That silhouette, majestic and majestic, able to support both heaven and earth, like Demon God, makes people unable to help but worship.

“I will wait to meet the emperor!”

The Lord Demon Sealing Palace, the ancestors of the Great Demon Race, many Enforcement Envoys of the Demon Sealing Palace, and countless Demon Race cultivators, kneel down to the ground and face that silhouette, no one dares to neglect the worship.

In the ancestors of the Li family, the father and son of the Li family was not allowed to kneel down, and his heart was panicked and shocked.

The emperor actually manifested the True Form. Although everyone can see that it is a remnant of the emperor, not the deity of the emperor, but the emperor is the emperor. Even if it is just a remnant of the emperor, no one dares to deal with it. Disrespectful.

“Is this the Great Emperor Underworld!?”

The hearts of the three daughters, Lan Caidie, Ji Yuechan, and Yang Xinyi, were shaken. Although they did not bow down, they also leaned slightly. Show respect.

Only Yang Xuan, the motionless standing in midair, looked at the silhouette that seemed familiar and somewhat strange.

This silhouette faintly appeared once in his in the depth of one’s soul. Although it was only a flash, he could not forget it.

At this moment, only he can see clearly, that silhouette looks like a silver-silk imperial robe, face as if blade carved, long eyebrows into temples, majestic and handsome face, with all hands and feet A domineering look down on the common people, watching the world.

“Why, seeing as a father, does my son have nothing to say?”

At this moment, the silhouette suddenly spoke, and in the calm words, there was a faint A bit of a smile.

Yang Xuan trembled all over, even though there were a thousand words, he couldn’t say anything when he reached his lips. He just asked: “Imperial Father…is it really dead?”

He is only called the Imperial Father, not the father, because of this life, he has another father.

But whether it is Yang Tian, ​​his father, or the Imperial Father in his eyes, it is his…bloodline dearest, and in his heart, both of them also have a pivotal position.

“I’m dead, now it’s just a remnant thought, it can’t exist for too long.”

The Great Emperor Underworld sighed slightly, and looked up and down Yang Xuan, as if he could see his past. Experience, said: “Yes, worthy of my son. Compared to when he was a young father, he is much more outstanding.”

“The sons and ministers have mastered the Samsara Power, which may help the Imperial Father…”

The Great Emperor Underworld waved and interrupted, “For the Father, I can’t enter into reincarnation, and reincarnation cannot carry my remnant thoughts. You must not do that.”

” The Imperial Father……”

Yang Xuan hesitated to speak, with a sad expression on his face. He thought he might be able to use Samsara Power to forcibly open a Samsara Channel so that his imperial father’s thoughts could be samsara reincarnation. .

But now it seems that this method is not working.

“Don’t be sad. Today, you and I can meet each other. It should be happy. At the same time, I can be my father, but the last thing in my heart is missing. Maybe in the near future, we will see you again. Maybe the day will happen.”

The Great Emperor Underworld said.

“What does the Imperial Father say?”

Yang Xuan was startled suddenly, and his face showed joy again.

“Cultivation hard, after you pass the gate of eternal life, you can get the answer you want to know.”

“It is the gate of eternal life again…”

Yang Xuan was stunned, becoming more and more curious about this gateway to eternal life.

“Ai, behind eternal life is endless loneliness. Remember, when you have the power to open this door, you will understand it naturally.”

hearing this , Yang Xuan’s heart was shocked. If eternal life finally returns only eternal loneliness, then what is his lifetime cultivation?

The reason for his cultivation and constantly struggle against the Heavens is to protect the people around him who want to protect.

If in the coming day to prove eternal life, but need to cut off the mundane and give up everything, then he might as well not pursue the illusory longevity.

Chapter 1387 Give Blood

“Eternal life is just a state. The so-called immortal is the immortal lifeform that transcends the self and transcends the immortal lifeform of Time and Space, unemotional, unintentional. Read.”

The Emperor Underworld looked at Yang Xuan in the distance, with a little appreciation in his eyes, several points of hope.

“If you have affection in your heart, attachment in your heart, and unbreakable, you will not be trapped by this loneliness, or even break it. As for whether you can do it, you have to rely on yourself and be your father. I can’t help you much.”

“Isn’t the Imperial Father an Immortal Emperor? How can I get…the land of immortality?”

“Can’t say, nor can’t say everything It’s up to you to find the answer yourself. What your father can do now is to help you awaken the bloodline power in one fell swoop, and make your cultivation speed faster and stronger.”

Shook the head , A blood light flew from the center of the eyebrows, revealing a breathtaking breath, which instantly cut through the sky and sank into Yang Xuan’s body.

“This is the last gift that my father can give you. Although it can make your bloodline stronger, it is also dangerous. Fortunately, you have a solid foundation and cultivated an incomplete body refinement magical power. , The fleshy body is strong enough and should be able to bear it.”

“The life and death Eight Sects of the child cultivation, are they incomplete…”

“Life and death Eight Sects, Based on the Fleshy body, opening up the eight major acupoints within the body and stimulating one’s own potential is indeed out of the ordinary, but the human body is a small universe, and there are more than eight acupoints among them?”

“Imperial Father experienced and knowledgeable, in the phrase, the child thinks too much, indeed, although this magical power is strong, but as the child cultivation base gets higher and higher, I also found its shortcomings.”

“Since there are shortcomings, then you have to find a way to Perfection, for the father to believe that you can do it.”

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