“When will you two be hiding? Get out of me quickly and die.”

With a loud shout, it shook the sky of several tens of thousands of li. Shaking vigorously.

“Damn it! This child, really, really noticed where we are.”

“Let’s do it together, this person is very weird, and cultivated a void mystery, if He is determined to leave, you and I may not be able to keep it, we must kill him in one blow.”

The ancestors of the Bayou family hide in the dark and are ready to go. They have lived for too long. Never underestimate any enemy.

After all, just now, just before they were in front of one’s eyes, Yang Xuan killed Ling Nine Heavens in one fell swoop. His strength was not simple.

When you first enter Hua Dao Realm, you can leapfrog and kill an elder expert of Hua Dao Peak. Its strength is enough to match the extraordinary power.

“The longer you live, the smaller your courage. If you two don’t show up again, don’t blame me for killing your clansman.”

” Rampant!”

Hearing Yang Xuan’s humiliating words and undisguised threats, the two finally couldn’t bear it and killed them all together.

They are two old men, one is majestic, with eyes like eagles, wearing a silver robe, and carrying a domineering I Am Invincible all over the body.

The other person, as thin as withered, has a long and narrow face with wrinkles all over, and his eyes are open and closed, emitting the evil light of dark green.

Needless to say, these two people are the ancestors of the Bayou two families, and the cultivation base has reached the Transcendent Realm Peak. They are two half immortals not just in name only, but also in reality.

With their half-Immortal Realm cultivation base, they shouldn’t have been so careful, but Yang Xuan’s various performances made them afraid to underestimate it.

Bang Bang…

Before people arrive, the two imposing manners of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth, just like the vast ocean flooding, are the first to arrive turbulently.

Yang Xuan was about to make a move, suddenly had a feeling in the heart, and the big raised hand was also slightly lowered.

At the same time, in the sky in the distance, a huge void channel suddenly appeared.

“I will wait for the escort to arrive late, and ask the Young Emperor to forgive me. These two people will be handed over to the subordinates to deal with them.”

The sound, in an instant, the void channel rushed out countless magical shadows, and the headed person directly threw a punch to the sky.

this fist, unstoppable, the tyrant Danger Land.

With a punch, the void began to collapse, and the terrifying imposing manner of the Pa You two ancestors, also under this fist, collapsed on the spot.

“Are you?”

Yang Xuan looked at the man with a slightly surprised look on his face.

He was a middle-aged robust man, nine feet tall, two horns growing on the head, shirtless to the upper body, and explosive muscles. It seemed to contain infinite power. Just standing there would give a person An overwhelming tremor.

He also exudes monstrous demonic energy, giving people endless oppression, as heavy as the imposing manner of Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, making people breathless.

“Subordinate Pangyuan Mountain, I have seen Young Emperor.”

“I wait to pay respects to Young Emperor.”

The robust man fell to his knees, and Behind him, one by one from the Void Channel, from the evil Demon Realm to the Demon Race powerhouse, also bowed down one after another.

This situation has also shaken the entire continent.

No one didn’t expect Yang Xuan to hide such a huge force behind Yang Xuan, and all of them respected him.

“Okay, get up!”

Yang Xuan waved his hand and looked at the robust man who claimed to be Pangyuanshan, “You should be a sleeping man from Feng Devil Mountain Ancient demon, right?”

“It is exactly that, a few days ago, Remnant Soul awakened, and Cui Old Brother helped him, so he was able to see the sun again, and I am willing to serve the Young Emperor.”

Pang Yuanshan said respectfully.

“This old brother Pang is the old ancestor of Demon Race and the righteous brother of old slaves. He is loyal to the emperor and the Imperial Capital. Young Emperor can give him whatever he wants. Do it.”

At this moment, Cui Yuanlong’s familiar voice came from the other end of the void channel.

Chapter 1411, just leave them alone

“these two people have lived too long, deeply hidden, very difficult to deal with. The subordinates are willing to crusade on behalf of the Young Emperor. Please also Young Emperor agrees?”

Pang Yuanshan stepped out and came to Yang Xuan, bowing and standing, staring fiercely at the Pa You two ancestors above, fighting intent hiding the sky and covering the earth, There is no need to say more about the meaning of fighting.

Demon Race has always been warlike, and Pang Yuanshan is no exception. In fact, the first ancestors of Demon Race, they have left a lot of military exploits for the underworld emperor.

In Pang Yuanshan’s heart, he only hates that he was not born in the era of the Great Underworld, or he will open up the territory for the Great Underworld and build a worldless meritorious service.

“I want to live, you can do it?”

Pang Yuanshan imposing manner is tyrannical, with extraordinary Peak’s cultivation base, which is not weaker than any of the ancestors of the Bayou two one person.

The most important thing is that Pang Yuanshan is still a Demon Race, and the fleshy body is extremely tyrannical.

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