Chapter 1428 The danger of Kunpeng Island!

In the depths of the Endless Sea Territory, there is a huge island.

This island, which lasts forever, has a vast area and is shaped like a giant bird with wings spread out. It is Kunpeng Island.

According to the legend, Kunpeng Island was transformed into the body of the ancient beast Kunpeng after its death. As to whether it is true or not, it is impossible to verify it.

A large number of Kunpeng Race people have lived on this huge island since ancient times.

In addition, countless people are attached to Kunpeng Clan Monster Race, and they all live and cultivation on Kunpeng Island.

Some Monster Race cultivators are more fortunate to combine with Kunpeng Race cultivator and give birth to children.

Originally, this place was also a splendid sacred land, surrounded by mountains, palace gates, carved beams and painted buildings, and abundant Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi.

But now, as the people of Heaven Smiting Sect and Divine Sect are killed, the entire Kunpeng Island has immediately suffered devastating damage.

Looking up, there are silhouettes of buildings on the island, fighting ceaselessly, and there are collapsed buildings everywhere, and smoke and dust hit the sky.

Among them, from time to time you can still see huge monsters running rampantly.

It is a corpse puppet refined by Divine Sect cultivator. It is as large as a hill, and exudes a heinous and deadly breath.

Divine Sect is famous for cultivating corpses. The higher the cultivation base of Divine Sect cultivator, the more corpse puppets it has, and its strength should not be underestimated.

After all, the corpse puppet is painless and bloodthirsty. Even if it is finally destroyed, it can be repaired with the secret technique. Even if it can’t be repaired, just refine one more.

In the huge Eastern Empire, there are too many high-rank cultivators. These cultivators are all the raw materials for Divine Sect to refine the corpse puppets, and they are inexhaustible.

It is precisely because of this that Divine Sect is hated by the Great Influence of the Eastern Emperor Realm, but it can be hated, but this faction has nothing to do with it.

Although the set up Sect is only ten tens of thousands of years, the speed of the rise of this evil school is extremely rapid.

Now, it is enough to keep abreast with Great Influence of any party, even before, otherwise, it will not form an alliance with Jietianjiao and jointly deal with Kunpeng Clan.

In the Eastern Emperor Realm, the two most powerful forces are Kunpeng Clan and Heaven Smiting Sect. If Kunpeng Clan is destroyed this time, then the entire Eastern Emperor Realm will be Heaven Smiting Sect and Divine Sect. The world is over.


“haha, Kunpeng Clan is over, you should stop making unnecessary resistance, after all, you Monster Race are just Kunpeng Clan. For the servants that’s all, as long as you are willing to surrender, the old man can be the master and give you a way of life.”

“hmph, my eight Monster Race, I am absolutely loyal to Kunpeng Clan, and I will be unyielding.”

“Kill, kill the goddess and Divine Sect.”

There are battlefields everywhere on Kunpeng Island, and there is almost no pure land.

The eight Monster Race cultivators attached to Kunpeng Clan, including Tiger, Bear, and Leopard, and tens of thousands of cultivators from Heaven Smiting Sect and Divine Sect, fought fiercely on the island, shouting for killing.

At the same time, in the deepest part of Kunpeng Island, Kunpeng Mountain, the ancestral home of Kunpeng Clan, was shrouded in a huge Formation light curtain. Kunpeng Mountain was not affected by the war for a while.

The Formation light curtain is Kunpeng Clan’s Mountain Protecting Great Array. It is said that it was left by the first ancestor of Kunpeng Clan before it soared. Although it does not have any attack power, it is better than defensive power.

Outside the formation, after rounds of attacks, seeing that the formation of the formation is still intact, hundreds of Divine Sect cultivators can’t help but frown.

The two Great Sects Experts gathered here. They originally wanted to concentrate their firepower and raze Kunpeng Mountain to the ground in one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, Kunpeng Clan had already taken precautions and opened the Mountain Protecting Great Array first.

“A group of coward, do you think it’s safe to hide in the formation? Wait, wait until my three great ancestors of Heaven Smiting Sect return from the outside world, they will bloodbath your entire Kunpeng Mountain “

At this moment, a leading Dao Realm Elder said coldly: “This big formation is consuming Spirit Stone all the time. Kunpeng Clan will definitely not last long. Let’s take turns until More than half a day, I will be able to blast a gap.”

This person’s name is Jia Tong, who has the cultivation base of Huadao Peak and is the Inner Sect Great Elder of Heaven Smiting Sect.

Similarly, Divine Sect also has a Peak’s inner Sect Elder in charge, and Jia Tong’s words are also for this person.

“Hong old ghost, what do you think?”

hearing this, the corpse Divine Sect Inner Sect Great Elder called Hong old ghost by Jia Tong, a faint flash in his eyes With a disdainful look, he said: “Where it is necessary to have such trouble, this Formation will be handed over to my Divine Sect to deal with it. Divine Sect cultivator listens to the orders of the old man and sacrifices to the corpse god.”

With an order, more than two hundred Divine Sect cultivators were present, no matter the level of the cultivation base, they all summoned their own puppets.

“I have long heard that Your sect’s corpse god can summon a half-Immortal Realm corpse god, so I have to take a good look today.”

Snorted Jia Tongqing, Simply let Hong Old Ghost do it.

The full name of this Hong old ghost is Hong Hai. He has a strange temperament and a temperamental. The breath that he emits is extremely uncomfortable.

Hong Hai rolled his eyes, glanced at Jia Tong, said with a smile grimly: “jié jié, the corpse of my corpse Divine Sect is naturally powerful, but it has to be damaged. Hundred corpse puppets, so when the Formation is destroyed, my corpse Divine Sect wants 50% of Kunpeng Clan’s treasure.”

“Damn it, isn’t it a good six 40%?”

“Don’t get excited, you people of Heaven Smiting Sect must be able to break this Formation. What harm does Divine Sect make you a treasure? Unfortunately, you are only good at killing enemies, but not good at breaking the formation.”

“nonsense, hurry up, if it is too long, our ancestors above will blame it, you and I can’t bear it.”

“What anxious, I am not here Do you think it’s so easy for a corpse god to summon?”

Summon is actually the sacrifice of the top 100 corpse puppets. Forcibly condense a cultivation base is as horrible as a half fairy Corpse puppet.

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