hearing this, the white haired old man has smoked from his seven orifices, and he is angry in his heart, but when the anger returns to anger, he dare not do anything.

The reason is simple. He is afraid that Yang Xuan has the hidden weapon that can kill Vientiane Realm powerhouse in seconds.

“haha, the longer you live, the more timid you are. You dare to come to the ancient tomb to hunt for treasure. If I were you, I was ashamed to find a gap on the ground and went into hiding. “Yang Xuan laughed heartily, and no longer paid attention to white haired old man, strode closer to the stone platform.


Suddenly, Yang Xuan stopped, looked down, and saw green light flashed under his feet, and nine poisonous fires like skulls appeared silently. , Floating in his body all around.

Seeing this scene, many people broke out in cold sweats, the white robed youth was stunned, then slapped the thighs and laughed wildly: “haha, Yang Xuan, you are dead, these poisonous fires will kill you poison to death, there is no bones left.”

“It’s dead, it may not be broken for Lao Tzu!”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted, right hand fist, punched He hit a poisonous fire in front of him, which immediately caused a big explosion, and Yang Xuan’s whole body was instantly submerged by a raging poisonous fire.

“haha, it’s so stupid, this arrogant kid is so stupid, does he really think he is invincible?”

white robed youth expression crazy said With a smile, Yang Xuan humiliated him in full view. He hated Yang Xuan so much that he wished Yang Xuan would be poisoned to death.

However, his laughter stopped abruptly soon, and he screamed in surprise and disbelief: “Impossible, absolutely impossible, you are not dead!”

“Really not dead!” The crowd was also startled. After the poisonous fire disappeared, Yang Xuan had no wounds or signs of poisoning except for dishevelled hair and torn clothes.

“I’m not dead, you have to die.” Yang Xuan didn’t turn around, and with a backhand wave, a half-inch scarlet gold sword energy penetrated the void and shot at the throat of the white robed youth.

white robed youth came back to his senses, and saw that sword energy was approaching the front door, and suddenly the soul flew away and scattered, he flew away and retreated, but there was no time yet, the fierce sword energy passed through his throat in an instant, bringing out a bloody flower.

“Ah, you, you dare to kill me, and I won’t let you go as a ghost!” A scream came out, and the body of the white robed youth fell straight down, the eyes widened. In the middle, full of resentment and unwillingness.

“What a horrible sword energy!”

Many people stare at Yang Xuan. The strength of Yang Xuan makes their heart palpitations as powerful as the Eight Nine Layers Heaven , And even the expert of True Gang Realm Peak’s scalp numb for a while.

Regardless of what others think of him, Yang Xuan secretly thought: “This poisonous fire is really terrifying. Fortunately, I am refining a drop of supreme blood!”

Poison, he realized that he had underestimated the poison fire earlier, this poison fire was enough to poison the martial artist below Celestial Realm.

The thought flickered, Yang Xuan stepped forward, and soon the poisonous fire reappeared, and he exploded all with brute force. When he climbed onto the stone platform, his clothes became rags Fortunately, he is facing the crowd with his back, otherwise the things thrown around under his hips will definitely be exposed to the crowd’s eyes.

At this moment, he was not in a hurry to collect the weapons on the stone platform. Under the staring gaze of the crowd, he took out a suit of clothing from the storage ring at a moderate pace and put it on his body to cover the spring.

“You deserve to be a young murderer, he really is a monster!”

“Yes, even poisonous fire can’t poison him!”

Many people steal Whispering, each of them couldn’t hide their terrified look, Wang Chuan, Xu Jing, Xie Fei and the others were also surprised, all looking at Yang Xuan with incredible eyes.

Yang Xuan was no one next to him. He waved several sword energy and attacked various places on the stone platform, and found that there was nothing abnormal in the stone platform. Only then did he relax, and walked over to the two on the ground. More than a dozen weapons are all in the bag.

“Damn it, it was robbed by him again!” Blood dripped from the hearts of the crowd, and their faces were extremely ugly. Isn’t it ugly? They risked a mortal danger to enter the ancient tomb, but now they have not found any treasures. All the treasures have been looted by Yang Xuan.

hong long long!

Just when the crowd was secretly angry, the hall vibrated violently. After a few seconds, when everything calmed down, the copper wall at the deepest part of the hall separated to both sides, and there was a passage that could accommodate several people side by side.

“Go, there must be a treasure in it, this time I can’t be snatched by him.” I don’t know who called, and someone rushed into the passage along the copper wall of the main hall.

“Let’s go, too.” The others rushed to catch up, including the white haired old man, who also left. They did not dare to trouble Yang Xuan. One was afraid of Yang Xuan. There is a hidden weapon, and the other is fear of Yan Changkong.

The news of Yan Changkong breakthrough Tianren stepping into the unity has long been spread. Except for those taught by Nether, few people on Stars Island dared to kill Seven Mysteries Sect disciple.

Not long after, the hall was empty, and only Wang Chuan, Xie Fei, Xu Jing, and several other Flowing Cloud Sect Inner Disciple headed by Xu Tian were left.

“Uh, don’t you go hunting for treasure?” At this time, Yang Xuan jumped off the stone platform and came to Wang Chuan and the others.

“Don’t go, there is definitely a big danger inside.” Wang Chuan shook his head, then pointed to the side Xu Tian and the others introduced: “Brother Yang, this is Xu Tian, ​​this is… “

After Wang Chuan finished the introduction, Yang Xuan didn’t say much. He hugged the cup one fist in the other hand to Xu Tian, ​​and then said to Wang Chuan: “I am going to find some baby , I will leave first.”

After finishing speaking, the body flashed and passed away, and got into the channel.

“Ai, this kid is not only bold, but also terrifying.” Xu Tian sighed, he is definitely a genius with his age and cultivation base, but after seeing Yang Xuan, he found out what he was. neither.

“His strength is indeed very strong, but what makes me wonder is why those poisonous fires did not hurt him?”

“Did he eat some kind of Detoxifying Pill ?”

“It is possible.”

While speaking, Xu Tian complexion greatly changed, urged: “Go, hurry up, it is not suitable to stay here.”

“But what did you find?” Wang Chuan asked with a frown. In addition to the high cultivation base, Xu Tian also awakened a strange Martial Spirit, which is a perceptual Martial Spirit, which can be sensed by common martial artists but not. s things.

“There is a big horror in the depths of this ancient tomb. Don’t ask too much. Let’s leave quickly. If we don’t leave, we will all die.”

Leave a message, Xu Tianman His face hurriedly left in horror, it felt like he had discovered something incredible.

Wang Chuan and the others were stunned, and hurriedly chased after them. They didn’t doubt Xu Tian’s words, they knew that there was something terrifying in the depths of the ancient tomb, and Yang Xuan might be at risk of life if he went there. .

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