“What’s the matter, someone has entered the endless fire field before us!”

“No, these two people obviously came up from the endless fire field, I am afraid they are already there. After staying for a long time, maybe I got some Immortal Treasure from it.”

As Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan were talking in secret, a group of foreign cultivators looked at them. Qi focused on them.

A young man from Immortal Monarch Realm Peak, dressed in white clothed, looks handsome, out of the ordinary, a woman who is new to Immortal Monarch Realm, is wrapped in a long skirt, has a peerless appearance and is extraordinary. No matter how they look like a pair of Divine Immortal couples, it is impossible to be unobtrusive.

“Let’s go.”

Yang Xuan expression calmly, took Wu Lingyan in his hand, and was about to leave, and he ignored the group of cultivators facing him.

“You two, please hold your steps!”

At this moment, seeing Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan leaving, the old man of Immortal King Realm 8 Heavenly Layer finally Can’t bear to stand up.

This person is dressed in a robe, is tall, and has a red light face. He has only a pair of long and narrow eyes, which are a little bit shady, and he knows that he is not a good person.

“I don’t know what Senior can advise?”

Yang Xuan step one stopped, squinted and asked, how many of the older strong men who can cultivation to Immortal King Realm are not bloody ?

Some people are normally sagelike, divine poise and sagelike features, but if they really conflict with others, or encounter some good things, they will immediately show up and become by fair means. or foul.

“I don’t dare to teach, the old man is the ancestor of Blue Cloud Sect, Kuumakong, I don’t know how the little friend is called, where is the teacher?”

old man cupped the hands, still talking To be polite, Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan both have a good cultivation base, especially Yang Xuan, the cultivation base has even reached the half-step fairyland.

For such a young half-step sage, the entire fairyland will never be too many, no matter where he goes, he dare not underestimate it.

“It turned out to be the ancestor of Blue Cloud Sect. I am lucky enough to meet, Junior Yang Xuan, but a loose Cultivator from trifling.”

Heard Yang Xuan’s words, many people Can’t help but stay in a daze, whispering immediately.

“Is this person really a Lose Cultivator?!”

“Impossible, this child has a lot of history, we can not sin, or try not to offend.”

“hmph, he has been spotted by the ancestor of Blue Cloud Sect. It’s hard to say whether he can leave or not. Let’s take a look tentatively before talking.”

A Loose Cultivator can cultivation to Immortal Monarch Realm Peak can even bring a woman who has just entered the Immortal Monarch Realm out of the depths of the endless flames alive. No one believes this.

Kumakong browses slightly wrinkle, only when Yang Xuan is deliberately prevarication, but haha ​​smiles on his lips, and said: “The little friend laughed, and based on your cultivation base, you can never be a loose cultivator. “

hearing this, Yang Xuan just smiled and didn’t say much. Keeping mysterious like this is also an invisible deterrent. If this Kumakong is really smart, he should understand what can be done. Nothing can be done.

Kumakong’s expression flickered, and he wanted to ask something, but found that he had nowhere to start.

“Dare to ask Senior, can Junior go now?”

Yang Xuan was silent for a moment and suddenly asked.

“Of course there is no problem, but before leaving, the old man still has a problem.”

Kumakong gritted his teeth, resisted his anger, and was able to cultivation to him. The person of realm, that is not the deepest generation in the city, at least before he has found out the origin of Yang Xuan, he is absolutely unable to act blindly without thinking.

“What’s the problem?”

“This problem is not difficult. Since the little friend came up from the depths of the endless fire field, what happened under the fire field?”


“Frankly, Junior also came a few days ago and did not reach the depths of the fire, so I don’t know what happened in the depths of the fire.”

“Little friends Is this true?”

“Junior is telling the truth. Believing or not is Senior’s business. Sorry, Junior has something to do, so I won’t be with you.”

In the end, Yang Xuan’s face was already a bit intolerant.

Transcending Tribulation is imminent, he does not want to delay too much, he just wants to find a secluded place as soon as possible, the strength of the lost bridge, and take the opportunity to break through to the fairyland.

Xianyu’s current peace, I don’t know how long it will last. What he can do next is to keep getting stronger, so that he can hope to survive the coming troubled times.

However, before he and Wu Lingyan could go far, they were blocked again.

That is a tall and arrogant man in brocade clothes, with the cultivation base of Immortal Monarch Realm Peak.

This person strode out from behind Kumokong, staring at Yang Xuan with cold eyes, and said in a bad tone: “An Immortal Monarch that’s all, I will speak disrespectfully to my Master a few times. I want to leave here, do you think it is possible?”

Chapter 1626 Tianlong Dynasty

“Does this also mean Senior?”

Yang Xuan’s eyes are one Squinting, looking at Ku Makong, a pair of dark eyes, as deep as the ocean, asked faint smile.

Since this man in brocade clothes calls Kumakong the Master, he is obviously the discipline of Kumakong.

At a young age, this person can cultivation to Immortal Monarch Realm Peak, which can be regarded as an immortal dao genius, but his brain is not very good. As long as he has a little brain, he should be able to see his Master Dove. Mo Kong had no intention of staying.

“The kid is not sensible, don’t mind, little friend, you can go anytime.”

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