“Of course.”

Hua Yuntian glanced at Yang Xuan, humming in his nose, not even think authentic.

This generic stele is different from the two below. Although there are only a few names on it, all of them are shaking the old illuminating the new, a great character that stands out from the crowd.

Among them, there are the Primordial Flame Emperor Xuanyuan Wushang, the Primordial Desolate Celestial Emperor, the wild and endless, the ancestors of a certain big clan, and the elders of Dao Sect. They are arrogant like Hua Yuntian, and dare not have The slightest contempt.

At the same time, as a devil in this world, the true Child of Destiny of this generation, Hua Yuntian is extremely arrogant and has great ambitions and will not bow to anyone.

In his opinion, today’s self, whether it is innate talent or cultivation base, is enough to compare with the Primordial Flame Emperor, Huang Celestial Emperor and the others when they were young, even before.

“In that case, Brother Hua, please first.”

Yang Xuan slightly smiled, withdrawing a little from his feet, making a gesture of please, and he always pays attention to a first come, first come. Unwilling to show the limelight.

Hua Yuntian dashing eyebrows raised without saying much, he stepped forward, calmly, using a reference pen, and swiped his name on the tablet in front of him. .


With a slight tremor, three vigorous and powerful characters lit up one by one on the common name monument, accompanied by lightning and thunder, and the weather, exuding a strong Dao Rhyme , Yang Xuan couldn’t help narrowing his eyes.

Obviously, Hua Yuntian has extraordinary achievements in personal enlightenment.

At this moment, he no longer deliberately concealed his imposing manner. The whole person is just like the son of Thor who has mastered the heavenly punishment Divine Thunder. He looks all around, domineering and powerful.

“The law of thunder of the Great Success Realm…”

Yang Xuan whispered, somewhat surprised in his heart, but nothing more, aside from his devouring Heavenly Dao. He himself comprehended Great Success Realm’s law of fire, no less than Hua Yuntian.

“It’s your turn.”

Hua Yuntian stood up, but moved slightly to the side to make room for Yang Xuan.

“many thanks.”

Yang Xuan bowed his hands, and thanked him in an unsatisfactory way, then strode up and stood in front of the famous monument.

Seeing this scene, Long Fei’s face was full of disdain, coldly snorted and said: “No need to try, with you, even if you barely leave a name on the monument, it is destined to be difficult to maintain. For too long, I will make a joke that’s all.”

“I’m not you, don’t confuse me with you.”

Yang Xuan spoke lightly, regardless of what Longfei thought. , Waving his hand, he engraved his name stroke by stroke on the generic tablet.


Long Fei was furious. Just when he was about to say something, he heard a loud bang, and his eyes showed an incredible color.

“How is this possible!”

At the same time, You Yunjing, Liu Xuan, Li Yaoyang, all stared wide-eyed together, just under their shocking gaze, that The huge generic monuments are shaking violently.

next moment, all the names on the monument, including the three characters Hua Yuntian, faded quickly. Although they did not disappear completely, they became fuzzy. Only Yang Xuan The large characters are exceptionally clear, and the whole body is shining with wonderful brilliance.

“Fake, I must have had an illusion, this is definitely not true!”

Long Fei cried out, this is really amazing, Yang Xuan is a little young Immortal Saint, the cultivation base is far inferior to him. He was able to shake this generic monument, and even the names of Flame Emperor and the others and Hua Yuntian were almost wiped out. Doesn’t it mean that Yang Xuan is better than the monument These people are much more outstanding when they are young.

“Who are you…?!”

At this moment, even Hua Yuntian could no longer maintain his composure. His face was full of shock and he couldn’t believe it. One day he will be completely compared.

“Who am I, isn’t it clear on the stele?”

Yang Xuan shook the head, this common name stele is left by the Yuanshi Sage, and it is blessed by the will , Simply no one can engrave the pseudonym.

“Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan, you are very difficult to deal with, Hua Mou ashamed of being inferior.”

Hua Yuntian gritted his teeth.

Yang Xuan expression as usual, said: “I have never thought about comparing with Brother Hua, and please don’t regard me as an enemy. Yang Xuan is not annoying but does not represent me. Just bully.”

Leaving a word, he sat cross-legged, his whole mind immersed in this famous monument in front of him.

Soon, a wave of grand dao’s aura escaped from the stele of the common name, revealing one by one mysterious and unfathomable dao scriptures, first rotating quickly around Yang Xuan’s body, Then one after another branded on his forehead, the scene was very shocking.

“This is… Yuanshijing!”

Hua Yuntian glanced at it, faintly guessed something, and couldn’t help trembling all over, ridiculously bearing Divine Eyes, and again I came to this Ninth Layer domain early, but I could not detect the ancient scripture of the avenue hidden in the common name monument in advance. Instead, Yang Xuan was followed by the early bird catches the worm.

“What, this scripture is Yuan Shijing!”

Long Fei, You Yunjing, Liu Xuan, and Li Yaoyang all exclaimed.

“Yes, this is the Yuanshijing. To be precise, it should be a small section of the Yuanshijing. On this mountain, there are a total of three common name monuments, and each of the common name monuments contains a paragraph. The scriptures, only when the three sutras are merged into one, can it be recognized by the Lord of Yuanshi, and then climb the top of the Taoist mountain to understand the complete Yuanshi sutra.”

Yang Xuan Tao, people also stand on the ground Get up, step by step moved towards the avenue ladder not far away.


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