“Damn it, we can’t stop it!”

“These lunatics, simply are not afraid of death, how can we be the enemy?”

Bayou cultivator , And many people from Profound Yellow World, the more they fought, the more frightened, the more frightened they fought.

Although they are far more numerous than the Demon Race army, they are far from the cohesion of the Demon Race army.

This kind of cohesion, and the cruelty revealed by in the bones, is more terrifying than any well-trained Iron Blood Army.

They are murderous-looking, their actions are neat and uniform. Among them, there is also a Demon Race cultivator falling down one after another, but they are indifferent, never retreating, and they are simply unshakable.

as the saying goes horizontally scared, scared of death, referring to the group of Demon Race cultivators in front of me.

“haha, a group of terrified people that’s all, dare to be an enemy of my Demon Race, really overestimate one’s capabilities.”

“Fight for the Young Emperor, let’s kill with all our strength , Kill him a Heaven and Earth turning upside down, blood flowing into a river.”

Under the siege and interception of the Demon Race army, many people could not even escape and became corpses on the ground. , The pungent smell of blood permeated the sky, and it didn’t go away for a long time.

This scene can be described as purgatory on earth, and it is no exaggeration. Yao Mingquan and others who came to the Aristocratic Family from Profound Yellow World can’t help but feel trembling about it.

At the same time, they are also very lucky that they are not Yang Xuan’s enemy.

“Junior, old man and you are absolutely irreconcilable!”

“Kill me clansman, I will make your soul fall forever in Nether Nether, and you shall not be superborn.”

The eye socket cracked of the ancestors of the Bayou family, the hatred is terrible, most of those who died are the elite forces that they have spent countless efforts to cultivate, and the death of any one of them makes them feel distressed and extremely distressed. Grief.

The most painful thing in the world is nothing more than watching his clansman being mercilessly slaughtered but unable to save himself.

“Please also two ancestors, quickly kill this child.”

Ba Canghai and Netherworld are also angry. They don’t hate Demon Race. After all, these people They were all under Yang Xuan’s orders. If Yang Xuan hadn’t issued a massacre order, their Two Great Families would not fall into this desperate situation.

“Where to go? Your opponent is Lao Tzu. With Lao Tzu here, no one would ever want to hurt my Young Emperor a vellus hair.”

Pang Yuanshan erupted, and demonic energy rolled out all over his body. , Turned into a layer of magical armor on him, and his strength and defensive power climbed to the extreme.

This is the Innate Divine Ability of Demon Race in their corner. It is similar to Yang Xuan’s Underworld Battle Body. Although the formidable power is far less than the Underworld Battle Body, it is enough to make Pangyuan Mountain’s battle strength soar and approach infinitely. In Martial Dao True Immortal.

“áo hǒu ……”

Pang Yuanshan opened his mouth wide, roar like a wild beast, within the body blood energy, boiling and shaking, condensing the whole body power on the fists, shining The ancestors of the two Bayou families are on a fierce attack.

“this bastard……”

The two ancestors were extremely angry. They originally wanted to find a chance to get rid of Pang Yuanshan, and jointly suppress and kill Yang Xuan to solve this crisis.

Who ever thought that before they had any action, they were beaten by Pang Yuanshan with one punch after another, and they were about to vomit blood.

“My horned demons are invincible of the same level. If you don’t show true ability, you will have to save your life today.”

Pang Yuanshan shouted, there is no retreat. Relying on the powerful fleshy body, almost only offensive, so that the ancestors of the Bayou family are overwhelmed, how can they deal with Yang Xuan?

The two of them had solemn expressions and had to deal with them intently, without daring to be distracted.

“Damn it, can’t my family be killed today!?”

Ba Canghai trembled and his face was full of misery.

If he had known this trip was so dangerous, no matter how much he wanted to avenge his son, he would never bring a large number of clansman.

“Demon Race is so powerful, we are definitely not rivals. The top priority is to find a way to break the boundary and how many can escape.”

There is a tyrant, Elder who came to the tyrant. In front of the sea, the expression is anxious and authentic.

Ba Canghai gritted his teeth, his gaze swept over Yang Xuan in the distance, and he suddenly had a decision in his heart. He ordered: “Elders of the Ba family, break through with me, and kill that kid.”

“I want to break through when I die? When I am waiting for the air? Kill!”

Su Yuntian, Old Demon of the various races of the Demon Region, have changed their directions, heading towards the sea and the ghost Heaven and the others came, and the battle instantly entered a decisive battle.

Yang Xuan looked up from the wall, knowing that the overall situation had been set, and stepped to Jianxuan Peak.

He opened the Life Source world earlier, and brought in the Sword God Palace and even the Great Zhou mountain range.

Here, the bounding force is enveloped in Formation, and it will not be affected by the fighting outside, so it is very safe.

Seeing Yang Xuan return safely, all the women gathered.

Qin Lan asked: “Husband’s Life Source world, will it be damaged?”

“Naturally not, you can rest assured, this world, although the main road is lacking , The law is not complete, but it is unusually strong. Without the power of True Immortal Realm, it is absolutely difficult to break from the inside.”

hearing this, Qin Lan and other women are relaxed, Life Source World and Yang Xuan if one prospers, all prospers , All damage is lost.

If this world is destroyed, then Yang Xuan himself will be severely damaged.

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