His family was destroyed, and even the most beloved woman resolutely left him and married someone else as his wife.

From that day on, he vowed to become stronger and take revenge. For this reason, he even worshipped Heavenly Sound Sect and became a ghost cultivator with no humans and ghosts, and a twisted temperament.

But all of this is worth it. He has already succeeded in revenge, and destroyed the whole family of that bitch girl’s husband, and captured that bitch woman, making it a lifeless emotion The corpse puppet vented the animal desires day and night until it was destroyed.

“Too hateful, Husband, don’t stop me, I’m going to kill him!”

Wu Lingyan can’t bear it, she must act.

“Okay, there is a worthy husband, where is it for you to take action? You just stay here quietly and watch Husband how can I avenge you.”

Yang Xuan He stretched his hand to patted Wu Lingyan’s fragrant shoulder, and then stepped out, and the person instantly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Zhao Tianming.

“So fast!”

Zhao Tianming eyes shrank, this speed is too scary, it makes him a little completely unprepared, just instinctively spit out a black mist, turned into a terrifying matchless Guitou, biting from Yang Xuan.

At the same time, Zhao Tianming retreated quickly, and countless life and death battles made him subconsciously want to distance himself from Yang Xuan.

“You are very smart, and you know you can’t let me get close, but it’s still too slow.”

While Yang Xuan spoke, he grabbed the ghost head with his bare hands and Fiercely crushed, and a series of screams came from it.

“This impossible!”

Zhao Tianming exclaimed, this ghost head is made up of more than ten thousand ghosts of him. When an ordinary fairy is approached by him, he will die in an instant, who wants Yang Xuan squeezed it into pieces at random.

“It’s time for me, you also receive my move.”

Yang Xuan is castrated, and his big hand takes advantage of the trend. Zhao Tianming has not come back to his senses from the surprise, He slapped him hard on the face, slapped him dazed, half of his face was swollen, flying upside down like kite with its string cut.

“hmph, this slap, was slapped for my woman. If you want to blame, your mouth is too cheap. You have spoken badly to my woman a little bit.”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted , Not at all, immediately take Zhao Tianming’s life, otherwise this one is enough to make his head bloom, violent death.

“really strong!”

At this moment, many Azure Yang Sect disciples are all in a daze.

Even Wang Feng’s chest is fluctuating, which is unbelievable.

That’s Heavenly Sound Sect True Disciple Zhao Tianming. The cultivation base is slightly better than Yang Xuan, but Yang Xuan fiercely draws a big mouth, and there is hardly any resistance.

“Senior Brother Zhao!”

A group of Heavenly Sound Sect cultivators were shocked, and many people immediately came to help.

“All back, I’m going to kill this child myself!”

Zhao Tianming roared, he was slapped in the face like this in full view, he only felt that he was faceless Light, and angry, his eyes seemed to be cannibalistic.

“Kill me? Just rely on you?”

Yang Xuan disdain, body moved, big Void Technique unfolded, like ghost-like swept out, in only one moment, he was close again Zhao Tianming, speed to the pinnacle.

“Who are you?!”

Zhao Tianming was awe-inspiring, and wanted to dodge out. He never thought that Yang Xuan would follow him like a shadow, and he couldn’t get rid of it. In a flash, he was strong and solid. After Yang Xuan slapped Yang Xuan, the other half of his face also became swollen and black.

“It’s not bad, it’s symmetrical now.”

Yang Xuan stood still and commented.

“Hehe, Husband is a bit too heavy to start, he beats everyone into a pig’s head.”

Wu Lingyan smiled again and again.

“My husband has already shown mercy, and I really want to be cruel, this damn pervert, why have life?”

Yang Xuan drowsily said.


Zhao Tianming finally stabilized his body, and then roared like a wild beast, he was full of ghost qi surging, and summon a huge corpse puppet, which is A centipede that is more than ten feet long, exudes terrifying corpse air and poison mist.

“Be careful, this is the Primordial Poison Centipede. It has a deep cultivation during his lifetime. The combination of corpse energy and highly poisonous, I am afraid that even the ordinary Immortal King can corrode.”

Wang Feng Discoloration, could not help but remind.

“Swire Poison Centipede, this seems to be your most powerful ghost servant.”

Yang Xuan looked at the huge centipede and then at Zhao Tianming. Squinted.

“Go, eat him for me.”

Zhao Tianming didn’t answer, he just wanted to destroy the humiliated kid on the other side, and immediately controlled Taikoo with divine sense. The poisonous centipede quickly rushed towards Yang Xuan.


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