Life Source Blood Essence is precious. The reason why the remnant thoughts of the Emperor Underworld have been kept in Divine Idol for a long time depends on this drop of blood.

“You are much better than being a father. Live well.”

The remnant thoughts of Emperor Underworld Demon soon disappeared, leaving only one sentence echoed in Yang Xuan’s mind, not for a long time. Disperse.

Chapter 1388 Cui Yuanlong

“You will not let the Imperial Father down!”

Yang Xuan has a solemn expression with his fists clenched in his heart. In addition to a little sentimental, more is the determination to become stronger.

He has thoroughly figured it out, he is no longer full of confusion about the future, his parents and many loved ones are the people he cherishes throughout his life, and this will never change.

Even if he is to prove immortality in the future, he will never abandon anyone around him.

If you are ruthless in your heart, what use is Eternal Immortal, Undying and Inextinguishable?

It is true that there are too many cultivators in the world who cut off the mundane world, abandon their parents, and seek the truth, but among them, how many people can really achieve the great path in ancient times?

It can be said that cultivation is related to the state of mind, but it does not mean that people are unfeeling. Those old monsters who claim to be as firm as a rock and that the city is deeper than the sea. But it is rare to be at ease.

If even people can’t do it, even the love in the heart can be abandoned at will, why is it a fairy? Why is it holy? Why is it immortal?

Eternal life is by no means loneliness, and it is definitely not a desperate desire.

If a person loses his affection, what can be left in the body?

Shaped like an empty shell that’s all.

As for the secrets in the gate of eternal life, he will naturally explore, and the father of the underworld emperor will finally have a goodbye.

“Heavenly Dao is ruthless, but humans are affectionate. Even Heavenly Dao cannot erase this feeling.”

Yang Xuan had a deep vision and said to himself: “I am against the destiny, It’s not disrespect of heaven and earth, or hatred of heaven and earth. I just want to break this cage and guard the people around me. That’s all!”

“I wait for the emperor!”

While Yang Xuan was contemplating, in the Demon Realm, the ancestors of all races, countless Demon Race cultivators, knelt down on the ground and shouted in unison.

They were fortunate enough to meet the Underworld Emperor today, and they felt extremely excited and Supreme glory in their hearts.

The fear of the emperor has increased even more.

“Li Wanshan, if you want to be unfavorable to the Young Emperor, death cannot wipe out the crimes! The Li family’s heart can be punishable, and should be punishable.”

At this moment, The master of Demon Sealing Palace suddenly spoke, and his voice revealed a cold murderous intention.

“I Su Family, I am willing to be the Palace Lord, Young Emperor, and crusade against the Li family.”

Su Yuntian rigorous schemes and deep foresight, the first one to stand up and kill first Xiang Li’s family.

Followingly, Zhou Old Demon, Old Demon Feng, ancestors, Patriarchs, Elder and other Demon Race powerhouses also joined the group and attacked the Li family.

“Let the family be destroyed, but don’t anger the innocent.”

Yang Xuan is lightly instructed. It is not that he is kind, but that he said not long ago that he only kills those who deserve to be killed. .

This is his way of doing things, he must pay for his favor, and he must pay for his grievances, but revenge is revenge, and he also has his own bottom line.

“I am waiting to take the order.”

No one dared to disobey Yang Xuan’s orders. After all, he is the son of the emperor. To disrespect him is to disrespect the emperor, so everyone entered the Li family. Kill only Li’s father and son, and the rest of Li’s clansman.

In this regard, many of the Demon Races attached to the Li family, or the many servants of the Li family, were deeply grateful to Yang Xuan.

The ancestors of each family were dispatched, it was a slaughter on one side, and in the end, even the entire Li family ancestor land was completely in ruins.

Yang Xuan saw all this in his eyes and didn’t think there was anything wrong with him. If the other party wanted to kill him, then he didn’t need to be merciful.

After 5 minutes of effort, when Su Yuntian dragged the dead dog-like father and son of Li’s father and son to him, there was only a thick indifference in his eyes.

“winner is the king, loser is the villain, give me a happy father and son.”

Li Tianxiong’s cultivation base is exhausted, but still has several points of backbone , Looked at Yang Xuan boldly.

“As you wish.”

Apart from anything else, Yang Xuan grabbed Li’s father and son with both hands, operating the black luck technique, in front of Su Yuntian, Take away the luck of the two.

The two people only had time to let out a miserable howl, and they turned into two pools of black liquid one after another, and they ceased to exist.

Su Yuntian stood solemnly aside, and respectfully handed the Lijiazhen Clan’s Secret Treasure Mirror to Yang Xuan. He was obviously more afraid of Yang Xuan than in awe.

“I will never be merciless to the enemy, but I never treat my subordinates badly, so please remember.”

Yang Xuan took the virtual mirror and seemed to be Speaking to Su Yuntian, but the voice spread throughout the entire Demon Realm and even the evil Demon Realm.

hearing this, all parties of Demon Race knelt to the ground, vowing that they will never betray this life.

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