It can be said that anyone who dares to hit her attention has to weigh whether he has that ability, and at the same time, he must always be prepared to be bitten by her.

Not to mention her cultivation base, and now it is very likely to reach the emperor realm.

This is a Blood Race empress. You don’t need to think about the strength to know how terrifying it is.

Perhaps, because the cultivation base is high enough, he will be invited by Yang Xuan to come to Sword God Palace.


“Zhuang Taibai!”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, then looked at the blue butterfly that browses slightly wrinkle next to him, faintly guessing in his heart What has arrived.

Zhuang Zongzheng once said that Taibai has suffered a love injury before, and he will never recover. Zhuang Zongzheng and the demonic girl in Taibai’s mouth may refer to the blue butterfly.

Yang Xuan was still thinking about where exactly is the demonic girl who can hurt Taibai so deeply. Unexpectedly, this person is now beside her, and she has become her own woman.

“Sorry, I seem to have caused you trouble for the younger brother.”

The appearance of Taibai surprised the blue butterfly somewhat, but after a moment of surprise, the blue butterfly face There was a look of guilt.

“It’s okay, whatever you have done in the past, whether it is good or bad, I will fight for you.”

Yang Xuan said.

“Thank you.”

Lan Caidie was very touched, and fortunate that she met Yang Xuan, she can support herself with a world, and she doesn’t even mind her past.

“You are my wife, we don’t need to be so polite.”

Yang Xuan held the jade hand of the blue butterfly, and said to Jiang Tianshu: “Please also Master Stop this person.”

Taibai is the great-grandson of Zhuang Zongzheng, not compelled by circumstances, and Yang Xuan is unwilling to act on it.


Jiang Tianshu stepped out slightly nodded, and directed at the distant Taibai lightly shouted: “This is Sword God Palace, please also Zhuang brother to respect yourself.”

Taibai, Jiang Tianshu also knows him, and I have seen it a few times in private. He knows that this person is simple, alcoholic, and will not engage in evil with others for no reason, so he is quite polite.

As for Taibai, you can find a place to sit down and talk about any grudges you have with Lan Caidie.

In short, within the gate of the Sword God Palace, no one is allowed here.

“This demonic girl deceived my feelings and created a devil in my heart. The cultivation base has been stagnant for nearly a thousand years, and it even took me from me. Raising Cloud Sword Sect protecting sect Divine Sword, you Let me take care of myself. If she doesn’t give me an explanation today, she won’t want to live and leave here.”

Zhuang Taibai’s eyes were red, and the blue butterfly roared glaringly.

“Who is right and who is wrong, let’s wait until you wake up.”

Jiang Tianshu frowned and shouted, an invisible aura spreading from his feet like fast as lightning. , Binding Zhuang Taibai in midair.

“You and I have the same cultivation base, you can’t hold me down, break for me.”

Zhuang Taibai was shouted, with the sword energy all over his body, which easily broke Jiang Tianshu’s domain .

Despite Taibai’s restraint, the sword energy that rose to the sky one after another still made the entire Sword God Palace a flying sand running stone.

“Impudent, on my site, how can you let you spoil?”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted and said, with a swipe of his sleeves, everything is smoothed in an instant, Sword God Palace also recovered calm.

This scene also made countless Sword God Palace disciple shocked and admired.

“Remember, there is no next time.”

Yang Xuan stared at Taibai and said coldly.

He chooses to transform Tao with affection and enter Tao with affection. It does not mean that he will become a kind person, kindness and kindness and so on. It is for friends and family around him, and for outsiders, he Never will not be soft-hearted.

I really want to provoke him, even if Taibai is the great-grandson of Zhuang Zongzheng, he can still kill him.

Chapter 1400 The mud can’t help the wall

“Surnamed Yang, quickly hand over the demonic girl beside you, otherwise you don’t blame me. You are not welcome.”


In Normally, Taibai met Yang Xuan and had to cup one fist in the other hand.

After all, Yang Xuan once helped them Raising Cloud Sword Sect, allowing more than a thousand people from their Raising Cloud Sword Sect sect to settle down in Sword God Palace, and is their benefactor of Raising Cloud Sword Sect.

reasonable in every circumstance, he is too white, he must show respect to Yang Xuan.

But now, when he is drinking, he can see the blue butterfly, thinking of all the past, filled with anger, how can he manage that many, otherwise he will not lose his reason, Let’s talk hard.

“This guy is crazy…”

The guests from all walks of life looked at from a distance, only to think that the behavior of Taibai was too stupid, and it was not good to provoke Yang. Emperor Xuan Yang is simply tired of living.

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