“Feng Family members follow the old man.”

Old Demon Feng gritted his teeth, after all, he did not dare to cast aside all considerations for face thoroughly with Yang Xuan, with a group under his hand clansman, angrily left.

“Ai, let’s go, too.”

Su Yuntian shook the head and said to Old Demon on the side.

Zhou Old Demon wanted to leave a long time ago, but before he left, he cupped the hands to Yang Xuan, “There is a Demon Sealing Palace in Feng Demon Mountain. It is the Holy Land of my Demon Race. The Palace Lord is sitting in town. If you go to Sealing the Demon Mountain, it is better not to have a bad relationship with the Lord Demon Sealing Palace.”

Chapter 1370 Shows Mercy.

“Many thanks.”

Yang Xuan slightly nodded, the impression of this Zhou Old Demon is not bad.

This Old Guy has a rough appearance and a meticulous heart. He can afford to let him go. Not only does he not hold grudges when he was injured, but he wants to form a good relationship with him.

Regardless of whether the other party is sincere or acting, the fact that this act alone is better than the Old Demon Feng, I don’t know how much.

Old Demon Feng, known as Crazy Old Demon, is really going to be mad. It can be much harder than Zhou Old Demon and Su Old Demon Su Yuntian, but such people tend to act impulsively and do not leave room for themselves.

“The Lord of Demon Sealing Palace, who has lived for endless years, is a powerful ancient demon who may ascend to Immortal World at any time. We all evil Demon Realm parties, Demon Race, since ancient times are called Demon Sealing Palace The Lord is respected, no one dares to disrespect him.”

At this moment, Su Yuntian also spoke.

“This time, the Demon Sealing Palace’s ancestor worship was presided over by Senior, the master of Demon Sealing Palace. When I return, I will report the whole sequence of events truthfully, as long as you don’t To do something that will detract from my grand plan for the rise of Demon Race, the Palace Lord, his Senior, will not attack you if he wants to.”

The Demon Sealing Palace Lord is not only powerful, but also possesses great wisdom, grandeur, and He is a talented person.

The young Demon Sovereign with extraordinary battle strength like Yang Xuan and different pupils will surely be reused if he is willing to apply to Demon Sealing Palace.

That’s why Su Yuntian was so polite to Yang Xuan, and he was not dissatisfied with Yang Xuan’s murder in the ancestral land of Blood Race.

As for Old Demon Feng, I can only say that this person is too stupid and lived for so many years in vain.

“I came here mainly to find people.”

Yang Xuan looked at Su Yuntian, pointed to the blue butterfly on the side, and said: “As for the matter of sealing the devil mountain to worship the ancestors , It has nothing to do with me, and I have no intention of being an enemy of the entire Demon Race. After all, I am also a Demon Race.”

“Although your Excellency is Demon Race, the bloodline power is very powerful. If you can join me The base camp of the evil Demon Realm Demon Race, the achievements in the future are bound to be limitless.”

Su Yuntian laughed, immediately greeted his clansman, and left.

Because Yang Xuan deliberately reduced the power of Demon Sovereign’s blood, it was as strong as Su Yuntian and could not see through his true bloodline, but in terms of the purity of the demonic energy, Su Yuntian did not dare Underestimate.

“My Zhou Family is located in the lower Bahuang Mountain of Fengmo Mountain, and you are always welcome to visit and say goodbye.”

Old Demon Zhou hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, With the clansman underneath, he flew away from the Blood God Peak all the way with grandiose.

This time I went to the ancestral land of Blood Race. Although I didn’t complete the task assigned by the master of Demon Sealing Palace, I met a mysterious and powerful young Demon Sovereign. It was a worthwhile trip.

Zhou Old Demon even felt that this young Demon Sovereign, in the near future, will definitely become a member of their Demon Race army.

“The little girl can’t feel the thoughts of these two people, and I don’t know if they are malicious towards the big brother.”

Yang Xinyi watched Su Yuntian and Zhou Old Demon and other Demon Races After going away, he walked quickly to Yang Xuan and said quietly.

“It’s okay, no matter what they plan in their hearts, they are not a threat to me.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand and turned his gaze to a few blood patriarch not far away. Old man, indifferently said: “A few of you will end up on your own.”

“Your Excellency kills me clansman, and I have to wait for myself to commit suicide, do you think this is possible?”

“Since So, don’t blame yourself for being vicious and merciless.”

Yang Xuan body moved, like a ghost and a ghost came to a few blood patriarch old bodies.

These people have the highest cultivation base but Paradise Realm’s mid-term. How is his opponent?

Yang Xuan looks like Emperor Peak’s cultivation base, but his strength is far beyond the cultivation base. It didn’t take a moment for several people to be knocked to the ground, directly using the technique of black luck, and forcibly plundering several people. All luck.

Anyway, it’s all killings. Of course, he won’t let go of his fate. A few people can have today’s cultivation base. Although the luck is not as good as the shadow clan’s dark luck, it is not much worse.

After these people died, all of their luck condensed into a crystal of luck, and they were secretly thrown into the Jiuding Refining by Yang Xuan, and his Life Source luck also became more violent. increase.

With this Life Source’s luck, plus he himself is strong enough, where can this evil Demon Realm go?

In addition, the reason why he didn’t expose his identity was because he didn’t want to attract the attention of Demon Race.

Demon Sovereign lineage was born, this is a major event.

A Demon Race Sovereign came to their evil Demon Realm alone, and the cultivation base is only the Emperor Realm. Heaven knows that there can be several Demon Race cultivators to buy his account, willing to acknowledge allegiance.

Thinking of this, Yang Xuan found that the Blood Race cultivator had become dead silent on the Peak of the Blood God. Those Blood Race cultivators who were still alive were all lost in their souls, and they did not dare to show any hatred against him. color.

“Let’s go, leave the evil Demon Realm.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand dumbly, and said to the blue butterfly next to him: “I do it, elder sister But agree?”

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