“I don’t have much time, let’s decide the winner with one blow!”

Yang Xuan casts his momentum unabated, inspires the underworld warrior body, confronts him with his bare hands, and kills Yin with one stroke. Qi Sensen, the seemingly indestructible ghost claw, was beaten to pieces.

As the Lord of a Realm, he has the blessing of bounded power, and he was originally enough to leapfrog and fight the extraordinary, not to mention that he now also displays the underworld warfare, and his power alone has reached an unimaginable point. .

“This impossible……”

For the first time in his life, the ancestor of the You Family showed an expression of horror.

This was his mortal blow with all his strength. It was nothing but Yang Xuan, and was disintegrated by Yang Xuan as easy as blowing off dust.


Yang Xuan expression is indifferent, unfolds the big Void Technique, his figure flickers, approaching the ancestor of You Family.

Feared by the ancestors of the You Family, he immediately flew back, while pinching the tactics with both hands, the black light flashed above the eyebrows, and a small black sword flew out.

This is his Life-Source Magical Treasure Nether Sword, this sword is also their Youjiazhen clan killer, until now is refining in the center of the frontal bone by him, often with divine sense, and then broken cultivator fleshy body Divine Soul, formidable power is huge.


As soon as the Nether Sword came out, it immediately escaped into nothingness, and even the divine sense could not catch its path.

“haha, the son of any great emperor, under the old man’s nether sword, he will be completely destroyed.”

The ancestor of the You Family looked up and laughed, his Nether Sword God Ghosts are hard to guard against, and once locked by them, they will almost certainly die.

“Young Emperor beware!”

Pang Yuanshan yelled, Su Yuntian and other demon domains Old Demon, also the complexion greatly changed, like didn’t expect, the ancestors of the family are still hiding With such a hand, Yang Xuan was instantly in danger.

When Jian Xuanfeng went up and down, everyone felt tight. I wonder if Yang Xuan can take the blow from the opponent.

“Ignorance is ridiculous.”

Yang Xuan face doesn’t change. In his Life Source world, there is nothing that can escape his eyes.


He was coldly snorted, raising his hand was a punch, and then he saw a small black sword flying upside down, not the nether that the ancestor of the You family took out What is a sword?

This sword is really out of the ordinary, and it is intact after being hit by his punch.

Although it was a bit unexpected, Yang Xuan didn’t take it seriously, and went all the way to the You Family Patriarch.


The old ancestor of the You Family just came back to his senses, feeling a terrifying force that instantly imprisoned him, making him seem to be trapped In the endless mud, it is difficult to move.

“In my turf, you are the half immortal, and you have to suppress it for me, and die!”

Yang Xuan coldly said, grabbing the head of the ancestor of the You family and casting it directly The art of black luck.


You family ancestor screamed, Fleshy body and Divine Soul, both suffered severe damage.

The technique of black luck is the fame and skill of the ancient black emperor. How can formidable power be underestimated?

In a short moment, the body of the ancestor of the You family turned into nothingness, leaving only a weak Primordial Spirit Phantom, struggling in a black mist.

“Didn’t expect my Youhuangji, one day, I will die here, I am not reconciled…”

The ancestor of the You family laughed miserably, and he was ruined by his cultivation , Even the Primordial Spirit is about to wear out.

“Little beast, even if the old man is dead, I have to pull you back and die with me!”

Anyway, what else is terrifying? The patriarch without the slightest hesitation is Self-destruction Primordial Spirit.

Unfortunately, but failed to succeed, Yang Xuan took the lead and smashed his Primordial Spirit.

“Playing Self-destruction in front of me, are you too confident or when I am too stupid?”

Yang Xuan stood up and threw a crystal of luck in his hand Sea of ​​Consciousness, plunged into a spirit and soul cauldron, and this spirit and luck cauldron was also filled instantly.

At the same time, he grabbed it in the air, and the Nether Sword also whirled over. He was caught in his hand. Of course, he would win the treasure for murder. Even if he didn’t use it, he Can be given to all women to protect themselves.

Chapter 1415 Powerful

“Old Ancestor…dead!”

The death of the ancestor of the You Family scared the You Family cultivator and its morale plummeted.

Although they had expected that they would be bode ill rather than well today, they didn’t expect that their old Ancestor would die so quickly.

“The ancestor!”

Netherworld is distraught with grief, his eyes are red, and the look towards Yang Xuan looks like a cannibalism.

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