However, this is not over yet, there is still Pei Yuntian secretly.

old fogey showed up directly, but raised his hand to activate the ultimate move, only to see a cold beam of light impact.

This light beam is blue and azure, incomparable gigantic, like a blue ribbon. It seems slow, but it is faster than lightning. It swayed towards the nine Nether that was swept out of the Celestial Realm powerhouse. Go, to tear their bodies, shatter their Divine Soul, and obliterate their Spiritual Consciousness.

pu! pu! pu!

There was a series of muffled noises, and the beam was fierce and messed up. It was comparable to a peerless magic weapon piercing the sky, and the few who were swept away Nine Nether taught Celestial Realm powerhouse only time to let out an unwilling roar, and was cut off by a beam of light, and the sky was full of flesh and blood.

“Who is the old fogey, is it the mysterious expert!?”

Many Seven Mysteries Sect disciple were dumbfounded, their brains blank, staring blankly at an old man above .

The old man is thin and thin, looks like a withered, gray hair, full of wrinkles on his face, like a blooming chrysanthemum.

Wearing a tattered robe, he just stood in the wobbly void, with a greasy hand scratching under his armpit and chest, as if he hadn’t taken a shower for months. There are lice growing on the body.

Needless to say, the old man is Pei Yuntian, don’t look at his sloppy appearance, his eyes are muddy, but there is indescribable thoroughness in the depths of his pupils.

“Uh, this old man is really an expert!?”

Shen Yuexin’s eyes widened, her mouth opened into an “O” shape, Pei Yuntian’s image and her imagined existence The gap is too big, she can’t believe it, such a bad old fogey like a beggar is an expert.

“Beauty, don’t look down on my Master, he is a senior expert with half of his feet into the same state. Well, although he looks a little trivial, he is indeed a super expert!” Shi Yuhey laugh.

“Your Master?” Shen Yuexin and Liu Yue raised her eyebrows slightly. Li Yunfei, Tie Feng, Mu Qingyu, and Zhou Kun were also very surprised. The mysterious expert on the page didn’t expect Shi Yu’s Master.

“Yes.” Shi Yu shook his robe and raised dashing eyebrows, very nodded.

“Well, Brother Yang, Shi Yu is serious about this?” Tiefeng looked towards Yang Xuan.

“Don’t listen to him nonsense, old fogey only taught him two-handed kung fu, Master is not even considered.” Yang Xuan smiled and shook his head.

“Uh, Brother Yang, you can’t save me some face.” Shi Yu cried.

“hmph, let me just say, who would take you this thief eyebrow, at first glance is a bad embryo as a discipline.” Shen Yuexin rolled the eyes.

“Senior Sister, I provoke you, why do you always slander me?” Shi Yu cried.

“Yes, you provoke me, I want to smoke you when I see you, you know, your face is so boring.”

“How is it possible, How do I say it is handsome like a jade tree, dignified?”

Just as Shen Yuexin and Shi Yu were bickering, the remaining ten Nine Nether taught Celestial Realm powerhouse stopped in shape, frightened Staring at Pei Yuntian nervously, they don’t know when such an expert will appear on Stars Island.

“Are you going to go together, or go one by one?”

It was still Pei Yuntian who spoke first, old fogey did not have the trembling with fear when he met a robust man in Fengyunxia that day , The road is awesome.

Chapter 144 The Qi of Good Fortune

“Who are you really!?”

“Grandfather is the one who killed you of course.”

“Your Excellency, Nine Nether teaches you no grievances, why do you want to sneak attack us?”

“Grandfather sees you are upset, is that okay?”

” You…”

“Whatever you are, you will fight if you don’t agree. Grandfather will destroy your clowns with one hand.”

As soon as this statement came out, a group of Nether taught Celestial Realm powerhouse’s heart is called an anger. What they say is a Celestial Realm expert. Although the cultivation base is not as good as Pei Yuntian, there are also Celestial Realm 7 8 Heavenly Layers, but the opposite old man actually calls them. It’s clown, it’s more uncomfortable than killing them.

At this moment, someone seemed to have thought of something, his face changed wildly, and pointed at Pei Yuntian and shouted: “Invisible Martial Spirit, Assassin Aristocratic Family, you are from Pei Family!”

“Finally recognized it, yes, grandfather is from Pei Family.” Pei Yuntian was nodded, and a pair of eyes became sharp, gnashing teeth said: “70 years ago, a group of experts raided my Pei Family. If you want to rob my Pei Family ancestors, there should be someone taught by your Nether, right?”

“Your Excellency, you must be mistaken. Our Nine Nether teacher has never attacked your Pei Family. In fact, we don’t even know where the Pei Family lives in seclusion.”

“Pretend, continue to pretend. Unfortunately, grandfather will always remember the aura of you guys.” Pei Yuntian sneered, his body disappeared and appeared. In front of ten Celestial Realm powerhouses from Nether Nether, a short blade that resembled a sword but not a sword, or a sword but not a knife, slashed across.

“pu”, “pu” ……

Blood blossoms splatter, the sound is endless, the odd-shaped short blade cold light, which is two feet long, spit out, swish lightly, three The corpse fell from the sky, one was cut open by the short blade, the other was pierced through the heart by the short blade, and the last one was the worst, split into two pieces by the short blade, and the blood blossoms bloomed high in the sky.

This picture came into my mind, making countless Seven Mysteries Sect disciple unforgettable for a lifetime, and the heart is fluctuating.

“Ah, let’s do it together, suppress and kill him!” Three of the same sect died instantly, and the remaining seven Nether taught Celestial Realm powerhouse’s eyes were red, and all of them used their killer moves.

However, as soon as their ultimate move came out, Pei Yuntian disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, with the flashing of two blood lights, the two Celestial Realm powerhouses from Nine Nether were both slit their throats by a short blade in one breath. The corpse was on the spot without any suspense.

Seeing this scene, the remaining five Nether teachers from Celestial Realm powerhouse breathed cold sou sou all over, frightened the soul flew away and scattered. They almost didn’t even think about it, and fled at full speed.

“Can you go?” Pei Yuntian shook his head disdainfully, didn’t chase, took a palm in the air.

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