half a day later, the blue butterfly wakes up first, and the tyrannical aura escapes, curling up the blood crystals and powder all over the floor, and closing the eyes of Ji Yuechan and Yang Xinyi of cultivation Woke up.

Chapter 1373 Arrived in Demon Realm

“Emperor Realm Peak!”

Ji Yuechan stood up with an incredible look towards the blue butterfly.

The blue butterfly came from the Divine-Martial Continent, sneaked into the blood spring under the blood race ancestral land, and did a lot of hard training. It just entered the emperor realm not long ago. Who knows that it’s not long, cultivation base He jumped to Emperor Peak in one fell swoop.

This kind of cultivation base is already on par with Yang Xuan. Even if the strength is far inferior to Yang Xuan, he might be able to compete with the ordinary powerhouse.

The promotion of blood crystals is not only a cultivation base, but also fleshy body, Divine Soul, bloodline, and even cultivation talent. It can only be said that the blue butterfly has refined so many blood crystals, it is impossible to think it is strong.

Thinking of this, Ji Yuechan greeted the blue butterfly again, “Congratulations to the senior cultivation base.”

“Hehe, Miss Ji, don’t call me Senior anymore. That’s only going to show off. How will we be the sisters from now on?” Blue Caidie smiled and said authentically, knowing that Ji Yuechan will become Yang Xuan’s woman sooner or later, sharing the same Husband with her. It is better to get closer to each other as soon as possible.

“Is this… okay?”

Ji Yuechan hesitated and asked her to be sisters with a Divine-Martial Continent who is a vampire queen, she really felt a little uncomfortable .

“Why, dislike the identity of the elder sister? Or worry that you and I will be close by pointing fingers?”

“No, Senior misunderstood, the younger sister will be called from now on You say elder sister.”

“That’s right, my generation cultivator, what generation and age is it? Although the elder sister has been cultivating for many years, it is still maintaining a young appearance, and it looks no better How old is it.”

Hearing Lan Caidie’s words, Yang Xinyi couldn’t help laughing, “Elder Sister Lan is not old, not only is he not old, but also very beautiful.”

” Sister Xinyi is not bad, just a little bit younger. When your body grows out, you will be one of the few first-class beauties in the world.”

“Why, elder sister laughed, I It’s just an ugly duckling that can be brought by the big brother. I’m already very satisfied. I never imagined what beauty I want to be.”

“You didn’t think about it, but your big brother thought about it, he. , You are just a bastard, you have to be careful when you are stolen by him.”

Seeing that the blue butterfly is getting more and more wrong, Yang Xuan quickly sneered and interrupted: “Xinyi cultivation How’s it going?”

“My sister’s cultivation base is too low, and the refining speed is too slow. Now I can only absorb less than 0.1% of the power in this blood crystal.”

Yang Xinyi whispered.

“No hurry, until you return to the Sword God Palace, I will help you refining the blood crystals. As for now, we have to take a trip to Fengde Mountain.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“Feng Devil Mountain is definitely a dragon’s pool and tiger’s den. When we come to the ancestral land of Blood Race this time, we have already gained a lot. Why should you go there to take risks?”

Ji Yuechan browses tightly frowns, but understands that she can’t persuade Yang Xuan. No one can change what this guy has decided.

“What’s the purpose of the younger brother going to Fengde Mountain?”

The blue butterfly cultivation base has greatly increased, and her mood is exceptionally good, but she needs to change her name to Yang Xuan Husband. She really couldn’t wipe her face, but she still asked her younger brother to come here smoothly, which also made her look younger.

In fact, the blue butterfly cultivation has only been more than two thousand years old, and for the cultivator, it is more than two thousand years old simply can’t be called old monster.

Of course, for little girls like Ji Yuechan and Yang Xinyi, her age is a little bit older.

“The big brother is the Demon Sovereign lineage. I went to Fengmoshan this time to find my clansman.”

Yang Xinyi came up and explained beside the blue butterfly Tao.

“Demon Sovereign lineage?”

The blue butterfly was stunned, her face was suddenly startled, “The younger brother is the Imperial Family bloodline of the Primordial Underworld Clan?”

After finishing speaking, Yang Xuan slightly nodded, and Lan Caidie said again: “The younger brother really went to Fengmoshan. It is rumored that the mysterious Palace Lord who guards the Demon Sealing Palace is just one The ancient demon of the Dark Demon clan.”

“This happened!”

“This matter is true. The Demon Sealing Palace is known as the Demon Race Temple. It is the Divine Idol who enshrines the Immortal Emperor all the year round.”

“Oh, in the Divine Idol of the Immortal Emperor, can there be residual thoughts left?”

” I know, but the evil Demon Realm is cursed, making it difficult for outsiders to enter, it seems to be related to the Divine Idol of the Immortal Emperor. Perhaps seeing the Divine Idol, the younger brother will know the entire process of development.”

“So, I really have to go to this magic mountain.”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, no longer hesitating, took the three girls, and crossed the void all the way , Rushed to Fengmo Mountain.

The road from the ancestral land of Blood Race to Fengmo Mountain is long, and it takes a distance of several 10,000,000 li. Fortunately, Yang Xuan cultivated the big Void Technique, and it didn’t take much time to jump repeatedly in the sky.

About one hour later, he and his three daughters came to the center of the Ancestral Demon Continent.

Here is the settlement area of ​​the Great Demon Race, also known as the Ten Thousand Demon Domain. You can see countless powerful demon shadows everywhere. The lowest cultivation base has Celestial Realm, almost none of them are The weak.

Since time immemorial, Demon Race has been thriving here, and there are few Outsiders to bother them. Although there are occasional internal fights, there have never been large-scale conflicts. Naturally, their strength should not be underestimated.

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