“Husband, you…”

Aside, Wu Lingyan stopped talking .

“It’s okay, just a dynasty prince, kill and kill, there is nothing to worry about.”

Yang Xuan not at all deliberately lowered his voice, and his words were also thorough Enraged Long Xuan.

“A madman, I will kill you!”

Long Xuan’s face is so gloomy, his lungs are about to explode, and the fight hasn’t started yet, the other party seems to recognize him There is no doubt that he must die, how can this make him bear?

“To kill you, just two moves, take it!”

Yang Xuan speaks, then rises up, and puts out a big hand, moved towards Long Xuan condescendingly Down.

Chapter 1627 True Fire

“Two ways to kill me, you are too arrogant, really this Imperial Prince is muddled?”

Long Xuan’s eyes breathed fire, his expression was terrifying, and his strong mana was released, turning into countless dragon-shaped air pillars, flying around his body.

one after another dragon-shaped air column, mighty and domineering, divine might is mighty, brilliant and flaming, which makes people feel shocked and shocked. At this moment, Long Xuan is like a Dragon Divine Emperor son, invincible.

“This is the unspread secret of the Long Family of the Dragon Dynasty…True Dragon Divine Astral?!”

Someone seems to have thought of something, and can’t help exclaiming, in the book collection hall of the Dragon Dynasty, Until now, they retain many immortal dao stunts, among which True Dragon Divine Astral is the most tyrannical.

The general Tianlong Dynasty cultivator can’t even watch it, let alone cultivated.

According to legend, once every Long Family prince cultivated this supernatural power, he had to hunt and hunt Dragon Beast everywhere, and refine the essence of various powerful Dragon Beast into his own mana.

Only in this way can you become a True Dragon Divine Astral.

“My Long Family’s True Dragon Divine Astral is both offensive and defensive, and is known for its strong defenses. What’s wrong with taking your blow?”

Long Xuan roared, he The True Dragon Divine Astral has already practiced to the Great Accomplishment, with 81 body-protecting dragon astral qi entwined and sheltered, giving him innate invincibility.

“In my eyes, you are really muddled. What kind of shit dynasty prince, any of your many Dragon Qi body guards, will all become nothing in the face of absolute power.”

Yang Xuan spoke faintly, white clothed dust, long hair flying, a big hand smashed down, no mana fluctuations were seen, but the speed was speed to the pinnacle.

“overestimate one’s capabilities!”

Seeing Yang Xuan repeatedly humiliating himself, and in the end he didn’t even use mana, Long Xuan suddenly became very angry, and said angrily: “Give me to die !”

The voice was still there, and both feet slammed on the ground, and one after another dragon-shaped air pillars rushed up, like a large dragon, pierced above heaven under earth, soon There was no fancy collision with Yang Xuan’s palm that fell quickly.

“Bang peng~ peng~!!”

There is no heaven-shaking, earth-shattering sound, only a series of muffled sounds, all the dragon-shaped air pillars are just like The paper is so normal, it shatters and disappears.

“This impossible!”

Long Xuan yelled, can’t believe it is true, his this style Dragon Qi broke out, even if it is an ordinary fairy, he dare not It was said that it could be broken with a single blow, but now it was smashed to pieces by Yang Xuan.

“I forgot to tell you, I am a Body-Refining Cultivator, and I have all the strength on the palms of both hands.”

Yang Xuan sneered, after the figure stopped, immediately dived again Next, he slapped Long Xuan Tianling with a palm.

“Master, save me!”

Long Xuan shouted loudly. He used True Dragon Divine Astral with huge mana consumption and was unable to resist, so he could only turn to Ku Makong. Only Kumakong was present, who could save his life in time.

“Stop, this duel, my discipline admits defeat.”

Kumakong shouted, Long Xuan was not only his final disciple, but also the ninth son of Emperor Wudi. The status is respected, have boundless prospects, and must not die here.

“A life and death battle, irreconcilable, how can I admit defeat?”

Yang Xuan coldly said.

“Zhuzi courting death!”

Kumakong was furious, a terrifying coercion, like a river tide, a wave of brain suppression directed towards Yang Xuan.

In the eyes of Ku Makong, Yang Xuan is just an Immortal Monarch that’s all. He doesn’t even have a cultivation base for the fairyland. Once his coercion comes out, he can be imprisoned in one fell swoop, Yang Xuan It is also impossible to hurt Long Xuan any more.

“hmph, what about the high-ranking Immortal King, can’t stop my Yang Xuan from killing people.”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted, one palm cast unabated, as if not affected at all, Trifling a little Immortal King’s coercion that’s all, falling on him is like nothing, no different from fishing itching.

“No, you can’t kill me!”

Long Xuan’s scalp is numb, and he feels death is approaching, and he wants to dodge, but he is fixed by a mysterious power. After losing his figure, he could only watch Yang Xuan’s palm press down.


Yang Xuan has no intention of giving up with killing his heart. A palm hits the air directly, and Long Xuan fails to make a scream. Even the Primordial Spirit was picked up by Yang Xuan with his bare hands after the ground all the minced meat, and he used the Soul Destruction memory technique, and then fiercely crushed it.

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