This voice was made by the Lord of Demon Sealing Palace Palace.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t agree.”

Yang Xuan shook his head and flatly refused the other party’s request.

“You have killed Li Zhenghao, even if there is great hatred, it is enough to calm the anger in your heart. You and I come out of lineage, bloodline is much more honorable than me, is it even an old man? Do you not agree to a small request?”

The master of the Demon Sealing Palace sighed softly and said: “Young Emperor, the old slave has been waiting for you in the Demon Sealing Palace for many years. Your arrival will definitely Will lead me to the glory of the Demon Race.”

As soon as this statement was made, the whole world was completely quiet. The master of the dignified Demon Sealing Palace, a cultivation base comparable to a half-immortal ancient demon, actually called a Demon Sovereign is Young Emperor. Doesn’t this mean that the other party is the bloodline heir of Immortal Emperor?

“Palace Lord, what you said is true!?”

Li Renhai’s heart sighed. If Yang Xuan is really the bloodline heir of the Immortal Emperor, he will be done today. , The entire Li family will also bear the sin of treason, and will eventually perish.

“Yes, I dare to be sure, he is the son of the emperor, bearing the blood of our clan Demon Sovereign, if not, how can he swallow your flames?”

The main road of Demon Sealing Palace, the Innate Divine Ability of the Demon Sovereign clan is to devour and refining everything in the world.

Li Renhai was stunned, and he was very impressed with his grandson. This kid is normally a bastard and that’s all. He and their Li family provoke such a person who should not be provoke.

The Demon Sovereign clan, the son of the emperor, is this the person he dares to move in the sea?

It’s ridiculous that he just thought about taking the virtual mirror and suppressing and killing Yang Xuan here. This is not just in name only, but also in reality.

While thinking about it, I saw Yang Xuan flashed by lightning, a murderous-looking appearance, Li Renhai suddenly shouted: “Enough, this battle is surrendered. From now on, my Li family is also willing to invest in the Young Emperor. Under my command, like my first ancestor of the Li family followed the Immortal Emperor in the past, he served the Young Emperor to his death.”

Yang Xuan figure stopped, faint smile said: “I killed your grandson, you don’t Don’t say revenge, but turn around to surrender to me. Do you think I will believe you?”

“Li swears to the sky that he will never betray the Young Emperor in this life. As for my imperfect grandson, can To die in the hands of the Young Emperor is considered a good death.”

Li Renhai hurriedly spoke, and he had already given up any thoughts of revenge in his heart, not to mention whether Void God Realm could deal with Yang Xuan.

Even if he can really kill it, he has to consider whether their Li family can withstand the anger of the Great Demon Race.

Killing the bloodline Inheritor of the Immortal Emperor, it’s hard to forgive even after 10.000 deaths. Not to mention the Great Demon Race of the Demon Sealing Palace, the Lord of the Demon Sealing Palace may stand out first Kill him.

“My Demon Race has been silent for too long. In the future, if I want to rise, unify the world, and have a useful place in the Li family, Young Emperor will listen to the words of the old slave and spare his life. Okay?”

The voice of the Lord Demon Sealing Palace came again. He was just an ordinary Demon Race cultivator, facing Yang Xuan, the only bloodline of the Immortal Emperor, he could only do his best. Dissuade, but cannot ask Yang Xuan to do anything.

Chapter 1383 Unifying Demon Race

“I forgive him today. He is jealous of my identity and strength. Maybe he will admire me and treat me with vain. But if I lose my power in the future He couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t stabb me in the back. Instead of that, he should kill death ends all one’s troubles.”

Yang Xuan lifts the head, looking in the direction of Fengmo Mountain, he faintly responded. .

At the top of Fengmo Mountain, deep in the clouds and mist, there is an ancient and solemn magnificent hall, that is, the Demon Sealing Palace of the Demon Race.

The Palace Lord in this palace is an ancient demons of the Underworld demons who have lived for endless years and have a great cultivation base.

For this person, Yang Xuan will give him enough respect, but respect belongs to respect, which does not mean that he has to listen to the other person.

He always do as one pleases when he does things, even if he is a powerful person of the same clan, he can’t be pointed at him.

“You are the son of the emperor, and all your decisions, the old slave should only obey and dare not violate.”

The Demon Sealing Palace master stepped out of the Demon Sealing Palace and stood on the seal. The sky over the magic mountain is respectful and authentic.

They were born as the most loyal servants and guards of the Demon Sovereign clan. Even if Yang Xuan kills and kills the Great Demon Races in the Demon Domain, he can only sigh and cannot go. prevent.

“If I want you to die, would you be willing?”

Yang Xuan squinted, his gaze seemed to penetrate endless void, and instantly fell on the master of Demon Sealing Palace.

That is an old man with a stalwart figure and a vicissitudes of face. The old man has a calm expression and looks at Yang Xuan from the sky. He hardly thinks nodded, “Yes, Young Emperor only needs one sentence. , The old slave will die without the slightest hesitation, and will regard it as a Supreme honor.”

“haha, I just said casually, don’t take it seriously, let alone let you To die, you are my clansman, there are still many places to rely on you to grow old.”

“The old slave is willing to serve the Young Emperor.”

Heard here, Ren Hai has become more and more uneasy in his heart, and couldn’t help shouting: “Palace Lord, save me!”

“It’s not that I don’t want to save you, but that your life should be the case, blame it. Blame you for teaching Sun Wufang, for being too indulgent about clansman’s deeds in recent years.”

The Li family has been restless these days, how would the Lord of Demon Sealing Palace know?

It was just the first ancestor of the Li family. After all, he had followed the Emperor Underworld, and he was a member of the powerful General next to Emperor Underworld. Therefore, he turned a blind eye until now, and ignored him.

“For so many years, my Li family has always respected the Palace Lord, loyal and loyal. There is no credit and hard work. Please also the Palace Lord to save me a way.”

” It’s useless to ask me, why don’t you understand?”

hearing this, Ren Hai came back to his senses, busy moving towards this side Yang Xuan, bowed, loudly said “The old man is willing to let the Young Emperor plant the ban on thoughts within the body. From then on, life and death are under your control. I only hope that the Young Emperor can go around me.”

In order to survive, Li Renhai had to do this too. To do, I just don’t know if Yang Xuan can leave a way out and go around him without dying.

“No, I can’t believe you.”

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