“Don’t be afraid, I won’t eat you, um, it’s not now.”

Yang Xuan couldn’t help but teased, Wu Lingyan was still the same one. Ling Yan hasn’t changed much because of the improvement of the cultivation base, she is still as shy and lovely as before.

“The dog can’t spit out ivory, but you are telling me, why are you here?”

Wu Lingyan gave Yang Xuan an angry look, and at the same time Yang Xuan is also very curious to be here.

“Supreme Yang Divine Fire is of great benefit to my cultivation. Of course I want to come to the closed-door cultivation in Endless Fire. Of course, in addition to the cultivation, I am here to look for legendary practice. Shending.”

Hearing Yang Xuan’s words, Wu Lingyan eyes shined and said: “I heard Fire Spirit Senior mention it once. Fire Spirit Senior once said that there is a hidden one in the 9th floor fire field. A great Taoist artifact can only be obtained by those who are predestined. Now that you want to come to the Taoist artifact is the god-finishing cauldron you are looking for.”

Yang Xuan was not surprised after hearing this. , Supreme Treasure such as Lian Shen Cao, then there must be a Ding Ling, if he can’t get the approval of the other party, then he can only return empty-handed.

While thinking, he asked again: “Your Fire Spirit Senior, but you want to refining this chaotic fire?”

“Yes, Fire Spirit Senior So I came here to refining this chaotic fire.”

Wu Lingyan nodded and said: “Let’s speak quietly, Fire Spirit Senior is communicating with this chaotic fire. If there are no accidents, you should soon be able to take it as your own.”


Yang Xuan was taken aback, surprised: “This Chaos Fire, it seems that spirituality has not been born, how does Fire Spirit Senior communicate?”

“Although this chaotic fire has no spirituality, it is full of an instinct of destruction. A slight difference will lead to the whole The endless fire riot, when the time comes, the Supreme Yang Divine Fire leaks out, and it will surely cause a catastrophe.”

Wu Lingyan explained.

“so that’s how it is.”

Yang Xuan Suddenly, if there is any divine fire in this world that can surpass Supreme Yang Divine Fire, it must be the fire of chaos Undoubtedly, even Supreme Yang Divine Fire was born out of chaos after all.

Chapter 1618 is transformed into a god

“Good boy, you are really alive!”

At this moment, Wu Lingyan’s eyebrows, A group of white flames flashed away, and from it came the old and powerful voice of Primal Chaos Fire.

Yang Xuan expression is calm, but his heart is extremely shocked.

The spiritual sense revealed by the Primal Chaos Fire in the instant gives him a feeling of being seen through.

Obviously, the power of the Primal Chaos Fire spirit is much stronger than before, even if it is not much better than the Pangu Axe spirit, or even worse.

If this time can successfully swallow this chaotic fire in the depths of the 9th floor fire domain, the strength of the body will surely increase significantly, reaching a higher realm.

“You brat was watched by others. It was a premature death and was destined not to live long. You didn’t expect to be changed in the end. I have to say that you are really lucky. “

The spirit of Primal Chaos Fire quickly said again. The first time he saw Yang Xuan, he knew that Yang Xuan had a bad life. If one is not good, he has to make a wedding dress for someone. Who wants Yang Xuan in the end? Still survived.

Not only that, the cultivation base has also reached Immortal Monarch Realm, and the Life Source Avenue has been built, which is deep and unmeasurable.

“Listening to Senior’s tone, it seems that I wish I die an untimely death?”

Yang Xuan laughed dumb, not forgetting to bow and give a salute, “Junior Yang Xuan, I have seen Fire Spirit Senior.”

In the past, he was able to comprehend the Profound Truth of Fire in one fell swoop, thanks to the guidance of Primal Chaos Fire. This love he will not forget anyway, deep in one’s heart I am also very grateful to each other, so I am very humble.

“You don’t need to be polite, since you brat is not dead, you can bring Yanya with you from now on.”

Primal Chaos Fire Spirit lightly snorted, said: “This girl is right You can’t forget, and you’re so passionate. You’ve been clamoring to ask the old man to take her to find you. Now that you dare to be in love with you, you ran by yourself, but it saves you a lot of effort from the old man.”

“Senior , You…”

Wu Lingyan’s pretty face blushed, her small mouth squeezed lightly, she couldn’t raise her head in shame.

“Men’s love for women, such is human nature, don’t feel sorry, let alone this child must look good, be talented and gifted, and have a special emphasis on feelings, so it’s completely worthy of you.”


Primal Chaos Fire Ling drowsily said, Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan can meet again here, it is enough to show that the fate of the two is not exhausted, and it doesn’t mind contributing to this good thing.

“Thanks Senior for success, Junior vowed to be kind to Yan’er and will never make her suffer.”

Yang Xuan laughed and looked narrowly at the Wu Ling beside him Yan gave Wu Lingyan a face is red.

“It’s enough to have you.”

Speaking, the Primal Chaos Fire spirit seems to have noticed something, and astonished said: “Sun God body, there is still a little bit left on the body. The breath of chaotic ancestors, have you ever swallowed chaotic divine liquid?”

“Senior has good eyesight, yes, Junior was fortunate to take a drop of chaotic divine liquid before.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile.

That drop of chaotic divine liquid was bestowed by the Pangu Axe spirit, allowing him to wash the marrow and cut the hair, and cultivate the body of chaos. Without this special physique, it would be difficult for him to refining that drop. Sun God Bird’s Life Source Blood Essence, let alone absorb Supreme Yang Divine Fire.

“You brat is good luck, even the chaotic divine liquid was found by you.”

Primal Chaos Fire Spirit Road.

“Junior would have died in the Eternal Life Palace if he was unlucky.”

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