“Will Big Brother be nervous too?” Xiao Yuner was surprised.

“As long as you are human, you will always be nervous. You are still young, and you will understand when you grow up.”

Yang Xuan touched Xiao Yun’er’s head. He squeezed the baby’s face again, and suddenly smiled.

These two Little Brat are innocent and pure in nature. Under his protection, their hands may not be stained with blood in this life, and they will always be carefree and happy.

Thinking of this, he strode away, and there was only one sound left, whirling and between Heaven and Earth.

“If the sky is sentimental, the sky is also old, but I want this day, for my wife, this land, for my concubine, live with the sky and the earth, and shine with the stars and moon.”

Xiao Yuner and the baby, one is young, the other is Feitianzhou Artifact Spirit, naturally they can’t understand Yang Xuan’s words, but they can feel that the back of Yang Xuan’s away suddenly becomes taller.

On him, there is also a peculiar halo.

The halo, not only the dazzling of the sun, but also the haziness of the moonlight, is extremely gorgeous, and the whole seems to be composed of thousands of threads. Although the colors are different, they are perfectly intertwined and come out from it. Sound of Great Dao.

This Sound of Great Dao can only be heard by Yang Xuan.

He paused, stood in the darkness, and hummed softly: “I have sentiment in my heart, indestructible, trifling the fantasy of love, and want to disturb my mind? Extinct!”

In an instant, a vast imposing manner broke out from Yang Xuan in vain.

When he moved his feet, all areas were shaking violently. He looked up to the sky, and the starlight of the hundred thousand li sky suddenly trembled and became much dim.

This world mutation has also caused countless people in Divine-Martial Continent to panic, and they don’t know why.

And the Sword God Palace, there are dozens of silhouettes, soaring into the sky, looking at the Jianxuan Peak where Yang Xuan is, shocked inexplicably.

Everyone understands that all of this is definitely the work of Yang Xuan, and his cultivation realm must also reach an unimaginable state.

“The way is transformed!”

Beyond the gate of Sword God Palace, Grand Purity Palace is the place where many high-rises settled. Yuechan Fairy Ji Yuechan stood in the air in a white dress. , His face is full of incredible look of shock.

In just a few days, Yang Xuan has already melted away.

This speed is not unpleasant.

This talent is not unimportant.

Chapter 1404 Life Source World

“It turns out that this is Huadao!”

Yang Xuan whispered, his heart fluctuated, and his heart was somewhat excited.

He didn’t deliberately understand or tried to break through just now. He just had a feeling in the heart and he cleared his heart, and the closed bottleneck also did not attack himself. Break, making him formally enter the Tao.

If you want to enter the Tao, you must first transform the Tao and let a Taoist heart constantly perfection.

This is a long and dangerous process. During this period, it is not only necessary to hone the Dao Xin step by step, but also to experience thousands of illusions and all kinds of emotions.

This is the Love Desire Refining Heart, Worldly Desire Refining Heart, there is no room to escape, compared to use killing to enter Dao, proving the Dao with force, etc., it is too dangerous, and it will be consigned to eternal at every turn. damnation, death and death.

use killing to enter Dao, kill emotions, condense killing intent, pursue everything in the world can be killed, although there is harm to the heavens and the anger of people and gods, but it is undoubtedly too much to practice.

To prove the Dao with strength, Spirit And Body Together, born for war, can enhance fighting intent through battle, so as to understand the meaning of war, and whether it is the former or the latter, it is better than It is much easier to enter the Tao from love.

Of course, Huadao is Huadao, and no one can do it. Even if it does, he will face all kinds of disasters at any time.

Since ancient times, how many people who have humiliated the Tao, sitting and sitting really become “Huadao”.

This Path of Transformation is not the Path of Transformation, it is Divine Soul annihilated, and only Fleshy body is left. In the course of time, it slowly decayed, turned into dust, and completely ceased to exist.

“Cultivation is not easy, and cultivation is even more difficult!”

If you compare the road in the dark to an unattainable and insurmountable mountain.

The seeker is the person standing at the bottom of the mountain, who needs to climb the mountain, step by step, to climb the mountain.

Here, only those who truly possess great perseverance, grandeur, and great wisdom can succeed and become holy.

However, whether it is a fairy or a saint, it is nothing more than a person standing on a mountain, seemingly aloof and remote, life as long as heaven, but still have to continue climbing.

There is a mountain beyond the mountain, and no one knows when the head will be. If there is the slightest vacillation or relaxation, the immortal and sage will fall into the world and the Tao will perish.

“What kind of realm is this, it can cause such a big movement!”

At this moment, Zhuang Zongzheng, demonic Yuanzi, Gu Tongxuan and the The others, as well as visitors from all sides outside the Sword God Palace gate, all focused their eyes on that silhouette on Jianxuanfeng.

Under the starlight bath, the slightly thin silhouette, as high as the sky, has an indescribable style.

He stood there, as if above the innumerable living beings, just a single thought is enough to make the world collapse and the mountains and rivers reverse…


Zhuang Zongzheng and the demonic Yuan child have the highest cultivation base, and they soon saw something. Yang Xuan at this moment is clearly the unity of mind and body, and the unity of human and Dao, which makes them feel a little humble in their hearts. Feeling small.

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