“It is said that the descendant of the Flame Emperor can control the Supreme Yang Divine Fire. You, you are the descendant of Flame Emperor Lin Feng?!”

Feng Wanshan seems to have thought of something, but soon Shaking his head, “No, Lin Feng, the descendant of the Flame Emperor, is now far away in Yan God World. Impossible appears here. Moreover, Lin Feng looks different from you.”

“The appearance of this thing, anytime Anything can be changed. My real name is Yang Xuan. As for Lin Feng, it’s just another identity for me.”

Yang Xuan indifferently said: “Okay, now that I know my details, let’s stay even more. I can’t wait.”

“The old man drags this child, the others hurried to take Young Master away.”

Feng Wanshan, a long whistle, an Immortal King, was released under pressure, fiercely suppressed Come out, to trap Yang Xuan in this way.

“Hurry up!”

Feng Tianyu yelled, the first one to turn around and flee. He was able to conclude that Yang Xuan is the Flame Emperor’s heir, Lin Feng, undoubtedly, or how could he do it? Let him lose if you move?


A crowd of Feng Family Immortal Monarch came back to his senses, and they also hurriedly followed Feng Tianyu and fled towards the upper fire zone.

Lin Feng, the descendant of the Flame Emperor, is not only invincible of the same generation, but also strong skipping grades to kill Immortal King. The battle strength is unparalleled in the world. Although this is just a rumor, it may not be all true, but it may not be all. fake.

At least these people, they can never match it.

“Want to go?”

Yang Xuan pupil light is like a sword, flicks with the finger, a surge of Supreme Yang Divine Fire rises against the storm, turning into a flame covering the sky and the sun The giant palm, directly pressed from the sky, immediately shrouded everyone including Feng Tianyu’s, and shot it aggressively and ruthlessly.

“Your opponent is me!”

Feng Wanshan roared and had to take action.

He is full of mana, slapped his bare hands toward the sky, his big hands are like a mountain, and the flame giant palm, without any fancy collision, erupted with a loud bang, and the flame giant palm also responded. And broken.

But in an instant, the Supreme Yang Divine Fire that filled the sky quickly condensed into a palm again, and it fell down all the way unabated.

I only heard a series of screams. Except for Feng Family Young Master Feng Tianyu who resisted this blow with a Life Protecting Talisman, the rest of the Feng Family Immortal Monarch were all turned into Nothingness, the gods are all destroyed.

Supreme Yang Divine Fire Burning All Living Things, even Immortal Monarch is unbearable, not to mention this 5th floor fire domain, there is almost inexhaustible Supreme Yang Divine Fire.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the main battlefield of Yang Xuan. He can burn and kill the expert of Immortal King Realm by relying on Supreme Yang Divine Fire alone without resorting to other means.

“Enough, this time my Feng Family is wrong, please show mercy.”

Feng Wanshan is angry and angry, and the imposing manner is also weak, Yang Xuan is too strong It’s unexpectedly powerful, and the cultivation base is as high as him. At this moment, I can only lower my head and ask Yang Xuan to be magnanimous.

“Some hatreds, once they are formed, they are irreconcilable. This is also my Yang Xuan’s consistent code of conduct. It is useless to kowtow to beg for mercy.”

tone barely fell, Yang Xuan had already rushed straight towards Feng Wanshan, and struck out with a ruthless punch.

“Feng Elder, be careful!”

Feng Tianyu was shocked. The audience was still alive, he and Feng Wanshan. If even Feng Wanshan was killed by Yang Xuan, he would then It’s really impossible to survive Yang Xuan’s hands.

Chapter 1612 Yu Xuzi

“bully intolerably!”

Feng Wanshan was so angry that he had no more than kowtow to beg for mercy. Whoever wants Yang Xuan will not stop. , A posture that made it clear to kill to the last one.

“hmph, if you offend me, then you have to be aware of death. We don’t need to talk nonsense. If your skills stop here, then you can save your life next.”


Yang Xuan is coldly snorted, he does not provoke people, but someone wants to provoke him. Facing such a person, he will naturally not be merciless.

“Arrogant child, this is what you forced me to, let you try the old man, the Behead Immortal sword is powerful, die!”

Feng Wanshan’s pupil light is fierce, Murderous intention was exposed on his face, and he quickly took out a Flying Sword, which seemed to be a small flying sword, but shot out cold light like a divine glow or shock void, and immediately came to Yang Xuan. , Peerless and sharp.

“Well, well, as soon as the Behead Immortal sword is out, this child is dead!”

Not far away, Feng Tianyu clenched his fists and looked excited.

Feng Wanshan’s most powerful trump card is this Behead Immortal flying sword. With this sword, unexpectedly, it is the powerhouse of Immortal King Peak. Anyone who is not careful can die tragically.

“The sword is a good sword, but unfortunately it can’t threaten me.”

Yang Xuan is disdainful and remains unmoved.

He cast a punch, unabated, as powerful as a mountain, I Am Invincible, and only heard a crisp sound of ka-cha, the entire Behead Immortal sword was shattered on the spot, and was violently crushed. All split up and in pieces with one punch.


Feng Wanshan vomited blood with a big mouth, languished, and his Life-Source Flying Sword of Dual Cultivation was destroyed. He suffered a very heavy backlash and was seriously injured. .

“This is not true, it’s just an Immortal Monarch. Even if it is a descendant of the Flame Emperor, it should not be terrifying!”

Feng Tianyu’s lips trembled, looking pale. , Was obviously frightened.

Yang Xuan can destroy the Life-Source Magical Treasure of the Immortal King Realm powerhouse with just one blow. This is such a terrifying and powerful physique, just like a monster.

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