If there is no one who is more frustrated and courageous, and the determination to press forward, then this life will be lost.

“Little bastard, take your woman quickly and come to Jianxuanfeng to meet Lao Tzu.”

Just as Yang Xuan thought, a loud and angry voice, suddenly from a distance From the depths of the mountains.

“Don’t worry about father, child will come here.”

Yang Xuan replied, in the entire Sword God Palace, except for his father Yang Tian, ​​who would dare to curse in person His little bastard.

“Stop talking nonsense, come hurry up.”

“Let’s go, let me meet my father and our mother.”

Yang Xuan smiled helplessly, pull Picking up the jade hand of the blue butterfly, flying towards Jianxuanfeng all the way.

When everyone saw this scene, they were also quite amused. They dare to love them Sword God Palace, the young master of the palace, the famous Emperor Yang on the mainland, and the fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth. There are also people who are afraid. .

On the summit of Jianxuanfeng, Yang’s father and Yang’s mother are standing next to them, Qin Lan, Su Ziyao, Yan Ruyue, Shen Yuexin, Fang Qingxue, Gu Qingying, Xia Yuwei , Yi Family sisters and the others, are all present.

Yang Xuan looked at the calm, angry, or contemptuous faces before ascending to Jianxuan Peak, only a wry smile on his face.

Who can be blamed for this is not what he asked for himself, but if he wants him to abandon the blue butterfly, he absolutely can’t do it, and now he can only brace oneself.

“Sorry, I made the younger brother embarrassed.”

The blue butterfly is faintly sighed, soft and weak to rely on Yang Xuan’s arms, there is no cause for self-blame and tension in my heart.

“It’s okay, everything has me.”

Yang Xuan shook his head, prancing around, and boarded the Jianxuan Peak with the blue butterfly.

“Well, father, mother, this is Blue Butterfly, child’s wife. I have known her a long time ago, and she has saved child’s life…”

Standing in front of the crowd, Yang Xuan scratched his head and said carefully.

“Daddy and mother don’t listen to him, this guy is a heartless man, you have to teach him a good meal today, um, just interrupt his two legs, so that he will be honest in the future “

Yang Tian and He Lianqian hadn’t spoken yet, and the fiery-tempered Shen Yuexin couldn’t help but jump out.

Yang Xuan ignored Shen Yuexin, and knelt down in front of Yang Tian and He Lianqian with a thump, “Everything is child’s fault, child is at the mercy of his parents.”

Blue Caidie was stunned, and hurriedly said, “Yang Xuan is not to be blamed for this matter. I am the one who is wrong. If it weren’t for me to pester him, he would not bring me here.”

” You, get up, and you, come with me together, let’s talk again when we enter the house.”

He Lianqian couldn’t bear it, she reached out her hand to support Yang Xuan, and at the same time greeted Lan Caidie and let them Follow her to her residence.

“a loving mother begets a useless son, Qian’er, don’t be too used to this little bastard.”

Yang Tian frowns saying.

“Don’t talk, I will take care of today’s affairs.”

He Lianqian glared at Yang Tian, ​​then said to Yang Xuan and Lan Caidie: “Go Right.”

This is a housework after all. When the door is closed, He Lianqian doesn’t want outsiders to watch her son’s jokes.

Chapter 1402 The wind is tight.

On Jianxuan Peak, clouds and mists, picturesque, various pavilions and buildings are connected in one piece, like Immortal Realm.

The Hall of Nourishing the Heart is located in the middle of a lake on the top of the mountain. The environment is quiet and Spiritual Qi is full. He Lianqian and Yang Tian normally live and cultivation here, and rarely go out.

At this moment, as the sun is approaching dusk, the evening breeze is blowing across the bamboo forest by the lake, and there is a rustle.

However, in the main hall of Yangxin Hall, there was silence, and no one spoke.

Yang Xuan stood in the hall and saw his parents and women again. Most of them looked at himself and the blue butterflies next to him with scrutiny eyes, feeling helpless and amused.

“Well, can we all sit down and talk, so many people surround me, it seems like I have committed a major event, and I will be tried in three courts.”

“Seriously, give me less frivolous ones.”

Yang Tian strode forward and slapped Yang Xuan’s forehead,

” If you play well, you’d better beat him to death. This bastard is just like itching.”

When Shen Yuexin saw Yang Xuan being beaten, it was a joy in her heart.

“Yuexin, don’t interrupt.”

He Lianqian glanced at Shen Yuexin, her voice was gentle and quiet, although she couldn’t hear the joy or anger, she made Shen Yuexin immediately become regular I dared not talk nonsense anymore.

As for Qin Lan and other women, except for Yi Qingwu’s eyes with anger, the others are much calmer, just looking at the blue butterfly carefully.

This woman has an elegant manner, a beautiful face, and an outstanding temperament. She has a more mature charm than them.

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