“Shut up, you really have to be a little bit more capable, and now you will put away a divine talisman for your teacher. If you didn’t have this divine talisman, you would have been a roasted human flesh. Can you stand in front of the teacher and speak?”

The old man in Tsing Yi was scolded and did not forget to introduce himself to Yang Xuan. “The old man is named Yu Xuzi, from the ancestral land of the Daomen, Heavenly Void. Where?”

Chapter 1613 Fire Dragon Tripod

“Heavenly Void View Yu Xuzi?”

Yang Xuan’s heart moved secretly, but his face was calm , Calmly, clung to his hands: “Junior is home from all over the world, but that’s all.”

“Loose Cultivator, don’t believe it.”

Only by Yang Xuan Being able to come to this 6th floor fire area alone is absolutely impossible to be a loose Cultivator without background.

What shocked Yu Xuzi the most was that he couldn’t see Yang Xuan at all. This young man was standing in front of him, but he gave him an illusory feeling, which was abnormally mysterious.

“Hehe, Junior’s Master has a strange temperament, and I don’t like being known. Please don’t blame Senior.”

Yang Xuan chuckled.

“It’s okay.”

Yu Xuzi waved his hand, and understood that the Master of Yang Xuan must be an extraordinary expert, and his cultivation base was at least ranked emperor. Circumstances, otherwise, how can you teach Yang Xuan such a wicked discipline?

“Thanks Senior for understanding!”

Yang Xuan laughed, and suddenly said: “Junior has been out for a long time. Although I have not been lucky enough to go to the ancestral land of Daomen, I also heard of Daomen. There is a Jade Xujiao in the ancestral land, and the Senior Taoist name Yu Xuzi, is it related to this Yu Xuzi?”

“The teacher is the ancestor of Yu Xuzi.”

The young Taoist raised his eyebrows and said first, his face was obviously proud of his face. After all, he was Yu Xuzi’s final disciple, and there were only a few disciples under Yu Xuzi.

“It turns out that Senior is the ancestor of the First Sect, and I am lucky enough to meet.”

Yang Xuan is in awe. The Taoist ancestor is said to have eight hundred gates, and this jade sect is in it. Want to come to the top.

“Pipe down, there is no place for you to speak here. Let the teacher control the fire. If you accidentally break the Fire Dragon cauldron, you can only ask for the teacher.”

Yu Xuzi glared at the young Taoist boy with an angry look, and then looked at Yang Xuan, saying with a smile: “The old Tao is the ancestor of Yuxu, and my Yuxu, is Heavenly Void. Look at the unremarkable below. Taoist temple.”

In their Taoist ancestors, teaching is in front and viewing is behind. Almost every sect has a real grand view, such as Heavenly Void View, which is one of the five Taoist views. One.

In addition to this, Taoism also has Tianfeng Temple, Tianquan Temple, Tianyun Temple, and the last Wangyou Temple. In addition to Wangyou Temple, since ancient times, these five religions have one The Great Saint is the main gate.

“Senior is too modest. With your cultivation base, Yuxu Temple is definitely not a little Taoist temple.”

Yang Xuan laughed dumbly, thinking of the place in the misty immortal city. The Liu Qing that I have seen, this guy is not the Yuxu from Taoist ancestors.

“haha, people in my Taoist school are pure-hearted and low-hearted. They are simple and simple. They only ask for longevity. I am not afraid of children’s jokes. My ancestor of Yuxu Education is an arm-flinging shopkeeper. I am used to the days of idle cloud wild crane, I rarely take care of the affairs of the teaching, and even the number of Taoists in the teaching is not clear.”

Yu Xuzi laughed.

“Isn’t this the life that the monks are pursuing?”

Yang Xuan also laughed, and there were two more pots of wine in his hand, one for himself, one for himself The pot was handed to Yu Xuzi, saying: “This is the wine brewed in Junior’s hometown. Although it is not a fairy wine, it is also the top grade among all wines. Senior may wish to taste it. By the way, Senior should not give up alcohol and meat?”

“Of course, my Taoist door is different from Buddhism, and there is no that many clear rules and precepts.”

Yu Xuzi white eyebrow picked up, reached out and took the flask, unplugged it directly, He took a sip in his mouth, and suddenly praised: “It’s really good wine.”

The wine is Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven. In the huge fairyland, you can’t find it simply. Yang Xuan took it out. A pot to give to Yu Xuzi is nothing more than a place of happiness, wanting to make a good relationship with this person.

Yu Xuzi is casual and has no expert posture. Although Yang Xuan first met the other party, he has a faint feeling in his heart.

He said: “Junior has a lot of this kind of wine. Senior can drink it straight away. If it is not enough, Junior will give you a few pots.”

If you do not commit rape, you will steal.”

The young Taoist turned his lips, as if he was born with Yang Xuan.

“How do you call this Fellow Daoist?”

Yang Xuan has a smile on his face, and doesn’t mean to be angry at all. This young Daoist looks like a 16-17 years old. But at least it has been cultivated for hundreds of years, not as young as the appearance.

“This is Luo Hai, an old-fashioned final disciple. Until now, I will follow the old-fashioned way to ask for advice. It is barely talented. However, the temperament is far from calm enough for the little friend to laugh.”

Yu Xuzi said.


Luo Hai wants to say something but can’t figure out why his Master should look at Yang Xuan in a different light. Anyway, Yang Xuan’s cultivation base is Far inferior to him.

“there is always someone who is better than us, how can you just look at the surface if a person is good? Remember, the cultivation base does not determine the strength.”

Yu Xuzi He cursed, as if he had guessed what Luo Hai was thinking. His discipline is good at everything, but he is too pretentious to be out of the ordinary and doesn’t know what modesty is.

“Senior said, my generation cultivator, temperament is particularly important, if the temperament cultivation base is not enough, this life is destined to have limited achievements.”

Yang Xuan agrees with authenticity.

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