“Exactly, this Void God teaching, in the ancient times, although it was not as good as the Donghuangdian, it was also a big school. Even the Donghuang was amazed by the great Void Technique of this school. Absolutely, it is a pity that this technique originated from the fairyland and is incomplete, otherwise the impossible teaching of Void God was destroyed by the Ghost King Sect.”

“The cultivation of Emperor Yang is not the complete Void Technique!”

“In this world, only a complete Void Technique can unite with the void, come and go without a shadow or trace.”

Below, watching the battle Wang Tiande, Peng Wuji and the others, all in awe.

The secrets of invisible and formless, everywhere, are too tyrannical to prevent.

“Come out, and fight the old man dignified righteously.”

Yin Hao Heavenly God is on guard, both shocked and angry.

“Don’t worry, wait for me to solve the other people, and then come to play with you.”

Finally, Yang Xuan took the shot and locked the target to Sun Pengyun and Huo Ming. Teach the ancestors where to stand.


Yin Haotian was in a big hurry, and was about to save people, when he saw a silhouette rushing out from in the sky not far away, a killing intent heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

Chapter 1443 Ghost God Symbol

“Not good, this child you think you can kill me.”

Sun Pengyun and Xiu Ming’s scalp numb, Then I felt the killing intent of assaults the senses.

This killing intent hiding the sky and covering the earth, with no opportunity, makes them cold and difficult to move if they are frozen.

They never thought that a person’s killing intent could be so terrifying to such a level of terrifying.

killing intent, they also have it, but it’s far behind Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan seems to cultivated some kind of secret technique of killing, which can accumulate killing intent through continuous killing.

If he hadn’t stopped converging the killing intent at this moment, no one would have known that he within the body contained such a terrifying killing intent.

From here, we can also see that Yang Xuan is a fierce person with a real killing firmness. I don’t even know how much expert blood is covered on both hands.

This is definitely a killing god. I am really ready to kill them, without the slightest remaining hands. If they can’t stop the opponent’s attack, they are bound to die and fall here.

“Big brother, help!”

“The person I Yang Xuan wants to kill, no one can save!”

Yang Xuan stepped out to make the void They all folded, the speed was incredible, and two punches in a row.

“Fight with him!”

Besides of fear, the fierceness of Sun Pengyun and Hu Ming in the bones also broke out completely.

As the ancestors of the Heaven Smiting Sect, they have no way to kill in their lives, and they have never been afraid of death.


The murderous intention of the two is revealed, the imposing manner is soaring, and they do what they have learned, and try their best to resist.

One person’s palm is like fire, sweeping out, burning the heaven and boiling the sea.

One person draws the sword and cuts, the sword light is extremely powerful, and they all use the trump card’s ultimate move.

In order to save their lives, they also had to work hard, only to be able to resist Yang Xuan’s blow, and wait until Yin Haotian came to help.

Yin Haotian has a half-Immortal Realm cultivation base, and his strength is much stronger than them. As long as Yin Haotian arrives in time, the two of them will have a chance to survive from Yang Xuan.


Yang Xuan has never underestimated any enemy, not to mention the two are extraordinary ancestors with many years of cultivation.

His punches are like electricity, the golden punches on both fists are raging, the rays of light are prosperous, the waves are heavy like the ocean, and the palm is strong, sword light, like a hot knife through butter Killed in front of the two.

Boom! boom!

With two bursts, the fleshy bodies of the two were blown to pieces on the spot, and even the Primordial Spirit was not spared. Yang Xuan was caught in his hands with his bare hands and used the dark luck technique to destroy the soul. Win luck.

All of this happened in a flash, waiting for Wang Tiande and the others came back to his senses, where would I have to see the two ancestors of Jietianjiao?

It’s not that the two are not strong enough, but the person they are facing is too strong!

Meng Mingjie and Wu Chengzhou looked at them from a distance, and their hearts trembled with horror.

This very ruthless style and the heaven-defying battle strength really teaches people to feel heart palpitations from the heart.

Now that things have happened, they finally understand why there are rumors that the Demon Race Young Emperor is invincible from all walks of life.

This young man, aside from his identity, his strength has long surpassed the extraordinary Saint.

The ordinary True Immortal, I am afraid it will be difficult to match.

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