The more Lu Zhengwen thinks about it, the more frightened he becomes.

“Elder Lu is afraid of what he will do. We only need to invite an ancestor, so that he can’t eat and walk around.”

At this moment, a Jietianjiao cultivator spoke angrily. And as soon as he said this, he immediately let Lu Zhengwen’s complexion greatly changed, and he hurriedly shouted: “Idiot, don’t shut up the old man.”

After that, he continued to tease the secret person. , “Don’t blame the senior, this Lu is here, solemnly apologize to you.”

“Hehe, a dying person that’s all, why should I blame him?”

“Please also Senior be magnanimous…”

Lu Zhengwen’s face changed again, and he was about to save people.

Who ever thought that he still had time to act in the future, a strange black fog suddenly surged from the sea, swallowing a group of hundreds of Heaven Smiting Cult cultivators behind him.

There was no screaming, only a scream of zi zi of send cold shivers down one’s spine. After a while, when the black fog dissipated, only Lu Zheng was left standing alone.

“Senior, forgive me…”

Lü Zhengwen’s legs softened, and he knelt down.

This is definitely a demonic cultivator, killing firmness, and a terrifying demonic cultivator who is unscrupulous. If he doesn’t kneel down and beg for mercy, he may die at any time.

This situation also shocked the group repair of all around.

This Lu Zhengwen just relied on the support of the three great ancestors of Jietianjiao behind his back, and he also had eyes high above the top, and he did not put them in the eye at all. Who knows that in a blink of an eye , It became this embarrassing feeling.

This is still an Elder of Smiting Heavenly Cultivation Dao. It is really embarrassing to be a man to do this. If you are seen by the three ancestors of Heaven Smiting Sect, I am afraid that it will be the first one. Kill him to vent his anger.

“Escape, if you can go to Kunpeng Island alive, why don’t you spare your life?”

A silhouette appeared out of thin air not far in front of Lu Zhengwen Where is Yang Xuan, who is it?

He hands behind ones back, looking at Lu Zheng with a faint smile, with a cat-and-mouse-like expression on his face.

“This person… is such a young man.”

“What do you know, this is maintaining a young appearance, heaven knows how many years the other party has lived, you think All the extraordinary Saints, all of them are little old man with gray hair!”

Just as many people were surprised, Lu Zhengwen had already been terrified, shaking his body and dared not move. .

This place is quite a few tens of thousands of li away from Kunpeng Island. At his speed, even with all his strength, he can’t get to Kunpeng Island alive, I’m afraid he hasn’t escaped much. , Was killed by the opponent.

Hua Dao and transcendence seem to differ by only one realm, but the gap between this realm and strength is as different as heaven and earth.

Lv Zhengwen doesn’t think that he is a cultivator of Dao Realm 5 Heavenly Layer, and he can escape from the Devil Dao Great Cultivator, who has a cultivation base and temperamental temperament.

“Don’t be stunned, you have no other choice but to escape.”

Yang Xuan’s voice, serene, without a trace of murderous intention, makes Lu Zhengwen head and foot. Cold, he immediately kowtow and said: “This Lu is willing to acknowledge allegiance, and Senior please don’t kill me, I will let Senior plant a ban on thoughts, and life and death will be controlled by Senior.”

“Oh, then you Just let me plant the chanting ban.”

Hearing this, Lv Zhengwen was able to relax.

Fortunately, the other party did not seem to want to kill himself. Although he has lost his freedom since then, it is better than dying here. He suddenly bowed and said: “Senior, great grace, the villain is not unforgettable, and he will be Senior in the future. It’s hard work for you to act like a dog.”

“You know the current affairs well.”

Yang Xuan nodded, stepped to the front of Lu Zhengwen, put his big hand on his forehead, indifferently said “It’s a pity, it’s a pity, I didn’t think about letting you go.”

“Damn, you turned back, ah!”

Lv Wenwen yelled, but even resisted Before that, he let out a scream and was ruthlessly obliterated by Yang Xuan’s black luck technique.

Chapter 1427 Invitation

“Killing people to win luck is really an excellent way to quickly improve your own luck.”

Yang Xuan stood up, Looking at the direction of Kunpeng Island, he said to himself lightly.

Kunpeng Island is the ancestral land of Kunpeng Clan. In order to destroy Kunpeng Clan, countless powerhouses of Heaven Smiting Sect and Divine Sect are bound to gather on Kunpeng Island.

Those people are definitely not good people.

Even if it is all killed, Yang Xuan will not feel uneasy in his conscience.

He walked with the love demon, sentimental and ruthless, all within his thoughts.

For his loved ones, he can be gentle, and when treating the enemy, he will be ruthless and killed with the power of thunderbolt.

In fact, in the past few decades, he has traveled in various circles and the cultivator died in his hands is countless.

Of course, he also has his own bottom line, and he is definitely not killing for the sake of killing.

For him, killing is nothing more than a method to enhance Life Source’s luck, and relying on this method, his Jiuding Qi luck technique has become increasingly Great Accomplishment.

Among the nine spirit tripods, there are already seven soul tripods, which are full of great luck.

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