Yang Xuan squinted and said, relying on the power of devouring Heavenly Dao to engrave his name. He had to plunder the scriptures in the stele very smoothly, but he wanted to understand and understand. I am afraid it will take a long time.

“The ancient scripture of the Great Dao left by Yuanshi Shengzun is naturally extraordinary. Brother Yang doesn’t need to care about this. With your ability, you can understand it sooner or later.”

Xia Yufeng sighed. My heart finally calmed down a little, Yang Xuan really had to be able to comprehend the scriptures in an instant, that was really incredible.

“Let’s go, the avenue is just ahead, let’s continue going up.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand, and the group of three did not say much, and took another step. Go up step by step.

Along the way, Yang Xuan was relaxed and cozy, walking in a leisurely courtyard, but Wu Lingyan and Xia Yufeng felt tremendous pressure as they walked.

Anyway, this is the Sixth Layer domain. Every time you climb a layer of jade, the pressure will increase a bit.

In the beginning, the increase in pressure was not particularly significant, but after hundreds of jade steps upward, both Wu Lingyan and Xia Yufeng felt a little overwhelmed.

“You have to do everything within your power, Yan’er, you and Xia brother, it’s better to stop here.”

Hearing Yang Xuan’s words, Wu Ling Yan’e frowned , Stubbornly said: “It’s okay, I can accompany Husband to walk up again.”

“Ms Yan’er and Brother Yang go ahead, ignore me, I really can’t do it.”

Xia Yufeng gave a wry smile, and then sat down on the ground with no image, waving his hands again and again.

Although he has a strong Taoist heart, he is not a Siamese, and his body is far inferior to Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan. The terrifying will of the Great Dao between Heaven and Earth is already overwhelming him. coming.

“How come you are not as good as a woman like me.”

Wu Lingyan rolled the eyes.


Xia Yufeng was speechless to refute, facts speak louder than words, he is indeed inferior to Wu Lingyan, at least Wu Lingyan still has the strength to speak, but he is tired Collapsed on the ground.

“Okay, Yan’er, this is the limit of Brother Xia, let him stay here to rest.”

Yang Xuan said.

Wu Lingyan bears Golden Crow Bloodline. Although not at all deliberately to cultivation fleshy body, her physical fitness is much stronger than Xia Yufeng.

“many thanks Brother Yang understands.”

Xia Yufeng cup one fist in the other hand said.

“You have a good rest. When you go down Daoshan, you and I will find a place to have a few drinks.”

Farewell to Xia Yufeng, Yang Xuan did not delay, and Wu Lingyan walked up together hand in hand. After the time it takes half an incense stick to burn, Wu Lingyan also reached the limit that his body can bear and had to stay temporarily.

On this mountain, the will of the Dao does not disperse all year round. Although it is very uncomfortable under the pressure of the will of the Dao, it can also give the cultivator’s Dao heart a great tempering. It can be said that the longer you persist, the The more you can improve Dao Xin.

Therefore, whether Wu Lingyan and Xia Yufeng, or the many cultivators further down, even if they can no longer face up, they did not rush down the mountain.

Chapter 1651 Ninth Layer Dao Domain

Taiqing Bao Yuanjing, according to legend, was created by Yuanshi Shengzun in his later years, so it is also called Yuanshijing.

In the past years, before Yuanshi’s transformation, he often preached the teachings on Daoshan, and occasionally mentioned this sutra. However, no one can understand it. Even if he remembers forcibly, after a long time, Forget completely, do not raise anything.

This is the Yuanshijing, the whole scripture refers directly to the Grand Dao Source. Only when you have a great enlightenment, you can get the truth and observe Yuanshi.

The Yuanshi here is not only the name of Yuanshi holy deity, but also primordial, which contains the mysterious and changes of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.


Along the way, Yang Xuan walked steadily, with a calm complexion, as if he could not feel the oppression of the will of the Dao. It is not that the will of the Dao was not Qiang, but his mind, has long been immersed in the two scriptures in the two generic tablets.

“Everything in the world is based on existence; the beginning of existence, the basis of nothing, the desire for all existence, and the opposite of nothing.”

” Open, 20% yin and yang linger each other, Three Births Myriad Things stand together, and the four elephants return to primordial.”

He walked and meditated, his expression gradually tranced, and faintly touched an unclear artistic conception.

Unconsciously, the layers of jade steps in front disappeared, and the whole world became hazy. Suddenly withered and shattered, and suddenly prosperous, it was evolving, birthing and dying, going round and round, endlessly rotating.

“Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, it’s so amazing, it’s no wonder that so many people are addicted to it, it’s hard to extricate themselves.”

After a long time, Yang Xuan woke up. He just Trying to comprehend the texts of Yuanshi Sutra, didn’t expect to enter the state of enlightenment, allowing him to go further on the path of verification.

“It is worthy of the Taoist Bible. Even if it is just two small passages, it has benefited me a lot. However, this scripture seems to have some similarities with the Taoism.”

Yang Xuan feels authentic, always feel that this Yuan Shi Sutra is related to the Tao Sutra he has mastered.

The Dao Scripture is known as the First Channel of the ancient times. Since ancient times, countless people cannot find it, but since this scripture exists, it may not have been seen by the predecessors.

Perhaps the Lord of Yuanshi had the privilege of listening to the Taoist scriptures from a certain place. Of course, this is only Yang Xuan’s guess, and it is still uncertain. Everything will not be known until he gets the complete Yuanshi scripture.

“I have seen two of the three generic monuments, and I have obtained two passages from them. I must get the scriptures in the third generic monument.”

While thinking, he speeded up subconsciously and kept going up. As he passed, on the jade steps, clouds and mist were lingering and steaming, and he couldn’t see anyone.

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