“The others will go first, we will stop.”

In this battle, even they can’t guarantee their lives, let alone the clansman below?

These people stay here, not only can’t help, but will be ruthlessly slaughtered by Demon Race.

“It’s too late, I won’t be able to leave the moment I set foot on this continent.”

Yang Xuan shook his head and unfolded Life Source world, the whole film The world changed drastically in an instant.

When everyone came back to his senses, they suddenly discovered that they had come to an ancient and mysterious place.

In this area, although the sun and the moon change and time passes, many people can feel that the speed of time passing here seems to be unusually slow.

“Impossible, how can your cave world be so powerful!”

The ancestor of the overlord family turn pale with fright.

The ancestor of the You Family was also moved, his face was full of shock, and he cursed secretly: “It’s a miscalculation, no wonder this child can suppress Ling Nine Heavens and wipe it out with his bare hands, dare to believe that he has mastered the power. “

Chapter 1412: A Feast of Killing

When the cultivation base arrives at Paradise Realm, you can open up a cave within the body.

The cave sky is the rudimentary form of the world. It will take a long time for it to gradually evolve into a world.

Youdao is unpolished jade wont be able to become a powerhouse.

The formation of Dongtian also requires calmly “carving” and “polishing”, so that Dongtian gradually derives its boundary power.

Jie Li is also the Source Power of the world. It can derive mountains and rivers, Great Lake, Sun, Moon and Stars. If you can comprehend the laws of creation, you can use your bounds to nurture life.

At the same time, Jie Li is also divided into strong and weak.

This is related to the individual’s cultivation base and understanding of the Dao.

In this world, even many immortal dao True Immortal Life Source worlds are just that’s all. Where can they be so complete, there is almost no weak spot at all.

The ancestors of the Bayou family looked gloomy, thinking about countermeasures quickly in their minds, but no matter what they thought, there was no way to deal with them at once.

This world, with the blessing of Dadao, contains weak Law Power, which is undoubtedly very strong. If you want to forcibly open a gap from the inside, at least it must be comparable to real immortal strength.

Although the two of them have a half-Immortal Realm cultivation base, they are not True Immortal after all. Even if they work together to break it, I am afraid it will be difficult to break it in a short time.

“This is my Life Source world. Here, I am the god, and life and death will be controlled by me.”

Yang Xuan coldly said.

“It’s ridiculous, you, Life Source World, seem impeccable, but it’s not perfect. At first glance, it may not be able to trap the old man.”

be that as it may, but the ancestor of the tyrant family is solemn.

“Really? Then you can give it a try!”

Yang Xuan stood with his hands on his back and sneered.


The eyes of the ancestors of the Tyrant family are full of hatred, and a trace of imperceptible regret.

Before he came here, he also deliberately asked someone to calculate the good or bad of the trip. Who knows that their most famous Divine Prediction old man in the Great World of Xuantian, at the expense of lifespan, was unable to calculate in the end. What comes.

Only one sentence is unpredictable and misfortune is unpredictable, so he hurriedly confessed and left.

Originally, the ancestors of the overlord family did not take seriously.

In his opinion, it’s just a Small World that’s all, and what can you do? What’s more, if their Tyrant family and You family joined forces, then this trip would be pretty easy.

Who ever thought that the people facing this trip were so difficult?

“Up to now, there is only one battle. As long as this child is killed, this world will naturally not attack and destroy itself.”

You family ancestors are fiercely fiercely authentic. This is also the moment. The best way is to kill the owner of this world instead of spending effort to break the world.

“If you want to kill the Young Emperor of my race, I have to ask Laozi’s fists whether I agree or not, let me die.”

Pang Yuanshan screamed, and his figure stepped up into the sky. , Killing intent sweeps the world.


He punched out, unstoppable, fierce and violent, punched out, and the void began to collapse on a large scale. The ancestors of the Bayou family tried their best to resist his fist , But there were still hundreds of people who died violently on the spot, turning into a smoldering blood mist.

This scene also deeply shocked countless people.

“Please also ask Master Yang to open a channel and let me leave.”

“Yes, I am waiting for people from the Bayou family, come here this time, There is no intention to offend, and I hope Zhang Yang will keep me alive.”

The cultivators from Profound Yellow World yelled and flew back, their livers and gallbladders splitting, and their hands and feet were cold.

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