In this way, the ancestral land of Blood Race, one hundred eighty-eight blood springs, will all be for him, and none of them will fall.


The killing on the Peak of the Blood God is still going on in full swing, with the corpses of Blood Race and Demon Race cultivator everywhere, and the blood has dyed the entire mountain red.

Blood Race is famous for its viciousness, while Demon Race is known for its bravery. When the two sides have similar cultivation bases, I really dare not say strong and weaker.

In fact, in the evil Demon Realm, Blood Race until now is a strong family that makes people become terror-stricken at the news.

Some Demon Races have to take a detour when they meet Blood Race, and don’t want to provoke them.

But now, their Demon Race, but a whole number of tens of thousands have come, not to mention the level of the cultivation base, just the quantity, they can slaughter the Blood Race covering the mountains and plains.

“Kill, as long as you kill these Blood Races, you can successfully complete the ancestor worship. My Demon Race will also rise again and sweep the world.”

“Let’s follow these Demon Race fight, take revenge for the dead brother sister, kill!”

The cry of killing one after another echoed on the Blood God Peak, and the battle between Demon Race and Blood Race became more and more fierce.

At the same time, the blood Gula and the blood patriarch were still fighting fiercely with Su Old Demon, Zhou Old Demon and Old Demon Feng at high altitude, but the situation was not optimistic.

After all, Blood Gula only has the cultivation base of the middle stage of Huadao. Su Old Demon, who blocked Huadao Peak alone, was already very strenuous, plus a week of Old Demon’s sneak attacks from time to time. Gradually, he couldn’t stand it, and wounds continued to appear on his body, and the sky was stained with blood.

“Patriarch, go quickly, as long as you are alive, my Blood Race will not be considered a genocide.”

Compared with blood gula, the situation of digital blood patriarch is even worse. One person is seeking to hit Old Demon Feng severely, and even chose Self-destruction absolutely.

Unfortunately, Old Demon Feng is the powerhouse of Huadao, let alone killing him, even if he wants to hurt him, it is not easy.

“Su Old Demon, Zhou Old Demon, Old Demon Feng, old man and you are absolutely irreconcilable.”

Blood Gula has a hideous face and roars heaven-shaking, earth-shattering .

“This guy has already wanted to go, let’s do it together, and we must not let him escape.”

Su Old Demon and Zhou Old Demon kept attacking, and did not give blood to Gula at all. With the slightest chance of breathing, the two of them saw that the bleeding Gula was an arrow at the end of its flight, but the more so, the less it could be taken lightly.


Soon, the blood gula could no longer resist it, was slapped by Su Old Demon and fell on the blood god peak, and the blood gula was hit by this blow, and the internal organs were almost shattered. It is difficult to get up from the ground for a while.


When he was sick and killing him, when Zhou Old Demon flashed out, trying to suppress and kill the blood gula, a lazily voice It came out of thin air.

“Sorry, this Old Guy belongs to me. You can’t kill him.”

“Hidden things, with you, dare to point fingers at old man? No matter who you are , Can’t stop the old man from killing.”

Zhou Old Demon was coldly snorted, the speed did not decrease but increased, and one foot fiercely stepped on the blood gula.

He is used to tyrannize, even if he is facing Old Demon, he will not show any weakness. How can he be stopped by a voice that does not know where he is coming from?

“Let you stop, you have to stop, really treat me as the wind in your ears? Get out of my ears immediately!”

At this moment, a silhouette rushed from a distance , Accompanied by a breath of demonic path that made Zhou Old Demon frightened.

“Your Excellency turned out to be Demon Race, we are the same family, why should we kill each other?”

Zhou Old Demon yelled, was shocked by the breath of demonic path and thought The one who came was Dao Realm Old Demon.

“Because of you and my family, I didn’t kill you.”

The voice is still there, the silhouette is already a ghost, and a punch is condescending to Zhou Old Demon.

“quickly retreat!”

all around, some of the Blood Race and Demon Race cultivators that were fighting against each other changed their colors in amazement, and retreated subconsciously.

Next moment, an unbelievable scene appeared for both of them, and saw a mountain-like demonic energy fist whizzing down, and the world suddenly appeared a terrifying scene of a large area of ​​collapse!

Needless to say, the person who made the shot was Yang Xuan. In this outburst, Yang Xuan almost used a sovereign aura to see if he could get a Dao Realm ancient demon.

Of course, this is not a simple punch. This fist is a Secret Fist, which contains his unparalleled physical strength.

As soon as this punch was punched, Yang Xuan’s power took a moment’s time. It is impossible to describe the power of the punch. Even if Zhou Old Demon used a powerful Demonic Artifact to take this punch, he still It was shattered by a blow.


Zhou Old Demon was shocked, spit blood flying upside down came out, and his expression was going backwards, and for the first time he was shocked, “Who is your excellency? ?”

However, he didn’t get any response to what he said, but as he retreated, he also completely saw the person who hurt him.

That was a white clothed young man with monstrous energy, but the real cultivation base was only Emperor Peak.

Chapter 1366 is not as good as a beast

“Impossible, how can a little Demon Sovereign hurt my old man!?”

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