zhou Old Demon and Old Demon Feng, they are the Old Ancestor Level of Zhou Family and Feng Family respectively. The cultivation base is equivalent to the Blood Race patriarch, and both have reached Dao Realm. The realm of mid-term.

“It’s ridiculous, your Demon Race is doing ancestor worship in Fengmoshan, and you need a lot of blood sacrifices. If I remove the big array, how many people in my 3000 Blood Race can survive?”


Blood Race patriarch blood gula extremely angry anti-laughing, complexion ashen, their Blood Race struggling on whilst at death’s door So far, although the population and strength have been declining, as the saying goes a dying, starved camel is still bigger Than a horse, as long as they stay in the big formation, the Demon Race army is destined to take a fight.

It’s a pity that the Demon Race army suddenly killed three days ago. In the mountain range around the Blood God Peak, a large number of clansman still died, which made Xue Gula a burst of hatred.

“There are 108 blood fountains that provide energy. My Demon Race army cannot break the formation in a short time, but don’t forget, the power of these blood fountains in your Blood Race is not endless. , As long as we continue to attack this formation, all the blood springs will be depleted sooner or later.”

Su Old Demon coldly said, if you look closely, you can find that there is a closed vertical eye on the demon’s forehead. .

“This person thinks he is an ancient demon from Three Eyed Demon Clan…”

Yang Xuan hides in the dark, secretly looking at Su Old Demon, in his mind Information about Three Eyed Demon Clan emerged automatically.

Just before leaving, the demon old man has incorporated the news about the various Demon Races in his memory into a wisp of Divine Sense.

Yang Xuan has this divine sense in his mind, so he is not ignorant of the Great Demon Races of Demon Realm.

For example, in the eyes of Su Old Demon, this person has a third eye, and there is a faint magical power in that closed eye, which is obviously Three Eyed Demon Clan.

“It is imminent to seal the Demon Mountain to worship the ancestors. If the old man is not bad, you don’t have much time to delay, because if you delay too long, you will miss the best opportunity for the recovery of the ancient demon.”

Blood Gula paused, and said: “Your Demon Race recently wantednly slaughter. You have collected enough blood sacrifice tributes. You only need to take down the Beastman Race and Black Dragon Clan. That lacks my Blood. Race, I can successfully revive at least half of the ancient demons if I want to.”

“Half is too little. My Demon Race is going to worship the ancestors this time, but I am preparing to revive all the ancient demons on the Sealed Demon Mountain. My Demon Race has officially embarked on the 1st Step of the road to rise. Nothing can be missed.”

“Damn, you have eaten my Blood Race?”

“Let’s do it together , And strive to break the formation as soon as possible.”

With an order, thousands of Demon Race cultivators once again launched a strong attack on the large formation shrouded in the Blood God Peak.

This great formation is also known as the Divine Formation of Blood. It is said that the blood race ancestor personally arranged it. The formation eye is the 108 blood fountain.

“Let’s go, there’s not much to see here. Let’s hurry up and find the vampire queen. I’m surprised. The vampire queen is also a Blood Race, why is it still Thoughtful cultivation.”

“She should have sneaked in, I am afraid that even this Blood Race patriarch has not been able to detect where she is.”

Sound transmission with Ji Yuechan After talking, Yang Xuan directly used the Void Technique, took Yang Xinyi and Ji Yuechan, shuttling through the void, and flew towards the blood Divine Formation.

No one noticed their existence on the road, but the crazy behavior of walking on the tip of a knife made Ji Yuechan feel nervous and excited.

“Are you sure we can avoid everyone’s spiritual sense and sneak into this formation smoothly?”

Ji Yuechan couldn’t help asking again.

“Don’t worry, since I dare to come, I have the means to cover people’s ears.”

Yang Xuan laughed, his method is the big Void Technique.

This technique originated from the teaching of Void God and is a true Immortal Technique. He has been cultivation to Great Success Realm a long time ago.


At this moment, he is completely breathless, holding Yang Xinyi with one hand, holding one arm of Ji Yuechan with the other, jumping in the sky a few times, and then he disappears In Divine Formation.

This blood Divine Formation is worthy of the Mountain Protecting Great Array of Blood Race. Once it enters it, it is like entering a sea of ​​corpses and blood. That endless blood energy is swept over, even Dao Realm Powerhouse, I’m afraid I have to drink hate on the spot.

Unfortunately, Yang Xuan’s three figures are completely hidden in the void, and they have no connection with this space, so they are simply not attacked by blood energy.

“If you want to enter the Blood Race, you guys are amazing.”

Ji Yuechan was full of emotion and finally felt relieved.

“Hehe, my big brother is naturally amazing, otherwise I would not bring me and my elder sister here to commit a personal risk?”

Yang Xinyi said with a smile.

“Here, this is the fountain of blood.”

Yang Xuan spoke lightly, and silently sank into an extremely remote blood fountain halfway up the Blood God Peak.

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