Not long after, a group of hundreds of murderous-looking people rushed out of the passage and came to the hall.

Looking around, with the exception of a few Vientiane Realm experts such as white haired old man, most of them are very embarrassed, some dishevelled hair, some gasping for breath, and some even shed blood, all with bruises.

This is also normal. The bronze beasts are not easy to deal with. Each has the strength comparable to the martial artist of the Seven 8 Heavenly Layer of the True Gang Realm. Waiting to kill all the bronze beasts, the original Hundreds of people also died more than half, which can be described as heavy casualties.

“Awesome, have you killed all those bronze monsters so quickly?” Yang Xuan smiled strangely.

hearing this, many people breathe fire and stare at Yang Xuan, as if they have absolutely irreconcilable enemies with him.

Yang Xuan ignored the anger of the crowd, and the smile on his face was as bright as it was. He pointed his finger at the stone platform in the center of the hall and said, “Everyone, don’t stare at me. Did you see that? There are a lot of babes on the stone platform. I won’t participate this time and let them all to you.”

“Let us all. It’s such a big tone. You damned kid are not afraid of the wind. His tongue flashed a lot.”

Someone gnashing teeth authentically. This is a handsome young man wearing a white robe, red lips, and white teeth. However, because he is too angry at this moment, his face has become Extremely hideous.

“Tsk tsk, so angry, it seems that you pretty boy suffered a big loss in the passage!” Yang Xuan teased.

“Little devil, you are dead, above heaven under earth no one can save you.” The white robed youth’s eyes were cracking, and his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. He was almost killed by a few before. The bronze beast was killed, and he hated Yang Xuan.

“you think you can kill me, okay, come and fight me.” Yang Xuan coldly snorted, also became stronger.

“Don’t you treat me as I dare?” white robed youth flustered and exasperated, but he is injured, and Yang Xuan’s strength cannot be judged by the cultivation base, so he dare not act rashly for a while.


“What did you say?”

“Master said you are a trash, and you will just bark over there like a dog. When it comes to real thing, it becomes a soft-footed shrimp.”

hearing this, the white robed youth vomits blood in anger. At any rate, he also has the cultivation base of the 4 Heavenly Layer of True Gang Realm, on Stars Island. Shang is also a famous genius, who knows that Yang Xuan not only scolded him for trash, but also humiliated him in full view.

“Why, you are still not convinced, just like your daring trash, you are too dirty to kill you.” Yang Xuan said with disdain.

took a deep breath, white robed youth forcibly suppressed the anger and killing intent in his heart. He had a faint feeling that if he had a battle with Yang Xuan, he would definitely die in the end.

“Hehe, boy, you run away, why don’t you run away now?” The white haired old man also hated Yang Xuan, and laughed gloomily.

“I want to escape, but unfortunately there is no way.” Yang Xuan spread his hands.

“hmph, the old man will clean up you later.” The white haired old man coldly said, and immediately ignored Yang Xuan, turned his head and looked towards the weapons on the central stone platform of the main hall.

The same is true for other people, their eyes fixed on the weapons on the stone platform. Although they are far away, they can still feel the sharp aura from those weapons.

“Treasure Items, all Treasure Items, some of them are top grade Treasure Items, we are developed, haha.” Someone could not help saying with a big smile, others did not speak, but their hearts were hot .

“Everyone, don’t hesitate. If you don’t take action, these babies will be caught by the early bird the worm.”

Yang Xuan loudly said, with a strong temptation Sex, he was going to let people go to explore the low to see if there was any danger, and as his voice fell, someone really couldn’t help but move.

This is a big man with a big stature, full face and a cultivation base reaching 6 Heavenly Layer. He obviously understands that the weapons on the stone platform are not easy to handle, so he walks very slowly. , Every time I take a few steps, I will stop and take a rest. Be careful not to be careful.

The crowd did not to act blindly without thinking. They all looked at the scarred man with wide eyes. If the person is not in danger, they will act.

For a long time, the scarred man walked out more than a dozen meter away, and did not touch any traps on the road. This suddenly made a few people’s eyes light up.

shua~ shua~ shua~ a few times, seven or eight people rushed along the place where the scar-faced man walked without saying a word, wondering how to grab and seize in the next battle Those top grade Treasure Item.

top grade Treasure Item is rare in Stars Island, even if you don’t have to take it out, you can sell high grade.

“Senior Brother, you see that they have all gone so far and haven’t encountered any danger yet, is there no danger?” At this time, Wang Chuan, Xie Fei, and Xu Jing also came to the hall. .

“I don’t know, but this ancient tomb Yin Qi is sensible. Impossible is not at all dangerous.” Wang Chuan shook his head, and at the same time pointed towards Yang Xuan nodded here, while Xu Jing and Xie Fei saw it. Yang Xuan is also slightly nodded.

“Uh, Wang Chuan, do you know that kid?” There are several Flowing Cloud Sect Inner Disciples beside Wang Chuan, who are the Xu Tian entire group that Yang Xuan had seen in the cave.

“Yes, he is very strong. If there is a fight later, you’d better not provoke him, otherwise I didn’t remind you if he killed him?” Wang Chuan whispered.

“This, Wang Chuan, are you sure you are not kidding!?” Some people don’t believe in evil.

“He can one hit instant kill the expert of the 8 Heavenly Layer in the realm of truth. How do you think your cultivation base of the realm 4 Heavenly Layer can block him?”

“What are you talking about, that kid can one hit instant kill Expert of the 8 Heavenly Layer of Real Gang Realm!?” Wang Chuan didn’t say it loudly, but many people nearby heard it. A young man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks screamed.

However, thinking of Yang Xuan’s previous ghostly body skills and his ability to smoothly pass through the passages full of bronze beasts, he also knows that Yang Xuan’s strength far exceeds the cultivation base and is difficult to deal with.

“Look, what is that?” Suddenly, someone shouted.

Everyone looked intently, and saw the scarfaced man trying to get close to the stone platform and the others all stopped, and around them, there were flowers of green floating. flame.

There are nine flames in total, each with palm-size.

However, the strange thing is that the crowd can’t feel the temperature of the flame, nor can they feel any danger, let alone any shocking fluctuations of breath emanating from the flame.

“Is this Ghost Fire?”

“Ghost Fire is a cold fire, the temperature is extremely low, but this kind of flame does not have any temperature.”

“Then Senior, what kind of flame do you think this is?”

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