Meng Mingjie threatened.

“It’s ridiculous, you, Meng Mingjie, dare to talk to Emperor Yang in this way. It’s really act recklessly.”

At this moment, a great shout came from outside the sky.

Next moment, Wang Tiande and other Old Ancestor Fang, as well as Peng Wanshan and Kunwu, successively dropping from the sky, came to Yang Xuan and Peng Wuji to stand beside them.

“Ancestor, are you okay?”

Peng Wanshan saw Peng Wuji and immediately relaxed. Although Peng Wuji was extremely injured, as long as their lives are still alive, they Kunpeng Clan will rise again in the future.

“It’s okay, a little injury, after a period of recuperation, you can recover completely.”

Peng Wuji waved his hand, his face showed sorrow and guilt, and said to Kun Wu. “It’s the old man incompetent, and failed to save Kuntian, Kunxuan.”

They Kunpeng Clan has Three Old Ancestors. Except for him, the remaining two are from the Kun family.

Now Kuntian, the two ancestors of Kunxuan died in battle, it is undoubtedly a great blow to the Kun family.

Chapter 1441 Sealing the heavens!

“The two ancestors of my Kun family, really are both, have they fallen!?”

Kunwu’s whole body I trembled. Although I had already guessed something, my heart was still extremely painful and unbearable.

They Kunpeng Clan have respected the Kunpeng Clan family since ancient times. Aside from Peng Wuji’s cultivation base, his Kunpeng Clan has two extraordinary ancestors, but now, two ancestors , But he has already died in both battles, even the bones are hard to see.

Thinking of this, Kunwu’s eyes were red, and he hated Yin Haotian and the others. He immediately bowed to Yang Xuan and said, “I also ask Emperor Yang to avenge my two Old Ancestors in Kun family, as long as Yang Emperor Neng killed these people. I am the Kun clan. From now on, I would like to serve you as your master and serve you as a dog.”

“You can’t come back from death, you can get up first.”

Yang Xuan shook his head, flicked his sleeves to support Kunwu, and said: “I don’t need your Kun family to treat me as the master, but I will help you kill.”

“many thanks Yang Di !”

Kunwu, Peng Wanshan, and Peng Wuji all bowed to thank you.

“It’s just a small matter, everyone is polite.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand, looking at Wang Tiande and other Old Ancestor Fang, said with a smile: “After today, Jietian Divine Sect, the teacher and the dead, will be removed from this Yang. Next, you must remember to live in harmony with Kunpeng Clan.”

He said these words seemingly casually, but with a tone that cannot be rejected .

“The words of Emperor Yang, I shall wait to obey them.”

Wang Tiande and the others said in unison.

This scene also shocked Yin Haotian and the others, not knowing each one, Yang Xuan is who are you.

Meng Mingjie took a deep breath and couldn’t help being taunted: “Wang Tiande, Wang Tiande, you are some extraordinary ancestors, and you have a respectable position. Why do you bow to an outsider so humbly?”

“hmph, I can’t talk about humbly, I just respect Emperor Yang’s personality and strength, and I would like to see that’s all with his horse’s head.”

Wang Tiande issued coldly snorted in his nose, saying: “The son of Emperor Underworld, Demon Race’s Young Emperor, wheel status and strength, who can we be here? If you want to die faster, I advise you to be obediently surrender.”

“What, he He is the son of Emperor Underworld, the Demon Race Young Emperor who killed the two and a half Immortal Realm ancestors of Tyrannical Realm?”

Meng Mingjie, Sun Pengyun, Huo Ming, all turn pale with fright, apparently all heard of Yang Xuan’s name.

I think that back then, the two ancestors of the Bayou family, together with countless powerhouses from the clan, went to a certain Small World in Xuanhuang World, but they were killed with bare hands by a Demon Race Young Emperor named Yang Xuan, and they all died. .

Although that battle has been in the past for a long time, it was shaken by all walks of life. Until now, no one dared to go to Xuanhuang World, and regarded it as a forbidden place.

All this is because there is a Demon Race Young Emperor Yang Xuan in Xuanhuang World, whose prestige even surpasses the Taigu Donghuang, and is close to his father, the underworld demon known as the first emperor. Emperor.

“Demon Race Young Emperor…”

Yin Haotian and Wu Chengzhou looked at each other, and there were grave expressions in their various eyes.

“The little friend turned out to be the Demon Race Young Emperor. I am lucky enough to meet.”

Peng Wuji came back to his senses, but Yang Xuan became more shocked and awed. .

It’s no wonder that Wang Tiande and the others named Yang Xuan as Emperor Yang one by one. Under this Immortal World, all within the realm can be called Emperor Yang. The Lord of Xuanhuang World.

“Let’s go!”

After a while, Yin Haotian loudly shouted, took Sun Pengyun, Hu Ming, and walked away.

Demon Race Young Emperor is invincible in the world, this is definitely not a rumor, and it is not said that his own strength is enough to guard against the sky, and the Demon Race behind him alone is not what they can provoke.

“Let’s withdraw too.”

Wu Chengzhou came back to his senses and didn’t dare to stay for a long time, so he immediately went to the sky with Meng Mingjie .

It is as strong as the two ancestors of the Bayou family, but was also destroyed by Yang Xuan, and it has been decades since the incident, decades have passed, Yang Xuan’s cultivation base and strength , It should become more terrifying.

“This will escape…”

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