Yang Xuan stands with his head high, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth. He is very satisfied with Pangu Axe’s formidable power. It is worthy of being the top five Divine Item on the Chaos Divine Weapon list. There really is startling heaven and earth, The power of ghosts and gods weeping.

This axe is refined by the ancient sage Hongjun, and it has the blessing of great power. It is as heavy as a mountain and has a peerless edge. It is very terrifying. The ordinary cultivator should not be said to compete with it, that is, even hold it in your hand. Not.

If you want to control this axe, you must first have a strong enough physique and a certain amount of mana.

Fortunately, Yang Xuan is not lacking in both, the fleshy body is even more powerful, and as his cultivation progress and fleshy body continue to increase, Pangu Axe’s lethality will become more and more. The more terrifying.

This will surely become his biggest hole card, enough to save his life in critical moments and kill the enemy completely unprepared.

“Foreign object is always foreign object. You want to grow up as soon as possible and reach the point where you can stand on your own. Don’t always think about using Pangu Axe in the future, otherwise the disaster of loss may come early, and it will be for you. Words are by no means a good thing.”

Pangu Axe said solemnly.

“The Lost Tribulation?”

Yang Xuan was surprised.

“Immortal dao cultivation is difficult, and it is also full of too many dangers. If you don’t pay attention, you will die into the sky.”

Pangu Axe Ling lightly sighed, said : “Heart Demon Tribulation, immortal dao cultivator, and Heart Demon Tribulation as well as Heart Demon Tribulation. This is also the Heart Tribulation that must be experienced from Immortal Monarch Realm to fairyland.” /p>

“The Tribulation of Lost should be terrifying than Heart Demon Tribulation, right?”

Yang Xuan asked.

“Of course, when the calamity of the lost comes, deep in one’s heart, there will be a lost bridge between reality and reality. If you can’t see through the falsehood, strengthen this bridge and reach the other shore , Ranging from the Immortal Monarch Realm forever, from the loss of the cultivation base, dementia, and madness from then on.”

Pangu Axe Lingdao.

“Lost Bridge, I will definitely be able to cross it.”

Yang Xuan clenched his fists, his voice firm and powerful.

He has grandeur, great perseverance, and great determination, so nothing will stump him.

“Your Taoist heart is strong, almost unbreakable, but you should not be careless. You must know that Taoism is not a trifle, no matter when and where, you must cultivate Taoism with a sense of awe.”

Pangu Axe Lingdao, many immortal dao Heaven’s Chosen, all the cultivation is smooth, it can be said that there are no twists and turns, but the more such a person, the more dangerous it is when facing the lost bridge.

“Senior’s words, Junior must be in my heart!”

Yang Xuan looked solemn and authentic, and put away Pangu Axe, other immortal dao cultivator, in order to improve his strength, everywhere Go looking for Immortal Treasure, but he doesn’t care about it, and he is all about enriching himself and strengthening himself.

For him, no matter how powerful a foreign object is, it is far less than himself. Only his own power is what truly belongs to him. Only in this way can he prove immortal life in the future, Inextinguishable Immortal .

“While the blood of the eight-armed Pluto has not dispersed yet, go and refining!”

Pangu Axe Ling quickly said again: “When this happens, I will Find a time to teach you the War God technique. You have the blood of Demon Sovereign, and you have cultivated the Sun God body. Fleshy body has already reached the conditions for the cultivation War God technique.”

In the Temple of Flame, Yang Xuan has been studying Divine Art all day, and this has been delayed, but it doesn’t matter. The stronger Yang Xuan’s physique, the more advantageous it is to cultivate War God.

The cultivation conditions of the War God Technique are too harsh. Without an absolutely powerful body, backlash and fleshy body will be destroyed at every turn. In severe cases, it will harm the Primordial Spirit and leave incurable. trauma.

“Thanks Senior, Junior must practice the War God technique as soon as possible, and do his best for the sentient beings in the fairyland before the catastrophe.”

This is not true of Yang Xuan. Just talk about it, and really wanted to do something. After meeting the Eight-Armed Pluto, he really saw the viciousness and cruelty of the Pluto, and he didn’t want to watch the people are plunged into an abyss of misery.

“If you can think so, you are worthy of being a descendant of our lord.”

Pangu Axe’s authentic inspiration, Yang Xuan, regardless of his personality or other aspects, is with his master Great God Pangu is completely different, but the two are also the same, that is, they will not easily promise.

“The master of Senior, willing to give his life in order to save the people of the world, Junior is absolutely incomparable.”

Yang Xuan gave a wry smile and said: “I Yang Xuan, Don’t ask for be able to support both heaven and earth, but ask for a clear conscience.”

“Don’t ask for beable to support both heaven and earth, but ask for a clear conscience, this is already very good…”

Pangu Axe is whispering, just a clear conscience, few cultivators in this world can do it.

Yang Xuan smiled and didn’t say anything. He turned his hands and took out the Tuntian Ding, and collected the sky of blood mist in it, and then tried to absorb it.

Everything went well, as the blood of the Eight-armed Pluto merged into his bloodline, his blood of Demon Sovereign boiled suddenly, a bit stronger than before.

At the same time, in the blood of Demon Sovereign, there is another evil force.

The power is as thick as ink, black air, and incomparable evil, as if it can corrode people’s hearts, making people abandon good from evil, unfeeling, and become a demon.

Obviously, the Eight-Armed Pluto relied on this power to control all the beasts in the mountain range of the funeral.

“Is this the dark power? It is really daunting. If I hadn’t been determined, I would have to go crazy on the spot!”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, this darkness Although Mingli is not much, but after some tempering that swallowed Heavenly Dao, it was significantly more refined.

“There is no difference between good and bad power. You have this dark power. If you accidentally encounter the powerhouse of the powerhouse, you may be able to escape it.”

Pangu Axe Spiritual Path.

“Junior has devoured Heavenly Dao, can conceal heavenly secrets, converge its own breath, if only reveals the dark power, then I can pretend to be a dark underworld.”

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