
Meng Nine Nether was surprised and delighted. Before he came to Sword God Palace, he thought his younger sister might have encountered an accident. So, I didn’t specially prepare any gifts before coming.

“Do I have to lie to the Lord? Look, this is your younger sister.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand and released the dream from Purgatory Sword. After eating the Soul Pill and the Purple Lime Body Modeling Pill, the dream has clearly separated from the body of Remnant Soul and recondense the fleshy body.

This is also Qin Lan’s painstaking plea for her that day, otherwise this woman would have been beaten to fly ashes by Yang Xuan.

“smelly brat, you…”

As soon as the dream came out, I originally wanted to ask Yang Xuan why she let her out, but his gaze swept away and he immediately saw the front Nine Nether’s dream, the whole body couldn’t help shaking.

“Why, don’t you know me as a brother?”

Meng Nine Nether looked at Mengqing, and her body trembled.

“My little sister has seen my big brother.”

The dream came back to his senses and hurriedly owed a bow.

“hehe, the two find a place to chat slowly, this Yang has something to do, so I won’t be with you.”

Yang Xuan laughed, strode to the wedding stage and motioned to his side The Tuobayun can begin.

“Boy, my eyelids keep twitching, shouldn’t there be any changes in this wedding?”

The voice of Tuobayun is still there, and a coldly snorted voice comes from beyond the The topmost clouds spread across the entire Sword God Palace and even the entire Divine-Martial Continent in an instant.

“Where is Sword God Palace Yang Xuan? Come out quickly and die.”

This voice is overbearing and cannot be questioned. The voice is full of murderous intention.

Next moment, the whole world is dark, it is clear blue sky and white sun, and the sun is shining brightly, but in a flash, the sun seems to be hidden by something, and the atmosphere is solemn and depressed.

“What happened!?”

“Oh my God, look at the sky, we seem to be surrounded by…”

Everyone looked up at the sky , You can see countless silhouettes, one by one, tyrannical, or murderous-looking, constantly pouring from the sky, almost filling the ten thousand li sky.

“These people are…”

Tuobayun swallowed saliva and said, staring blankly at the side Yang Xuan, the uninvited guests in the sky, and the one who came is not good at first sight.

Among them, ominous beasts are like clouds, overwhelming, heaven-removing, emperor, cave Heaven Grade and other cultivators, there are no less than hundreds of people, and the battle is not too big.

“Naturally, he is the one who seeks my revenge.”

Yang Xuan’s face is calm and honest, all of which was in his expectation.

He stepped onto the Jianxuan Peak a little bit, standing on top of the summit, and said with a sneer: “Lingxiao Sword Pavilion, and the ancestors of the Domineering Family and You Family, this Yang I have been waiting for a long time.”

Chapter 1408 I kill you like a pig and a dog!

“Are these people the enemy of Emperor Yang!?”

“Too terrifying, this is probably more than a strong Great Influence. If we kill all the way down, let us Everyone present, don’t even want to leave alive.”

“Disciple said a long time ago, this child is rampant and bold, he is a restless lord, and one day he will be big. Lazi, it really came true now, but I don’t know if he can handle it next time.”

Under Jianxuanfeng, all the guests complexion greatly changed. Among them, the highest cultivation base is Supreme Realm. Peak.

This kind of cultivation base may be able to rebuke Heaven and Earth in Divine-Martial Continent and dominate one side, but compared with this group of tens of thousands of alien visitors, it is not enough.

For the densely packed crowd, the lowest cultivation base has reached the divine force state, which makes people feel not terrified.

It was also because of fear, some jealousy, or the Sect Aristocratic Family disciple who had suffered under Yang Xuan’s hands, they couldn’t help cursing in a low voice, all of them looked ugly. .

Knowing this, they shouldn’t have come to this wedding, but there has never been any Regret Medicine to sell in this world. They cursed and put their lives on Yang Xuan.

Under the nest, are there any eggs?

If Yang Xuan died in battle, then those of them who came to watch the ceremony would also be bloodbathed.

“Damn it.”

Many people become more and more angry, and they have the heart to kill Yang Xuan.

This is the trouble Yang Xuan caused. It has nothing to do with them, so why bother to let them suffer this innocent disaster.

“Yang Xuan, what happened? These are all who!?”

On Jianxuan Peak, the women also came out one after another, although the beauty is unreal , But looking at the sky full of silhouette, and the murderous aura that diffused down, their faces were shocked.

“Sorry, I originally wanted to have a peaceful wedding with everyone, but someone chose to die at this time.”

Yang Xuan turned his head and looked at the girls, With a somewhat apologetic look in his eyes, indifferently said: “Wait, I might kill some people…”

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