How can he dare to do this without certain strength?

Furthermore, the three foreign women never spoke, nor did they show the slightest expression of panic on their faces. They always looked like Yang Xuan with the head of a horse. This shows that Yang Xuan’s out of the ordinary.

Maybe, Yang Xuan is simply a Demon Race old monster with tyrannical strength comparable to ancient monsters of various races.

Thinking about this, Xiang Heavenly Wolf shook his body suddenly, as if he had seen something incredible.

In his eyes, Yang Xuan no longer converges on the cultivation base, and suddenly a wave of demonic energy rushes into his body.

“Impossible, your cultivation base is actually equivalent to me!”

Duan Heavenly Wolf lost his voice. This is too far away from what he imagined, and he felt a little bit unrealistic.

“Emperor Peak! This child turned out to be a Demon Sovereign! It’s horrible, I was deceived by his appearance.”

Li Zhenghao’s body was also shocked. There was more anger and jealousy on his face, with a trace of fear.

It’s ridiculous that he wanted to fight Yang Xuan just now. Who knows that his cultivation base has already reached Demon Sovereign. I’m afraid that you don’t need to directly kill him. A wisp of Divine Sense can give him Went out.

“Cultivation base does not represent strength, and I, more of an outlier among them, take it!”

Yang Xuan shook the head, grabbing with bare hands, an unimaginable feeling The power of, rolled up the billowing demonic energy of ten thousand li, condensed into a pitch-black palm print the size of several feet in the high air, and quickly blasted the head toward Heavenly Wolf.

At this moment, Xiang Heavenly Wolf Pupil opened wildly, and a strong sense of crisis arose in his heart, almost without any hesitation, and immediately turned into a magic light to dodge in a hurry.

This move means that he has lost this battle!

But if he doesn’t move, he has to die. In order to save his life, for the heavy burden on his body, he cannot die here.

Chapter 1377 Confrontation and Compromise


In an instant, the pitch-black palm prints dropped from the sky, like a giant mountain crashing down, fiercely shot In the place where Xiang Heavenly Wolf stood previously.

In a short time, within ten thousand li, The earth shook and the mountain quivered shook the sky, and there was a series of rock collapse sounds.

However, what is shocking and unbelievable is…

In this area of ​​ten thousand li, apart from the place close to the incident, there are a few houses due to strong It collapsed due to the shaking, and it was almost undamaged, and it was not affected by much force.

It’s just that there was a huge pit of several dozen meters in the area where it was hit by the dark palm prints.

The big hole is not bottomed, and the black paint is as deep as ten thousand li. Many Demon Race cultivators standing on the edge of the big hole or Li Zhenghao are all have one’s hair stand on end .

Fortunately, they saw that the situation was wrong just now, and they hurriedly retreated to the four directions. Otherwise, if the palm fell down, they were afraid that they would be crushed on the spot, and their spirits would be destroyed, and there would be no fly ash left.

It can be said that Yang Xuan’s horrible palm has completely shocked them, and they dare not despise this young Demon Sovereign in their hearts.

This person’s strength is already against the sky. It is easier to kill people like them than to squeeze an ant.

“Your Excellency Heavenspan, I am convinced of the loss of Heavenly Wolf, and I am willing to acknowledge allegiance, and do my best for you.”

Heavenly Wolf first came back to His senses, not even think, knelt down to the ground, and expressed allegiance to Yang Xuan, but still has several points of heart lingering.

The palm of Yang Xuan clearly shows mercy, but he has restrained, forcibly condensing his strength in one point.

Otherwise the ten thousand li will be turned into ruins under this blow, and his unpredictable means of Ghost God, and tyrannical strength far beyond the cultivation base, will also make Xiang Heavenly Wolf deep I feel admired.

This kind of power appeared on a Demon Sovereign, which is incredible!

The cultivator is as strong as the sky cave. I am afraid that I will have to hate it under this palm. There is no possibility of survival.

“Get up, you are not the first person to surrender to me, but you are a real Demon Race, my Demon Race, if everyone is like you, why not rejuvenate “

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand and sent out a wave of palms, lifting Xiang Heavenly Wolf up in the air.

“The master is overpraised, the old slave is not ashamed, I don’t know how to call the master?”

Xiang Heavenly Wolf asked respectfully with a solemn expression.

“My name is Yang Xuan, you don’t need to call me Master from now on, just call me Young Master.”

“Okay, Young Master, just clansman of the old slave Now that I am in the Li family, my life may be at risk at any time, I don’t know…”

Xiang Heavenly Wolf hesitated to say something, and he joined Yang Xuan this time. This is treason. If the Li family knows this, First of all, the clansman under him will be operated on.

They Heavenly Wolf Clan, there are not many people left, and they can’t stand any more toss.

If Li Jiaxin is ruthless and wants to kill someone to vent his anger, then he will become a lonely man in Heavenly Wolf. After death, he will no longer face and face the ancestors of the ancestors.

“It’s okay, as long as the Li family is not a fool, they won’t act on your clansman right away. If I don’t expect it to be bad, they will come soon to find out where I came from. Take action.”

paused, Yang Xuan changed the front line, coldly said: “Of course, if the Li family kills your clansman first, then I can assure you here that you will be bloody. , Take revenge for you.”

These words are not just talking, Xiang Heavenly Wolf can also feel the determination in Yang Xuan’s words, and suddenly fell to his knees, “many thanks Young Master.”


At this moment, Xiang Heavenly Wolf is really convinced of Yang Xuan. Having such a master of morality reaching up to the clouds is far more than being with Li Zhenghao, being a person who has no dignity and can be abandoned at any time. The slave is much stronger.

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