Many foreign geniuses can’t see Yang Xuan and it’s a bit uncomfortable, but this is Seven Mysteries Sect after all, and there is a returnee Yan Changkong sitting on his head, and they did not dare to rush into Cuiyunfeng.

Chapter 147 Self-made Secret Techniques

Cuiyun Peak has beautiful scenery and churning clouds.

This morning, the morning sun was rising.

In the courtyard on the top of the mountain, the trees are shaded with clouds and mist.

In a pavilion in the pool, Qin Lan and Yang Xuan sat opposite each other, frowned and said, “Yang Xuan, didn’t you just come back, why are you going out to practice again?”

“No The way, the secret realm of the ancient gods will be opened in more than a month, and I am going to improve some strength before the secret realm of the ancient gods is opened.” Yang Xuan stared at Qin Lan’s beautiful pretty face, and compared the secret realm of the ancient gods with Qin Lan. Speak carefully.

It doesn’t need to be said. In fact, Yan Changkong has already talked about the secret realm of ancient gods a few days ago. Let alone Inner Sect, geniuses know that the secret realm of ancient gods is about to open. Hope, gearing up, want to enter the secret realm to find opportunities.

Ancient secret realm, once in a thousand years, don’t let slip an opportunity. Although Yan Changkong bluntly said that the ancient secret realm is extremely dangerous, crisis and opportunity coexist. How can we succeed without taking some risks?

“Danger lurks on every side in the ancient gods, are you really going to go?” Qin Lanfang’s lips lightly opened, very worried.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely come out alive, and I will be on top of Martial Dao in the future, when the time comes, Lan’er sees who is not pleasing to the eye, I will teach him for you.” Yang Xuan stretched out his hand Holding Qin Lan, the way of ten thousand zhang pride.

Qin Lan was silent for a moment, gritted his teeth and said: “I’ll accompany you.”

“Uh, you also want to go?” Yang Xuan slightly startled, honestly he didn’t want Qin Lan to Personal risk.

“Why, you can go, I can’t go.” Qin Lan said with air, she knew that she was not as strong as Yang Xuan, but as one of the three inner disciples of Seven Mysteries Sect, she was awakened and powerful. Martial Spirit, the strength is far beyond the same generation.

“No, I’m just worried that something will happen to you.” Yang Xuan smiled bitterly.

“Don’t worry. Although I’m not as strong as you, I’m not a weak woman without the power to bind a chicken. The ordinary expert in the real gang is not my opponent at all, and the sect will still send Less Vientiane Realm Elder, with Elder leading the team, I want to come to us It shouldn’t be any danger.”

“Well, let’s go together.” Yang Xuan nodded, casually raised Qin Lan’s chin, Bad said with a smile: “Um, Lan’er, our relationship is confirmed, can I kiss you now?”

After finishing, I didn’t give Qin Lan time to answer, so I leaned over She kissed gently on her lips.

Dragonfly touches the water lightly ordinary kiss, but Qin Lan’s body shook, one after another strong trembling feeling like thunder on the ground, constantly exploding in her mind, making her lose the ability to think , Completely confused.

After a long time, she finally recovered a little sense of reason, and the feeling of shame was immediately suppressed by the strong feeling of shame.

Yang Xuan looked at Qin Lan in danger. At this moment, Qin Lan no longer had the cold temperament that refused to be beyond a thousand li. I saw her face is red. Now, limpid autumn water, my eyes are shining, as if water can leak out.

This shy picture, if seen by other men, you will definitely drop your jaw in shock.

“Lan’er, you are so beautiful, even more beautiful than Celestial Immortal!”

Yang Xuan smiled authentically, and kissed him again, but before he could succeed, Qin Lan gave him Push away.

“Don’t mess around with this bastard.” Qin Lan scolded with red face.

“Why, don’t you like it?” Yang Xuan put his face in front of Qin Lan, moving towards her flawless jade cheeks with a hot breath.

Qin Lan’s body couldn’t stop shaking, and she shrank her head subconsciously.

“Don’t hide, or don’t blame me for being strong.” Yang Xuan suddenly became domineering.

“You…” Qin Lan was ashamed and angry.

“Hehe, kidding, don’t be angry.” Qin Lan was speechless when she heard Yang Xuan’s words, but when she finally got up and left, she disappeared when her figure flickered.


Yang Xuan laughed, but did not chase him, but found a place on the top of Cuiyun Peak to start cultivation.

No, he didn’t cultivation much, but contemplated with his eyebrows, preparing to create a secret skill.

A few days ago, Yang Xuan set out to create a secret technique. After all, besides the sword technique, he doesn’t have any other attack secrets for cultivation. This is because he knows all the common secret techniques. Not eye-catching.

However, he comprehended the half-step sword intent, and these days he often watches the giant sword in Sea of ​​Consciousness, and he has a deeper understanding of sword dao. In addition, he is the demon of Asura in his previous life, and he is confident that he can create A secret technique beyond the sword technique.

Yang Xuan was not in a hurry. In the next few days, he sat cross-legged on a boulder on the top of Cuiyun Peak, thinking about how to create a startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping Of secrets.

The strength of the formidable power of a secret skill requires one thing in addition to the direction of vitality in various meridians.


Yes, it’s momentum!

For example, sword power, such as the great power of mountains and rivers, and Great Power of the World. Only by integrating into this power, the secret skills will erupt into heaven-shaking, earth-shattering formidable power.

“Senior Sister, Yang Xuan, what’s wrong, he has been sitting there for several days, right?”

Shi Yu, Li Yunfei, Tie Feng, Zhou Kunji People come to Cuiyun Peak to look for Yang Xuan every three to five days. But every time they come, they will find Yang Xuan sitting on the rock with closed eyes and motionless. The whole person is like a rock. , Thunder can’t move, regardless of weather conditions.

“Shhh, keep your voice down, don’t disturb him, he said he wants to create a secret technique!”

On this day, Qin Lan also came, whispering to Shi Yu and the others Said.

“Huh, his own sword skill!?” Shi Yu hearing this, his chin almost fell to the ground, seriously doubting whether he had heard it wrong.

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