” Did n’t expect this Yang’s prestige, has it spread to the Eastern Emperor Realm? You are right, I am the person you said.”

Yang Xuan touched his nose and pointed at Hong Hai nodded below, and his words also moved everyone present.

Who didn’t expect that the son of the dignified Demon Realm’s Demon Race Young Emperor, the Demon Race Young Emperor of the evil Demon Realm, will come to this world with his deity.

“Yang Fellow Daoist, are you really that lord!?”

Wang Tiande and other Old Ancestor Fang all showed incredible colors on their faces.

Dare to love, the person who has been standing next to him has such a background out of the ordinary.

Demon Race Young Emperor Yang Xuan, Xuanhuang World Number One Person, dominates the entire Demon Realm. Its strength and identity make people from all walks of life dare not despise it.

“Demon Race Young Emperor, can order Demon Race, his arrival means that Demon Race may also be killed at any time!?”

“It’s over, several ancestors No, we are dead. This child has a great friendship with Kunpeng Clan’s Young Master Pengfei and will never let us go.”

“Very good, our Kunpeng Clan is saved.”


At this moment, compared to the panicking Divine Sect cultivator and the Divine Sect cultivator, the people of Kunpeng Clan are not only surprised, but also indescribably excited.

This Demon Race Young Emperor, but a friend of their Kunpeng Clan Young Master, his arrival will surely help Kunpeng Clan solve this crisis.


Suddenly, a dull roar sounded, but it was the corpse god on the side of Hong Hai.

“This big guy doesn’t seem to be very obedient, do you want this Yang to help you fine-tune it?”

Yang Xuan lowered his head, faint smiled at Hong Hai .

“This, I won’t bother you.”

Hong Hai’s scalp was numb, and his face showed a smile that was uglier than crying. He immediately shouted at the corpse god , “Evil creature, pipe down to the old man.”

“Look at what you said, I am helping you, your cultivation base is too low, simply can’t control it, and can’t give it What you want.”

Yang Xuan stepped on to the top of the dead god’s head, sat down on it, stroked its head and said: “Big man, do you want to submit to me, if you are willing to acknowledge allegiance, I can give you a good fortune, let you prove with the corpse, Inextinguishable Immortal.”

“I, want immortality, want revenge…”

The corpse god held his head and said in pain, actually speaking human’s words.

“This is impossible! How can it speak!?”

Hong Hai yelled out loud and couldn’t believe it was true.

Although this corpse god has a strength comparable to that of a half immortal, it only possesses a small amount of sage and has not born self-consciousness.

It’s okay to ask it to kill people. It’s harder than heavenly ascension to ask it to speak.

Yang Xuan sneered and said: “With me, everything is possible. Of course, I have to thank you. If you hadn’t penetrated a soul into it within the body, it would be difficult for me to The awakening of consciousness remaining in the mind.”

Chapter 1433 is useless to ask me

“Is this the Demon Race Young Emperor? Sure enough, possesses great magical power. The methods are amazing and admirable. “

The corpse god, unexpectedly unprecedented, spoke.

This is more shocking than Yang Xuan’s bare-handed destruction of the corpse, and I can’t believe it.

At this moment, the people of Kunpeng Clan, or Wang Tiande and other Old Ancestor Fang, looked at Yang Xuan’s eyes, and they became more curious and awe.

The young Emperor of the famous and dynamic worlds is said to be less than a hundred years old, but his rise is so fast that outsiders can’t even shoot horses. It can be described as a rare genius in ancient times.

At the age of less than two hundred years, he has reached the transcendent state of Huadao, but can suppress and kill the semi-immortal realm. How many people can there be in this world? !

“patriarch, are we going to greet you?”

On Kunpeng Mountain, Kunpeng Clan Great Elder Kunwu, together with Elder from the clan, came to Pengwan Mountain and asked .

“No need, if my son Pengfei welcomes the guests personally, we don’t have to go.”

Peng Wanshan waved his hand, his son Pengfei was in front of him. A Demon Race Young Emperor is a friend, this is simply God bless them Kunpeng Clan, at least now they don’t have to bear the Heart Tribulation and Divine Sect anymore.

Na Honghai, even though there is a corpse god beside him, he dare not act blindly without thinking, and now even the corpse god who came out of his summon is trampled underfoot and completely quiet.

This method, this courage, is that the ancestors of the Heaven Smiting Sect and Divine Sect have returned from the outside world. I am afraid they are not the enemy of Yang Xuan.

“Great Elder, what should we do?”

Looking at the head of the corpse god, looking like Yang Xuan like Demon God, all the cultivators of Heaven Smiting Sect It was cold and panic.

According to legend, Demon Race Young Emperor Yang Xuan has invincible battle strength in the world. They didn’t believe in this at first, and only when outsiders exaggerated it too much, but when they saw it today, they knew the rumors. Worthy.

“What else can I do? Let’s watch the changes first, the ancestors are not there, none of us are opponents of this person.”

Jia Tong secretly passed the order, but his eyes were on Quietly looking at Yang Xuan.

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