“So, is the young saint willing to enter my door?”

“The grace of dripping water must be reciprocated by the spring, let alone the ancestors who treated me badly , In the face of his Senior, I have no reason to refuse, am I?”

Chapter 1663 Taixu Sage

“Old Tao Fuyunzi, Master Qing Yun, I have seen less Holy!”

“I will wait to welcome the young saint!”

In the depths of Return to Origin immortal island, outside the Taoist Ancestral Temple, when Yang Xuan brought Wu Lingyan, and Dakongzi When they came here, Fu Yunzi and Master Qing Yun waited for the Immortal Emperor, all approaching to pay homage, each of them deliberately lowered their bodies.

Young saints are young saints, regardless of whether they are willing to be in the Taoist sect, they are the only Legacy heirs of the Yuanshi Sage. Although the cultivation base is not high now, their status is respected, even if they are the Taoist sect. Immortal Emperor, in front of Yang Xuan, he could not lose his courtesy.

“You don’t have to be polite, Junior is so young that he can’t stand everyone’s worship.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand, appearing very humble.

“The young saint’s words are wrong, you are the heir of my lord, if they do not worship you, they will be disrespectful to my lord.” Dao Kongzi said indifferently.

“Hehe, Kong Lao is right.”

Fuyunzi smiled and nodded, and immediately pointed to a few people around him, and introduced to Yang Xuan: “Hehe, Heavenly Void, As for those who have met with Shaosheng, they are Li Qingyun, Elder Li, Chen Xuanzong Elder Chen of Tianyun Guan, Tianquan Guan, Tianfeng Guan, and Elder Qi together.”

Fu Yunzi’s voice fell, and everyone else reported their own numbers. Among them, Li Clear Sky Dao, Master Qing Yun, Chen Xuanzong, Profound Sect, and Qi Dao Lin Dao, Dao Lin Zi.

“Fortunately to meet you Elder, the kid is really flattered. The kid is young and full of spirit. If there is anything wrong in the future, please forgive me.”

Yang Xuan laughed With Taoism and Fuyunzi, the Taomen is now the four Immortal Emperors of the Four Great Holy Lands. Of course, the entire Taomen, the Immortal Emperor Elder can have more than a dozen at most, because the rest of the people follow the Taomen. Great Saint went to Guixu and couldn’t see all of them today.

“Young Saint is willing to enter my door?”

Master Qing Yun was surprised and delighted, and heard Yang Xuan’s unspoken implication.

“As long as the Dao Sect is still a kid and the Young Sage, then that kid is the Dao Sect, and he should share misfortune and good fortune with the entire Tao Sect.”

Yang Xuan said.

“Many thanks Young Saint, I will help Young Saint with all my heart from now on, and only the head of Young Saint is looking forward.”

Fuyunzi and the others said in unison.

“Husband, do you really want to join the Dao Sect?”

Aside, Wu Lingyan’s eyes rolled and she couldn’t help but ask in a low voice.

“Rest assured, Taoism is not like Buddhism. There is no that many clear rules and precepts. Husband. Even if I enter the Taoism, I still can marry a wife and have children, drink and eat meat, kill and set fire.”

Yang Xuan laughed, looked towards Fuyunzi and the others, “I wonder if the kid is right?”

“cough cough, what Shaosheng said is not all right, my Daomen since ancient times, Except for some sects, most of them don’t quit fishy, ​​and they didn’t ask the doorman to cut off the love of the world. However, this murder and arson, it is better to do less.”

Fuyunzi gave a dry cough.

“haha, the kid just said casually, he won’t really kill and set fires. Elder Yun and you guys must not take it seriously.”

Yang Xuan hit haha, Looking at the Taomen Ancestral Temple in front, he suddenly asked: “Before entering the Ancestral Temple, does the kid need to bathe and change clothes, fast and burn incense?”

“Well, there is no need to fast and incense. , The young saint only needs to find a place in the vicinity to wash in Xianquan and change into clean clothes.”

While Fu Yunzi spoke, he took out a white clothed daoist robe from the storage ring, respectfully Handed it to Yang Xuan.

“Understood, Yan’er, you are here to wait for me, and come here for your husband.”

Leave a message, Yang Xuan found a fairy spring nearby, Meimei After taking a bath, I changed into this brand-new daoist robe, strode back, accompanied Fuyunzi and the others, entered the Taoist ancestral shrine all the way, and paid homage to the ancestors of Taoist ancestors one after another.

All of this, under the control of Fuyunzi, is not complicated. Yang Xuan soon came to the innermost part of the ancestral temple, the spirit of the two Taoist ancestors, Yuanshi Shengzun and Taixu Shengzun Before the tablet.

At this moment, the spirit tablet of the Supreme Venerable Supreme suddenly lit up, and a voice came from it, “Junior, you are finally here, the old way has been waiting for you for a long time.”

The voice is still there. On the spirit tablet of the Supreme Venerable Taixu, a silhouette appeared out of thin air. It was an old man standing with a daoist robe. The old man’s eyes were like swords, but he was not sharp. On the contrary, it made Yang Xuan feel quite close. He couldn’t help but bowed and asked: “Boy Yang Xuan, I have met Taixu ancestor.” Almost at the same time, Fu Yunzi and the others also kneeled. Falling to the ground, he saluted: “I’ve seen Taixu Ancestor.”

“Retreat, this Old Ancestor and this child have something to talk about separately.”

Tai Xu Shengzun waved his hand, Fuyunzi and the others, and they were all sent out of the Taoist Ancestral Temple. Only Yang Xuan was left here alone.

“I don’t know what the ancestor Taixu has to leave the kid behind?” Yang Xuan asked, his face always calm.

“I can’t talk about ordering, I just want you to do something. Only you can do it. After all, you are within the body, but there is a hidden power that is unique to the Hades.”

The Venerable Taixu laughed, and then he gets back to the subject, “The old way will not exist for a long time before it will be annihilated. I will make a long story short. I want you to find a chance to take a trip to the dark place and wait for the opportunity. Recover the Hongmeng Sword.”

“The Hongmeng Sword is in the dark place?!”

Yang Xuan was surprised.

“Hey, in this world, many people, including those in Daomen, have rumored that the Hongmeng Sword was left in the Taixu Tomb by the old Dao, and the unique Taixu Tomb simply does not exist.”

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